
Drinking more water ruins the kidneys, and coarse tea and light rice hurt the liver! 6 health secrets of pit people, the more you recuperate, the more you get sicker

author:Pattern people

Mr. Deng, a farmer living in a small village, is 53 years old this year. He often takes his health regimen from other people's words, so he believes that drinking water helps detoxify and drinks plenty of water every day. Whether working in the fields or at home, he always clutched his glass of water, and the sound of drinking water echoed in his stomach.

Drinking more water ruins the kidneys, and coarse tea and light rice hurt the liver! 6 health secrets of pit people, the more you recuperate, the more you get sicker

Similarly, Mr. Deng has his own insistence on meals. He likes simple coarse tea and light rice, believing that it can reduce the burden on the liver while keeping the stomach clean. He always believed that this diet would make his liver healthier.

However, over time, Mr. Tang gradually felt unwell. He began to experience symptoms of fatigue and fatigue, his physical condition became worse and worse, and he had to go to the hospital for examination.

The doctor told him that these symptoms were due to severe damage to his kidneys and liver, which were closely related to the nutritional imbalance caused by his long-term excessive water intake and monotonous diet.

Mr. Tang was puzzled, why did the regimen he had been trying to adhere to cause harm to his health.

Drinking more water ruins the kidneys, and coarse tea and light rice hurt the liver! 6 health secrets of pit people, the more you recuperate, the more you get sicker

First, drinking more water is more beneficial to the kidneys?

In today's wellness concept, drinking plenty of water is widely recognized as one of the most important factors in maintaining health. It is widely believed that drinking plenty of water can help detoxify the body, maintain the skin's moisture balance, boost cell metabolism, and improve kidney function.

However, some studies point out that excessive water intake can be taxing on the kidneys, especially for people who already have kidney problems. Excessive water intake may cause the kidneys to over-filter the blood, increasing the load on the glomerulus, thereby affecting the normal function of the kidneys.

Experts generally agree that drinking enough water is essential to maintain good health. According to the National Institutes of Health, the daily water intake of adults should be based on individual needs and living environment, generally about 1.5 per day

Drinking more water ruins the kidneys, and coarse tea and light rice hurt the liver! 6 health secrets of pit people, the more you recuperate, the more you get sicker

6. Vegetarian diet helps weight loss and health? Vegetarianism refers to not consuming animal meat, as well as not consuming animal-related products such as eggs and milk. Some people choose to go vegetarian for moral, religious, environmental, or health reasons. Vegetarianism can indeed have some benefits for weight loss and health, but there are also some issues to be aware of.

  1. Weight loss: A vegetarian diet can reduce the intake of high-fat, high-cholesterol foods, thereby reducing energy intake and promoting weight loss. Vegetarian diets tend to be rich in dietary fiber, vitamins, and minerals that help increase satiety and control appetite. However, weight loss also requires paying attention to the overall energy balance and the proper combination of diet structure.
  2. Balanced nutrition: Vegetarian diets require special attention to nutritional balance, as foods derived from animals usually provide a variety of essential nutrients such as protein, iron, calcium, vitamin B12, etc. If the diet is not planned properly, it can lead to deficiencies of these nutrients. Vegetarians should ensure adequate intake of high-quality plant protein, a variety of grains, legumes, nuts and seeds, and a supplement to key nutrients such as vitamin B12.
  3. Supplemental nutrients: For vegetarians, supplementation with certain nutrients may be necessary. For example, vitamin B12 is usually found only in animal foods, and vegetarians can meet their needs by eating foods rich in vitamin B12 or taking vitamin B12 supplements. In addition, special attention should be paid to the intake of nutrients such as iron, calcium, zinc, and vitamin D. In short, vegetarianism can be a healthy dietary choice, but it is necessary to ensure that the nutrition is balanced and properly matched to meet the nutritional needs of the body.
Drinking more water ruins the kidneys, and coarse tea and light rice hurt the liver! 6 health secrets of pit people, the more you recuperate, the more you get sicker

7. Is it necessary to blindly pursue fitness dietary supplements? Fitness dietary supplements are products designed to enhance athletic performance, promote muscle recovery, or improve body composition, such as protein powders, amino acids, vitamin-mineral tablets, and more. For some professional athletes or extreme sports enthusiasts, proper use of fitness dietary supplements may be necessary. However, blindly pursuing fitness dietary supplements is not necessarily necessary for the average person, and here are some factors to consider:

  1. Nutrient intake: For most people, a balanced diet is sufficient to meet the nutrients needed by the body. A normal diet should contain various nutrients such as protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals. Supplementation should only be considered in exceptional circumstances, such as certain dietary habits, health problems, or special exercise needs.
  2. Dietary quality: Prioritize whole foods over supplements. Whole foods are rich in nutrients and fiber, and tend to be easier to digest and absorb. The diet should be based on fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, healthy proteins (such as fish, legumes, nuts, etc.) and healthy fats (such as olive oil, fish oil, etc.).
  3. Quality and safety: Not all fitness dietary supplements are scientifically validated, and the standards governing it vary from country to country. Some supplements may have quality issues or unproven health risks. When choosing a supplement, you should choose a certified product from a reliable brand and, if necessary, consult a professional doctor or dietitian.
  4. Personal needs: Each person's physical condition, exercise goals, and nutritional needs are different. Before considering supplements, you should understand your physical condition and create a diet plan that suits your individual needs. A professional doctor or dietitian can provide targeted advice.

To sum up, for the average person, the nutritional needs of the body can be met through a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. When considering a fitness diet supplement, carefully assess the individual's needs and the quality of the product, as well as consult a professional physician or dietitian if necessary.