
The "hematopoietic general" around turned out to be it, more nutritious than red dates, eating 2 times a week, full of energy

author:Lazy kitchen

Now the pace of life is getting faster and faster, many people face pressure in all aspects, will work overtime for a long time and stay up late, the body overdraft makes our face more and more haggard, and will look much older than the same age. It is recommended to eat more foods that replenish qi and blood at usual times to enhance autoimmunity.

When it comes to replenishing qi and blood, everyone must think of red dates for the first time, in fact, the "hematopoietic general" around is it - pork liver, sharing 4 homemade methods of pork liver, eating twice a week, ruddy complexion, full of energy.

1. Cold rattan pepper pork liver


Pork liver, rattan pepper, millet spicy, coriander, ginger, spring onions, garlic.

The "hematopoietic general" around turned out to be it, more nutritious than red dates, eating 2 times a week, full of energy


1. Peel and pat the garlic flat and chop it into finely chopped pieces, cut it into segments and cut the millet spicy into small circles.

2. Rinse the impurities on the surface of the pork liver with clean water, cut it into large slices, add a little baking soda, mix well with your hands, and rinse with water several times.

The "hematopoietic general" around turned out to be it, more nutritious than red dates, eating 2 times a week, full of energy

3. Put the cleaned pork liver into a large bowl, add salt, white pepper, green onion and ginger, chicken juice and cooking wine to taste and remove fishiness according to your liking, mix well with chopsticks, and then drizzle a little cooking oil to lock in the water and marinate.

4. Add enough water to the pot to boil, put the marinated pork liver into boiling water and blanch it, and then take it out and put it in cool water to filter, so that the taste of pork liver is better.

The "hematopoietic general" around turned out to be it, more nutritious than red dates, eating 2 times a week, full of energy

5. Start another pot, pour a little oil, first fry the rattan pepper until fragrant, pour it into the pork liver with millet spices, add a little minced garlic, lettuce, vinegar and garlic pepper, and mix well with chopsticks.

6. Finally, sprinkle a little minced coriander and mix well.

The "hematopoietic general" around turned out to be it, more nutritious than red dates, eating 2 times a week, full of energy

2. Stir-fried pork liver with leeks


Pork liver, leeks, red peppers, garlic.

The "hematopoietic general" around turned out to be it, more nutritious than red dates, eating 2 times a week, full of energy


1. After the leeks are selected, rinse them several times with clean water to wash the sediment inside, and then cut the leeks into small pieces.

2. Rinse the surface of the pork liver with clean water, cut it into thin slices, add an appropriate amount of salt, light soy sauce, cooking wine, chicken essence, old soy sauce, then add an appropriate amount of starch, mix well with chopsticks, and then drizzle a little cooking oil to lock in the moisture.

The "hematopoietic general" around turned out to be it, more nutritious than red dates, eating 2 times a week, full of energy

3. Add an appropriate amount of oil to the pot, pour the pork liver in and stir-fry quickly, add the leek segments and stir-fry together after changing color.

4. Stir-fry the leeks soft, sprinkle a little salt to taste, and then add a little garlic and red pepper to the pot to taste.

The "hematopoietic general" around turned out to be it, more nutritious than red dates, eating 2 times a week, full of energy

5. When the seasoning is completely stir-fried to taste, it can be served.

The "hematopoietic general" around turned out to be it, more nutritious than red dates, eating 2 times a week, full of energy

3. Spinach with pork liver


Pork liver, spinach, garlic.

The "hematopoietic general" around turned out to be it, more nutritious than red dates, eating 2 times a week, full of energy


1. Rinse the surface of pork liver with clean water.

2. After selecting the spinach, rinse it several times with clean water and cut it into small pieces.

The "hematopoietic general" around turned out to be it, more nutritious than red dates, eating 2 times a week, full of energy

3. Heat an empty pot, first stir-fry the cinnamon, fragrant leaves, tangerine peel and star anise to make the aroma, then add enough water to the pot, pour the pork liver in, add an appropriate amount of salt, white pepper to increase the bottom taste, cover and simmer.

4. After the pork liver can be easily penetrated with chopsticks, it can be fished out, and after cooling, it will be cut into thin slices and then cut into fine silk.

The "hematopoietic general" around turned out to be it, more nutritious than red dates, eating 2 times a week, full of energy

5. Add enough water to the pot, put the spinach in and blanch the water, the time is not too long, about 15 seconds can be fished out, drained with cold water and put into a large bowl.

6. Put shredded pork liver and spinach together, add an appropriate amount of salt, chicken juice, minced garlic to taste, then drizzle a little sesame oil to increase the flavor, and mix well with chopsticks.

The "hematopoietic general" around turned out to be it, more nutritious than red dates, eating 2 times a week, full of energy

4. Stir-fried pork liver


Pork liver, green pepper, onion, garlic.

The "hematopoietic general" around turned out to be it, more nutritious than red dates, eating 2 times a week, full of energy


1. Rinse the surface impurities with clean water, cut it into large thin slices, put it in a large bowl, add a set of three pieces to remove fishy: salt, ginger, cooking wine, mix well with chopsticks, and marinate.

The "hematopoietic general" around turned out to be it, more nutritious than red dates, eating 2 times a week, full of energy

2. Remove the stems and seeds of the green pepper and cut it into slices, and cut the onion into small pieces.

3. Pour an appropriate amount of oil into the pot, pour the pork liver into it after the oil is hot, quickly stir-fry, and add green pepper and onion slices to stir-fry together after the pork liver changes color.

The "hematopoietic general" around turned out to be it, more nutritious than red dates, eating 2 times a week, full of energy

4. Then add a little salt to the pot, light soy sauce to taste, stir-fry all the seasonings and ingredients evenly and you can get out of the pot.

The "hematopoietic general" around turned out to be it, more nutritious than red dates, eating 2 times a week, full of energy


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