
Palestinian friends praised Xiangyang: "Here is the perfect fusion of modernity and history"!

author:Changjiang Cloud News

#Hubei Story of the Communist Party of China# #Open湖北洞见中国 #

Yesterday (May 31), more than 50 foreign friends from the Palestinian Fatah cadre delegation and the Latin American Youth Training School came to Xiangyang to start their Xiangyang inspection trip.

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Palestinian friends praised Xiangyang: "Here is the perfect fusion of modernity and history"!
Palestinian friends praised Xiangyang: "Here is the perfect fusion of modernity and history"!

They walked into the production line of Xiangyang Tenglong Automobile Co., Ltd. and felt the surging kinetic energy of the "famous automobile city"; Visit the Xiangyang Digital Industry Innovation Center to understand how the diagnosis of the digital industry "cloud hospital" empowers the development of small and medium-sized enterprises; Climb the ancient city wall of Xiangyang and tour the Xiangyang Shengshi Tangcheng Scenic Area at night to feel the profound heritage of the city.

Palestinian friends praised Xiangyang: "Here is the perfect fusion of modernity and history"!

Standing on the ancient city wall of Xiangyang, overlooking a river with clear water, an ancient fort, surrounded by water on three sides, backed by mountains on one side, easy to defend and difficult to attack. Since ancient times, the ancient city of Xiangyang has been said to be "the ironclad Xiangyang" and "the first city in China". Today, this city with a history of more than 2,800 years is plugging in the wings of scientific and technological innovation and bursting with new vitality.

Palestinian friends praised Xiangyang: "Here is the perfect fusion of modernity and history"!

Muhammad Halith calls Xiangyang in his circle of friends

AFTER VISITING SEVERAL SITES, MOHAMMED HALISS, ADVISER TO THE MINISTER OF PALESTINIAN FATAH'S MINISTER OF Arab-Chinese relations, could not help but exclaim, "xiangyang, let us feel the long history and culture of china." Here we see the perfect blend of history and modernity. ”

Changjiangyun News Reporter Xia Xiaoqing, Zhou Xiang, Li Xiaoyu, Liao Yunxiang, Correspondent Feng Xuanyuan

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