
Men should also pay attention to health! Collect the fish gelatin recipes quickly!

author:Fish glue enthusiasts

Hi everyone, I'm a fish glue lover. Fish glue has always been regarded as a treasure for women, but don't think that only women are suitable for eating fish glue. The benefits of eating isinglass for men are also many. The glycine in fish gelatin plays an important role in the health of the male prostate. It is excellent for relieving work stress, mental tension and clearing the lungs.

Today, I will recommend a few recipes to meet the needs of men's health, and male compatriots should quickly collect them!

Deer antler seahorse fish gelatin soup

Men should also pay attention to health! Collect the fish gelatin recipes quickly!

Materials (1 serving)

50g soaked fish gelatin, 1 seahorse, 3 pieces of deer antler velvet, clear broth, salt


1. Wash and cut the soaked fish gelatin into strips and set aside.

2. Add hot broth to the saucepan, add the washed seahorse and deer antler velvet, and then put it in a saucepan and simmer for 30 minutes.

3. Add the fish gelatin, continue to simmer for 30 minutes, add the salt.

Seahorse ribs fish gelatin soup

Men should also pay attention to health! Collect the fish gelatin recipes quickly!

Materials (1 serving)

50g soaked fish gelatin, 70g pork ribs, 2 seahorses, 50g carrots, 3 goji berries, salt to taste


1. Wash and cut the soaked fish gelatin into chunks and set aside.

2. Wash and peel the carrots, cut into small cubes and set aside.

3. Wash the ribs, chop them into pieces, put them in warm water, blanch to remove blood water, and cook slowly over medium-low heat until the water in the pot is slightly bubbling

Can be turned off and fished out for later.

4. Put an appropriate amount of water in a casserole, add ribs, seahorse and carrots, cover, bring to a boil over high heat, turn to low heat, and simmer for 90 minutes.

5. Remove the lid, add fish gelatin and goji berries, cook for 30 minutes, add salt to taste.

Eucommia halberd pork tail fish gelatin soup

Men should also pay attention to health! Collect the fish gelatin recipes quickly!

Ingredients (3~4 servings)

160 grams of soaked fish gelatin, 200 grams of pig's tail, 5 grams each of halberd and eucommia, 3 red dates,

Salt to taste


1. Wash and cut the soaked fish gelatin into strips and set aside.

2. Wash the halberd and eucommia, soak in water for a while, and set aside with water.

3. Wash the pig's tail, chop the pieces, put it in warm water, blanch it to remove the blood water, and cook slowly over medium-low heat until the water in the pot bubbles slightly to turn off the heat and fish out for later.

4. Inject the halberd and eucommia into the casserole pot together with water, then add an appropriate amount of water, bring to a boil, put in pig's tail and red dates, cover, reduce the heat for 90 minutes.

5. Remove the lid, add fish gelatin, cook for 30 minutes, add salt to taste.

Seabed coconut shellfish, apricot crane, quail gelatin soup

Men should also pay attention to health! Collect the fish gelatin recipes quickly!

Materials (1 serving)

50 grams of soaked fish gelatin, 1 quail, 5 grams each of Chuanbei and almonds, 3 grams of seabed coconut, 1 date, 3 goji berries, salt to taste


1. Wash and cut the soaked fish gelatin into chunks and set aside.

2. Wash the scallops, almonds and goji berries separately; Wash the seabed coconut, cut thinly and set aside.

3. Wash the crane after removing the internal organs, put it in warm water, blanch it to remove the blood water, and cook slowly over medium-low heat until the water in the pot bubbles slightly

It can be turned off from the heat, fished out and washed for later use.

4. Put an appropriate amount of water in a casserole, add quail, Sichuan shells, almonds, dates, sea coconut, cover, bring to a boil over high heat and turn

Simmer over low heat for 60 minutes.

5. Remove the lid, add fish gelatin and goji berries, cook for 30 minutes, then add salt to taste.

Spring sand kernel astragalus pork belly fish gelatin soup

Men should also pay attention to health! Collect the fish gelatin recipes quickly!

Ingredients (3~4 servings)

160 grams of soaked fish gelatin, 6 grams of spring sand kernels, 10 grams of astragalus, 1 pork belly, 3 slices of ginger, corn starch and salt


1. Wash and cut the soaked fish gelatin into strips and set aside.

2. Wash the pork belly, flip it over to remove dirt, wash it with corn starch and add clean water.

3. Put the washed astragalus and spring sand kernels into the pork belly and stitch them with thread.

4. Put the pork belly and ginger slices into the stew cup, add an appropriate amount of hot water, cover the lid, and then put them in the waterproof saucepan and simmer for 120 minutes.

5. Finally, add fish gelatin and continue to simmer for 30 minutes, add salt to taste.

Fish gelatin stew with ama essence

Men should also pay attention to health! Collect the fish gelatin recipes quickly!

Materials (1 serving)

50 grams of soaked fish gelatin, 1 old pigeon, 5 grams each of Tianma and yellow essence, 3~5 goji berries, 3 pieces of ginger, salt to taste


1. Wash and cut the soaked fish gelatin into chunks and set aside.

2. Wash the gastrodia, yellow essence and goji berries separately and set aside.

3. After removing the internal organs, wash the old pigeon, put it in warm water, blanch it to remove the blood water, and cook slowly over medium-low heat until the water in the pot is slightly bubbling

You can turn off the heat and fish out for later.

4. Put the old pigeon, tianma, yellow essence and ginger slices into a stew bowl, add an appropriate amount of water, and then put it into a waterproof saucepan and simmer for 90 minutes.

5. Add fish gelatin and goji berries, simmer for 30 minutes, add salt to taste.


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