
#Vascular rejuvenation#[Heart] Make your blood vessels rejuvenate, five must-eat vegetables 1. Broccoli 🥦: Broccoli is rich in sulfide, vitamin C and carotene, which help to fall

author:Teacher Shi talks about health

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[Heart] makes your blood vessels younger, five must-eat vegetables

1. Broccoli 🥦: Broccoli is rich in sulfide, vitamin C, and carotene, nutrients that help lower cholesterol, eliminate harmful substances from the body, and maintain blood vessel elasticity.

2. Beetroot [breeze]: Beetroot is rich in nitrates, which can help dilate blood vessels, improve low blood pressure, and increase blood flow.

3. Green onions [bitter melon]: Green onions are rich in sulfide, which can delay the process of hardening of the arteries. Additionally, green onions also contain phytochemical sulfur compounds, which are effective in improving blood pressure.

4. Tomatoes: Tomatoes 🍅 contain a lot of antioxidants, such as vitamin C and lycopene, which can prevent atherosclerosis and protect cardiovascular health.

5. Barley seedlings second [burning heart]: Barley seedlings are rich in calcium, magnesium and other minerals, which have a protective effect on the blood vessel wall and help maintain the normal smooth muscle cells of the blood vessel inner wall. When with @Lai Yueqian Taiwan, #Three High Topic# The rich minerals in barley seedlings also help lower blood pressure.

Other vegetables such as carrots, celery, garlic, spinach and other vegetables also have good vasoprotective effects and help rejuvenate blood vessels. Eating more of these vegetables in the diet can not only prevent cardiovascular disease, but also help the rejuvenation of blood vessels, which is good for good health.

#Vascular rejuvenation#[Heart] Make your blood vessels rejuvenate, five must-eat vegetables 1. Broccoli 🥦: Broccoli is rich in sulfide, vitamin C and carotene, which help to fall
#Vascular rejuvenation#[Heart] Make your blood vessels rejuvenate, five must-eat vegetables 1. Broccoli 🥦: Broccoli is rich in sulfide, vitamin C and carotene, which help to fall
#Vascular rejuvenation#[Heart] Make your blood vessels rejuvenate, five must-eat vegetables 1. Broccoli 🥦: Broccoli is rich in sulfide, vitamin C and carotene, which help to fall

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