
The pygmy marmoset is the smallest monkey in the world, with an average height of more than 12 centimeters and a weight of more than 110 grams, equivalent to an apple. They are known for their agile, small, and sudden movements

author:The Science of Oak

The pygmy marmoset is the smallest monkey in the world, with an average height of more than 12 centimeters and a weight of more than 110 grams, equivalent to an apple. Known for their agility, small and sudden movements, they are capable of running on and under tree branches and shuttling between canopies.

Although pygmy marmosets are primates, their movement patterns are more like squirrels, and their extremely small size and special tooth adaptability make them objects of interest to many researchers, and their claw-like nails are perfect for finding food.

As omnivores, pygmy marmosets feed on sap and gums, vines, insects, arachnids, spiders, grasshoppers, nectar, and fruits. They bite holes in the bark and then return to these new and old holes at different times to eat the gum produced by the tree.

In studies of the ecology and population dynamics of pygmy marmosets, scientists found that their cubs survived about 67 percent over a period of about two years. This is due to many factors, including weather, food supply and habitat destruction.

The pygmy marmoset is mainly found in the Amazon basin and rainforests of South America, and is currently found mainly in Brazil, Colombia, Peru, northern Bolivia and Ecuador. They are also one of the most desired animals in many zoos.

Although pygmy marmosets have some strange traits and habits, they play an important role in their ecosystems. As a "cleaner" of pine trees that burrow under the bark and eat many insects and sweet juices, pygmy marmosets help maintain forest health. #Story of Forest Animals# #Revelation from the Animal World# #Fun Stories about Nature# #挑战30天在头条写日记 #

The pygmy marmoset is the smallest monkey in the world, with an average height of more than 12 centimeters and a weight of more than 110 grams, equivalent to an apple. They are known for their agile, small, and sudden movements
The pygmy marmoset is the smallest monkey in the world, with an average height of more than 12 centimeters and a weight of more than 110 grams, equivalent to an apple. They are known for their agile, small, and sudden movements
The pygmy marmoset is the smallest monkey in the world, with an average height of more than 12 centimeters and a weight of more than 110 grams, equivalent to an apple. They are known for their agile, small, and sudden movements
The pygmy marmoset is the smallest monkey in the world, with an average height of more than 12 centimeters and a weight of more than 110 grams, equivalent to an apple. They are known for their agile, small, and sudden movements
The pygmy marmoset is the smallest monkey in the world, with an average height of more than 12 centimeters and a weight of more than 110 grams, equivalent to an apple. They are known for their agile, small, and sudden movements
The pygmy marmoset is the smallest monkey in the world, with an average height of more than 12 centimeters and a weight of more than 110 grams, equivalent to an apple. They are known for their agile, small, and sudden movements
The pygmy marmoset is the smallest monkey in the world, with an average height of more than 12 centimeters and a weight of more than 110 grams, equivalent to an apple. They are known for their agile, small, and sudden movements
The pygmy marmoset is the smallest monkey in the world, with an average height of more than 12 centimeters and a weight of more than 110 grams, equivalent to an apple. They are known for their agile, small, and sudden movements
The pygmy marmoset is the smallest monkey in the world, with an average height of more than 12 centimeters and a weight of more than 110 grams, equivalent to an apple. They are known for their agile, small, and sudden movements

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