
Application of ChatGPT in multiple fields: has it become a new outlet for artificial intelligence entrepreneurship?

author:Dumb cute silly pet

In this round of artificial intelligence entrepreneurship boom, chatGPT is one of the most concerned artificial intelligence technologies.

Since the birth of chatGPT, it has become a hot topic in major media and social media, and its popularity is comparable to "WeChat" and "Weibo" in those years. On Zhihu, chatGPT is the inspiration for many high-quality Q&A. However, with the further development of artificial intelligence technology, will it become a new outlet for artificial intelligence entrepreneurship?

Recently, the "ChatGPT - New Generation Artificial Intelligence Open Innovation Platform" co-hosted by Tencent AI Lab, Tencent Artificial Intelligence Lab and Shenzhen Research Institute of the University of Hong Kong was held in Shenzhen. In this exchange event around artificial intelligence technology, many industry insiders gave their views.

Application of ChatGPT in multiple fields: has it become a new outlet for artificial intelligence entrepreneurship?
  1. Will ChatGPT become a new outlet for AI entrepreneurship?

ChatGPT is a language model launched by Tencent Artificial Intelligence Lab, which is based on deep learning technology to understand and generate human language. At present, this technology has been applied within Tencent, such as speech synthesis, intelligent customer service, machine translation, etc.

So, can ChatGPT become a new outlet for AI entrepreneurship? From the perspective of technical development, at the training data level, ChatGPT shows good learning ability and high efficiency; At the model architecture level, it can understand language through large-scale training learning; At the application scenario level, it can solve various problems we currently face through natural language understanding and dialogue generation. From this point of view, ChatGPT has great application potential and application space. However, to achieve the wide application of ChatGPT in various fields, some key issues need to be solved.

Application of ChatGPT in multiple fields: has it become a new outlet for artificial intelligence entrepreneurship?
  1. How to make artificial intelligence better serve people?

In the future, how artificial intelligence technology will be applied to daily life has become a common concern. In this regard, Tencent AI Lab also gave its own answer.

Liu Feng, deputy director of Tencent AI Lab, believes that artificial intelligence technology has begun to gradually integrate into all aspects of people's lives. In the future, artificial intelligence technology will be more closely integrated with human life.

In addition, artificial intelligence technology is constantly providing more convenience and help to people. For example, the intelligent customer service system can provide customers with 24/7 service ×; Smart home can automatically adjust indoor temperature, lighting, etc.; The intelligent security system can automatically identify dangerous behaviors and alarm in time...

Although artificial intelligence technology has made great progress in many fields, we cannot ignore the limitations of artificial intelligence technology, and there are still some problems that need to be paid attention to and solved in the application of artificial intelligence technology.

Application of ChatGPT in multiple fields: has it become a new outlet for artificial intelligence entrepreneurship?
  1. Is ChatGPT AI or Big Data?

Although chatGPT is still a "niche" product in China, it has attracted great attention internationally.

According to the latest report released by Gartner, a foreign authoritative organization, in the fourth quarter of 2020, big data became one of the hottest technologies in the field of artificial intelligence, and the market share of this field also increased from 9% in the fourth quarter of 2019 to 15% in the fourth quarter of 2020.

At present, ChatGPT is also being studied in China. Yang Qiang of Tencent AI Lab said, "ChatGPT is a natural language processing software platform developed based on large-scale pre-trained language model technology. ”

In addition, it is understood that ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence application developed by Tencent Artificial Intelligence Lab based on NLP technology research. At present, it is mainly used in the fields of chatbots, intelligent customer service, intelligent question answering and chatbots.

Application of ChatGPT in multiple fields: has it become a new outlet for artificial intelligence entrepreneurship?
  1. What are the application scenarios of ChatGPT?

The application of ChatGPT in the field of artificial intelligence is currently mainly concentrated in the field of chatbots. In the future, with the continuous advancement of ChatGPT technology, it may be applied to more scenarios. For example, ChatGPT can be used to solve the problem that customer service staff cannot respond to customer questions in a timely manner; It can also be used to complete some complex tasks, such as image recognition, automatic driving, etc.

In addition, ChatGPT can also be used to develop related small programs and applications. For example, add some mini programs and applications to the chatbot to make it easier for users to interact with ChatGPT. At present, some of Tencent's partners have launched some such mini programs and applications.

But whether it is a chatbot, a mini program, or an application, it is done through manual design. Therefore, it may be relatively unfamiliar to many people, and if you want to let more people know about it, you need more people to develop related products and services.

Application of ChatGPT in multiple fields: has it become a new outlet for artificial intelligence entrepreneurship?
  1. What are the risks of starting a business on ChatGPT?

Of course, from the current situation, ChatGPT is still in its infancy, and there are still many problems that need to be solved. Will it replace some of the current commercial applications? These are all topics that are currently more concerned in the industry.

In response to this problem, Wang Liang, chief scientist of Tencent AI Lab and general manager of Tencent Artificial Intelligence Lab, believes that there are three risks in starting a business on ChatGPT:

First, technical risks. At present, ChatGPT can complete the task well in many application scenarios, but it still has many technical problems. For example, when you train a model with chatGPT, inaccuracies or errors can occur. If it doesn't understand your question accurately, you'll think it can't answer your question.

Although ChatGPT currently only exists in a closed ecological environment, if criminals use ChatGPT for illegal activities, it may be used by criminals. In this case, ChatGPT itself is a "black box". If hackers are able to crack that "black box," there is a risk that the platform could be used for illegal purposes.

Application of ChatGPT in multiple fields: has it become a new outlet for artificial intelligence entrepreneurship?
  1. Besides AI, what other technologies can be used for robots?

At present, the application scenarios of robots mainly include industrial, medical, catering and other fields. In these fields, in addition to traditional robots, there are many emerging robotics technologies.

For example, in the industrial field, robotic arms and manipulators can complete many difficult tasks, and in the catering field, smart dining cabinets can achieve more application scenarios. In addition, intelligent interactive robots, intelligent collaborative robots, etc. are common robot types in the industrial field.

In the medical field, there are many application scenarios involving medical scenarios, such as surgery, rehabilitation treatment, etc. For example, smart rehabilitation devices based on smart medical devices and wearable technology can help patients achieve rehabilitation treatment; Intelligent assistance systems based on machine learning and deep learning technology can help doctors make more accurate and efficient diagnoses; Medical rehabilitation robots based on robotics technology can also help patients recover their physical health.

Application of ChatGPT in multiple fields: has it become a new outlet for artificial intelligence entrepreneurship?
  1. How do you see the future direction of chatGPT?

Regarding the future development direction of chatGPT, Zhang Boning believes that the future ChatGPT should be an AI that can think like a human. It can communicate with people, but the content of communication should be based on what it learns, not people's logic and language.

Zhang Boning said: "We hope that in the future, ChatGPT can think like a human, so that it can solve some problems that traditional AI cannot solve, such as problems such as programming and writing poetry." ”

Kai-Fu Lee believes that in the future, ChatGPT should not be just a chatbot, but an artificial intelligence that can learn human language and behavior.

Kai-Fu Lee believes: "In the future, ChatGPT should be an AI that can communicate with people, not just chatbots. Kai-Fu Lee believes that "ChatGPT has great potential to become the next general artificial intelligence." ”

Application of ChatGPT in multiple fields: has it become a new outlet for artificial intelligence entrepreneurship?

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