
Take the baby to pick a few gardenias and a few red plums in the green belt. #Freshly picked#Do you know this wild fruit#Sweet and sour#Plum ripe#Gardenia blooms

author:Smiling slightly 0c1y

Take the baby to pick a few gardenias and a few red plums in the green belt. #新鲜采摘 #这个野果子有认识的吗 #酸甜可口 #李子熟了 #栀子花开

Take the baby to pick a few gardenias and a few red plums in the green belt. #Freshly picked#Do you know this wild fruit#Sweet and sour#Plum ripe#Gardenia blooms
Take the baby to pick a few gardenias and a few red plums in the green belt. #Freshly picked#Do you know this wild fruit#Sweet and sour#Plum ripe#Gardenia blooms
Take the baby to pick a few gardenias and a few red plums in the green belt. #Freshly picked#Do you know this wild fruit#Sweet and sour#Plum ripe#Gardenia blooms
Take the baby to pick a few gardenias and a few red plums in the green belt. #Freshly picked#Do you know this wild fruit#Sweet and sour#Plum ripe#Gardenia blooms
Take the baby to pick a few gardenias and a few red plums in the green belt. #Freshly picked#Do you know this wild fruit#Sweet and sour#Plum ripe#Gardenia blooms
Take the baby to pick a few gardenias and a few red plums in the green belt. #Freshly picked#Do you know this wild fruit#Sweet and sour#Plum ripe#Gardenia blooms

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