
Zhao Lusi's new play, the heroine who "everyone shouted and beaten" when she first went online, why is it more and more pleasant?

Zhao Lusi's new play, the heroine who "everyone shouted and beaten" when she first went online, why is it more and more pleasant?

The heroine Sun Tou played by Zhao Lusi in "Back Waves" is really "with a problem" online.

He has a kind heart and a cute personality, but he never stops breaking into trouble every minute.

Rounding up, the best match for her launch was probably "everyone shouting."

Of course, her problems are not incurable natural problems.

As the story develops, Sun Toutou gradually returns to the right track.

Come, let's say it from the beginning.

Zhao Lusi's new play, the heroine who "everyone shouted and beaten" when she first went online, why is it more and more pleasant?

First, the "problem-type" heroine's "gold does not change" way back

What makes Sun Toutou unique is that she has a path of transformation from wild to civilized.

From unruly and stubborn to truly understanding the inheritance of Chinese medicine.

The process is complicated.

Zhao Lusi's new play, the heroine who "everyone shouted and beaten" when she first went online, why is it more and more pleasant?

If the role is too unbearable and hopeless in the early stage, it will make people lose interest in her follow-up "turning back to the shore and not changing gold" early;

If the early problems are too trivial and not worth mentioning, they will lose the dramatic tension from "wild" to "true inheritance".

Therefore, there should be many problems, and the heart should be correct.

The opportunity and the way of change must be the right way.

Zhao Lusi's new play, the heroine who "everyone shouted and beaten" when she first went online, why is it more and more pleasant?

Although it is said that "wanting to promote first suppress" is a common technique;

Although it is said that "wild children who have fallen into the streets to change evil and turn to right" is a common pattern of conventional motifs;

However, how to balance the shortcomings and advantages of the character;

How to make the "turning back" process both dramatic and conflictual and fully reasonable;

It's actually quite difficult.

Zhao Lusi's new play, the heroine who "everyone shouted and beaten" when she first went online, why is it more and more pleasant?

The approach of "Back Wave" is quite open.

At the same time, there are many delicate details.

When Sun Toutou was just online, it was a real problem girl.

People are not bad, good hearts, but there are really many shortcomings.

Zhao Lusi's new play, the heroine who "everyone shouted and beaten" when she first went online, why is it more and more pleasant?

In a hurry to deliver takeaway, one bite after another "will be there soon", "to the flower bed" and "five minutes" to fool each other.

After the lying technique was caught by the other party, she had a violent temper and threw the soup water directly into the house.

The popularity index is level 10.

In the follow-up delivery process, Sun Toutou found that a new customer had domestic violence by a man.

She was filled with righteous indignation and went on the stage to beat up and punish the bad guys.

The result?

The woman who was helped by Sun Tousou did not dare to tell the police the truth about Sun Toutou's righteous and courageous actions because she was afraid of the men in her family.

As a result, Sun Toutou was arrested with the stigma of "beating people because he didn't give good reviews" in a confused manner.

Zhao Lusi's new play, the heroine who "everyone shouted and beaten" when she first went online, why is it more and more pleasant?

You see, in just a few scenes, Sun Toutou's strengths and weaknesses, nature and faults are clear.

There is no spectrum in the mouth, but there is light in the heart.

On the one hand, it is the justice and bravery of "strike when the road is uneven";

On the other hand, it is the immaturity and problems of picking a pick without saying a word.

Zhao Lusi's new play, the heroine who "everyone shouted and beaten" when she first went online, why is it more and more pleasant?

At first, Sun Tooutou was willing to come to learn Chinese medicine, not because of any inheritance.

It is not even about saving people.

Just because the other party gives money, it gives quite a lot.

Sun Tou Tou when he first started class is either a prickly head and asks strange questions; When everyone worshiped on Qingming Day, they were ashamed to stir up and accuse everyone of hypocrisy;

Or a drag-on, huffing and sleeping during class.

Zhao Lusi's new play, the heroine who "everyone shouted and beaten" when she first went online, why is it more and more pleasant?

He wanted to run away without authorization, and was stung by bees in the middle of the night with a "conspicuous bag".

He even stole the villagers' chickens because of hunger.

Gobbling up the frightened and did not taste good.

Such a "thing is fine" is not completely uneditable.

Zhao Lusi's new play, the heroine who "everyone shouted and beaten" when she first went online, why is it more and more pleasant?

The play presents the advantages of Sun Toutou, and there are ups and downs, laughter, and cuteness.

Large frame contours and small details are all available.

For example, after Sun Toutou just entered the teacher's class, he took turns to evaluate the takeaway ordered by everyone.

What dishes are homemade, how does it taste, and whether the latest chef has changed.

She smelled it, looked it, tasted it, and knew it all.

Zhao Lusi's new play, the heroine who "everyone shouted and beaten" when she first went online, why is it more and more pleasant?

In this respect, it is related to her professional experience as a chef delivering food;

On the other hand, it also shows that her sense of smell and taste is extremely sensitive.

(It is better to use training to identify medicinal herbs).

First of all, it is a group portrait of a group of people eating takeaway;

Secondly, this is also an "extracurricular small class" that the husband and wife secretly observe with the relationship between teachers and teachers;

Thirdly, this section of the play also shows the different personalities, different life concepts, eating habits, and health care styles of various people and horses through different chopsticks;

Zhao Lusi's new play, the heroine who "everyone shouted and beaten" when she first went online, why is it more and more pleasant?

It will not be suspended in the air and over-touted "she has a unique skill";

It will not lose its drama, too bland "nothing to see";

The progress bar is quite informative.

If we say that the sense of smell and taste, strong observation, etc., it is excellent at the level of hard condition factors;

Then, the characteristics of being able to carry things, being kind and responsible, etc., are suitable for the humanistic care dimension of "the heart of the healer's benevolence".

Zhao Lusi's new play, the heroine who "everyone shouted and beaten" when she first went online, why is it more and more pleasant?

When the supermarket encountered an accident with a little girl, Sun Toutou and his friends were very concerned.

was assigned a cold-faced and smelly roommate, and Sun Toutou released his care in a "helpless way" of "stalking"; Although the means are difficult to say, the starting point is good after all.

Seeing that Zhao Li persuaded him in a difficult situation, he arranged for his best friend Tian Xingxing to help take him in.

A stinky body, a good character, a naked heart.

Zhao Lusi's new play, the heroine who "everyone shouted and beaten" when she first went online, why is it more and more pleasant?

In the final analysis, the reason why Sun Toutou has so many problems is because of his desolate life.

She came out of "mixed society" at an early age, and after leaving the orphanage, she was in a state of unsupported and uncultured.

She didn't understand whether the proportions were appropriate and whether the methods were appropriate.

After being brought back to the teacher's class, Sun Toutou's "reform of evil and return to the right" (in fact, it is not so evil) is really a bit of "gold does not change" meaning.

Sun Tou Tou, who was abandoned as a child, met the Chinese medicine doctor who saved her.

Then use Chinese medicine to save more patients.

That's interesting.

Zhao Lusi's new play, the heroine who "everyone shouted and beaten" when she first went online, why is it more and more pleasant?

Second, different levels of richness of details

Let's talk about the details of the pulse in the play.

For a play about Chinese medicine, it is naturally very important to take the pulse.

What is interesting is the presentation method in the play.

Ren Xinzheng's family eats and takes each other's pulses.

This strange sense of déjà vu like the "Dharma Array" is actually a health test for each other?

Blame the fresh.

Zhao Lusi's new play, the heroine who "everyone shouted and beaten" when she first went online, why is it more and more pleasant?

After that, Ren Xinzheng fooled his father-in-law, and seriously debunked the other party's "little trick" of stealing durian ice cream.

Can you actually put out durian-flavored ice cream?

The truth is that he saw the spoon in the kitchen after eating ice cream, the old man never did housework, and the spoon was known as soon as he smelled it.

The cute and vivid relationship between this family, the ability and inheritance of the Chinese medicine family, are all in it.

Zhao Lusi's new play, the heroine who "everyone shouted and beaten" when she first went online, why is it more and more pleasant?

After Sun Toutou moved in, the details about the pulse were also hilarious.

The night before, Sun Tou and Ren Tianzhen, drunk and too happy, accidentally fell into the lake.

After a night of tossing, he was guided in the morning to "learn to take his pulse."

The result of her taking her pulse was earth-shattering, "Why didn't I jump"!

Sun Toutou's primary stage of not being perfect, the character characteristics of the personality frizzy, the special state of hangover and falling into the water, and the laughter of light comedy, presented rich and three-dimensional.

Zhao Lusi's new play, the heroine who "everyone shouted and beaten" when she first went online, why is it more and more pleasant?

For example, the same responsibility, Sun Toutou's various commitments, the performance is also very different.

Ren Tianzhen lives in a big family, and is stared at by many pairs of eyes from his grandparents, parents, and every move must be organized and disciplined.

Happiness is real.

It's also true that you can't let it go.

So he privately goes to various exciting activities such as racing and skydiving.

He even took the expensive amulets given by his grandmother to the pawnshop and sold them.

Zhao Lusi's new play, the heroine who "everyone shouted and beaten" when she first went online, why is it more and more pleasant?

Go home and lie about "not losing it" in order to obtain funding for the event.

After the incident, Sun Tou helped Ren Tianzhen to confess.

Ren Tianzhen's mother has always been tacit, "My son will sell me to redeem it";

Ren Tianzhen's father later learned that Sun Toutou said that "I took it and sold it" was a sin.

The parents know it, but they do not debunk the children's words to blame, while showing the contradictions between father and son and the problem of education, it also seems to have a warm family atmosphere.

Zhao Lusi's new play, the heroine who "everyone shouted and beaten" when she first went online, why is it more and more pleasant?

It is also a sin, and Sun Tou's head leaves the teacher's class, which is another style of painting.

The teacher class encountered obstacles in the middle of the course, the venue problem was difficult to solve, and he was temporarily given a short vacation.

Everyone is happy shopping, Hanfu photos, and happily eating seafood barbecue.

It turned out to be a coincidence, ate badly, and had collective diarrhea.

The wails came and went, and it was a bustle.

Zhao Lusi's new play, the heroine who "everyone shouted and beaten" when she first went online, why is it more and more pleasant?

At this time of crisis, before the beginning of the business, the classroom was raided first, and it was really infuriating to watch a group of "bear children" who did not think about worrying but excessively let themselves go.

Ren Xinzheng had the intention to punish, and Sun Toutou stood up to take responsibility for everyone.

Going out to play and eat barbecue is everyone's spontaneous behavior, but Sun Toutou calls all the problems to his name.

The same is a sin, and the style of painting here is the contradiction between "strict requirements" and "loose and greedy", which is a collision of mature and immature;

After apologizing the crime, Sun Tou Tou helped the big brother who delivered the express to seek medical treatment, and after leaving, he knew how to cherish it more and the emotions were stronger.

Zhao Lusi's new play, the heroine who "everyone shouted and beaten" when she first went online, why is it more and more pleasant?

If Sun Tooutou sells pendants for Ren Innocence, it presents the stumbling cracks and warm background in the family;

Then, Sun Toutou took the initiative to help everyone back the pot and once left the teacher's class, but because of the muddy little trouble and naughtiness, he finally broke into trouble, and only after breaking into the disaster did he really understand what he lost in suffering and longing.

After several troubles, Sun Toutou's innocence, righteousness, and shouting, his performance was hearty and three-dimensional.

The characters are also becoming more and more likable, and the road is getting more and more right.

Zhao Lusi's new play, the heroine who "everyone shouted and beaten" when she first went online, why is it more and more pleasant?

Third, group portraits

Of course, Sun Toutou is pleasing and inseparable from group portrait shaping.

No character can be isolated from a vacuum "only ta" character line, which is constructed and presented in the interrelationship with other characters, generating people's attention.

The students of Sun Toutou in the class of "Houlang" are all "problematic" (praise).

Zhao Lusi's new play, the heroine who "everyone shouted and beaten" when she first went online, why is it more and more pleasant?

Yang Xiaohong, the ability is very online, the thinking is very clear, and the work is very reliable.

Her problem is that she is too alone.

Do not mix with everyone's affairs, do not integrate, do not appreciate.

The deeper knot is that she does not dare to "truly enjoy life".

Her heart knot was finally resolved by helping her deceased wife deliver a baby in the heavy rain.

That delivery, for Yang Xiaohong, is also a new life.

Zhao Lusi's new play, the heroine who "everyone shouted and beaten" when she first went online, why is it more and more pleasant?

Peng Shiyan has a cute personality, and as a pediatrician, everything in his field of work is very reliable.

His problem is prejudice.

He came with the prejudice that "Western medicine is science, and Chinese medicine has many superstitions".

(There is no endorsement of his erroneous view)

His invisible growth line in the play is to break this prejudice and truly embrace the excellent tradition of Chinese medicine.

Zhao Lusi's new play, the heroine who "everyone shouted and beaten" when she first went online, why is it more and more pleasant?

Ren naïve Xiao Jiujiu is proud and lives under excessive attention.

His solution, rounding up is to break through with Sun Tou Tou?

It's fun to go from looking at each other to treating each other with each other.

Zhao Lusi's new play, the heroine who "everyone shouted and beaten" when she first went online, why is it more and more pleasant?

Zhao Liquan's dilemma is the mismatch between his family's overly earnest "you are the hope of our entire village" and his current state of ability.

On the one hand, it is the family that expects him to "immediately monetize" because of the difficult environment, although there are reasons for the incident, but in essence there is some short-term success;

On the other hand, it is the slow kung fu, fine kung fu, solid heat, and time point that the inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine pays attention to.

This is not so much the "problem" that Zhao advised, but rather the common dilemma of a generation of young people in their confused predicament.

If the road is right, and the heart is right, there will definitely be a bright future.

Zhao Lusi's new play, the heroine who "everyone shouted and beaten" when she first went online, why is it more and more pleasant?

This group of apprentices all have a good voice and a story, and the masters are naturally very interesting.

Master and mother, husband and wife, husband and wife are simply not too cute in their daily lives!

The same teachers and teachers who care for students, the different ways, different execution paths, and different aspects of attention of the two are very vivid in comparison.

For another example, the play presents a unique way of time flow, with frequent cue solar terms.

Zhao Lusi's new play, the heroine who "everyone shouted and beaten" when she first went online, why is it more and more pleasant?

Spring to winter, the four seasons alternate, and the natural breath, inhalation, cold and heat changes in various solar terms, which contrast with the state stage of the characters in the play.

There is ancient wisdom, there is oriental aesthetics.

There are more ups and downs of life and the gilded afterglow of the years.

Looking forward to the growth history of Sun Toutou and unlocking a brighter and cuter future.

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