
Who is the strongest mid-range SOC in history with Snapdragon 870, Dimensity 8100, and Snapdragon 8+?

author:Xiaoyi commented on technology

Since 2021, Qualcomm has decentralized the Snapdragon 870 (that is, the previous generation flagship Snapdragon 865), the Android mobile phone market has entered a new era - that is, there will be a chip positioned in the sub-flagship market between the new 7 series mid-range chip and the contemporary 8 series chip.

Who is the strongest mid-range SOC in history with Snapdragon 870, Dimensity 8100, and Snapdragon 8+?

Snapdragon 870

Even in 2022, Qualcomm still chooses to use the "elder of the three dynasties" - Snapdragon 870 as the main SOC promoted by its own home.

But at this time, MediaTek suddenly sprang up and released the Dimensity 8000 (Dimensity 8000 and Dimensity 8100) series processors, which became the hottest and highest comprehensive performance mid-range SOC at that time.

Who is the strongest mid-range SOC in history with Snapdragon 870, Dimensity 8100, and Snapdragon 8+?

Dimensity 8100

In 2023, Qualcomm will make a comeback again, decentralizing the Snapdragon 8+ to the mid-range market of 2000-3000 yuan to suppress the development momentum of MediaTek, and the Snapdragon 8+ processor also lives up to expectations and becomes the most acclaimed mid-range sub-flagship SOC in 2023.

Who is the strongest mid-range SOC in history with Snapdragon 870, Dimensity 8100, and Snapdragon 8+?

As a result, the mid-range chip market has completed the transition from Snapdragon 870-Dimensity 8100-Snapdragon 8+.

Then the question is, who is the best sub-flagship SOC in history for the three chips of Snapdragon 870-Dimensity 8100 and Snapdragon 8+?

The easiest way to answer this question is to use the flagship chip to compare the mainstream flagship SOC at that time, look at the gap between them, the smaller the gap means its comprehensive competitiveness.

Let's make a summary list.

In 2021

Snapdragon 870 VS Snapdragon 888

87% performance level

The Snapdragon 870 was released on January 19, 2021, and the mainstream flagship SOC on the Android market at that time was a generation of dragon core-Snapdragon 888 processor.

So how big is the performance gap between the Snapdragon 870 and the Snapdragon 888, as shown in the figure below:

Who is the strongest mid-range SOC in history with Snapdragon 870, Dimensity 8100, and Snapdragon 8+?

It can be seen from the running score that the Snapdragon 870 was still very strong in that year, and the indicators were relatively close to the Snapdragon 888, and its CPU single-core and CPU multi-core performance reached about 91% of the Snapdragon 888 level, and the gap was very small.

As for the gap in GPU performance, the Snapdragon 870 only has about 79.2% of the performance of the Snapdragon 888, which is also in line with the background of prioritizing GPU performance that year.

On the whole, the Snapdragon 870 has about 87% of the performance of the Snapdragon 888, and the performance is good, combined with the power consumption problem of the Snapdragon 888 collapsed that year, in 2021, it is not surprising that the Snapdragon 870 hits the Snapdragon 888.

In 2022

Dimensity 8100 VS Snapdragon 8 Gen 1

82% performance level

Time to 2022, this year the rising MediaTek Dimensity met the "rotten" Qualcomm. Although the real flagship SOC of the Android mobile phone market this year should be Dimensity 9000, considering the number of terminal devices, market acceptance, etc., we finally set the bidding object as Snapdragon 8 Gen 1.

Their gaps are as follows:

Who is the strongest mid-range SOC in history with Snapdragon 870, Dimensity 8100, and Snapdragon 8+?

The CPU single-core performance of Dimensity 8100 is only about 76% of that of Snapdragon 8 Gen 1, and the gap is obvious, even inferior to Snapdragon 870, and single-core performance is the biggest shortcoming on Dimensity 8100.

However, in terms of CPU multi-core performance, the performance of Dimensity 8100 is very good, surpassing the Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 in one fell swoop, and the CPU multi-core performance of the Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 that year was indeed relatively collapsed.

In terms of GPU performance, the Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 benefits from the replacement of the architecture, the performance is very strong, the GPU performance of the Dimensity 8100 is only about 65% of it, the gap is relatively huge.

Overall, Dimensity 8100 has about 82% of the performance level of the contemporaneous flagship SOC Snapdragon 8 Gen 1, slightly lower than the Snapdragon 870, but the comprehensive performance is also very good, especially the energy efficiency ratio of the Dimensity 8100 SOC is very good.

In 2023

Snapdragon 8+ VS Snapdragon 8 Gen 2

85% performance level

The time has come to 2023, which is the time period that you and I are going through at this moment.

As the currently widely acclaimed mid-range sub-flagship SOC, the Snapdragon 8+ has the potential to succeed the Snapdragon 870 as a new generation of veteran SOC of the three dynasties.

At present, the flagship SOC with the best comprehensive performance of the Android camp is undoubtedly the Snapdragon 8 Gen 2, so the performance gap between the Snapdragon 8+ and Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 is as follows:

Who is the strongest mid-range SOC in history with Snapdragon 870, Dimensity 8100, and Snapdragon 8+?

Its CPU single-core performance is 90% of Snapdragon 8 Gen 2, CPU multi-core performance is about 83% of Snapdragon 8 Gen 2, and GPU performance is about 83%, of which the gap in CPU multi-core performance is the largest, because this generation of Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 has an unprecedented addition of a large core, so that the CPU multi-core performance of Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 is very obvious.

So taken together, the Snapdragon 8+ has about 85% of the performance of the Snapdragon 8 Gen 2, which is slightly higher than the Dimensity 8100, but slightly lower than the Snapdragon 870.

Summary: The Snapdragon 870 is still the strongest mid-range SOC in history.

Who is the strongest mid-range SOC in history with Snapdragon 870, Dimensity 8100, and Snapdragon 8+?

From the data listed above, you can see that from the perspective of the performance ratio of the flagship SOC of the same era, the Snapdragon 870 dominates with 87% of the monthly performance, which is the mid-range U that has appeared so far, and is closest to the mid-range U of the flagship SOC of the same era, with excellent performance, and the elders of the three dynasties really deserve the name.

The Snapdragon 8+ is in second place, of course, in comparison, the gap between the Snapdragon 8+ and the Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 is relatively average, and there is no big performance shortcoming.

Finally, the Dimensity 8100, which even surpasses the contemporaneous Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 in terms of CPU multi-core performance, but due to the huge shortcomings in CPU single-core performance and GPU performance, it ranks last.

END hopes to help you

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