
The Medici married Henry II, and the Macaron was introduced to France [52 of 365 holiday series]

author:People from Sama village
The Medici married Henry II, and the Macaron was introduced to France [52 of 365 holiday series]

National Macaron Day is an annual celebration of macarons, a small round biscuit made with coconut, egg whites and sugar. It is held annually on May 31 in the United States.

The Medici married Henry II, and the Macaron was introduced to France [52 of 365 holiday series]

The origins of macarons can be traced back to Italy, where they were first made by monks with almond butter. The name macaron comes from the Italian word "maccarone", which means "paste" or "dough". Macaron was introduced to France by Catherine de' Medici, wife of King Henry II, who brought her Italian pastry chef with her when she married him in 1533. Macarons were popular among the French aristocracy and later among the Jewish community as they appreciated its unleavened properties during the Passover.

The Medici married Henry II, and the Macaron was introduced to France [52 of 365 holiday series]

Macarons arrived in the United States in the late 19th century, when coconut was used as an alternative to almond butter as a cheaper and more readily available ingredient. Coconut macarons were popularized by Esther Levy, who in 1871 published a book called The First Jewish-American Cookbook, which contained a recipe for macarons. Macarons were also adopted by other immigrant groups, such as the Scots, who included chocolate and potatoes in their version.

The Medici married Henry II, and the Macaron was introduced to France [52 of 365 holiday series]

National Macaron Day was created to honor and enjoy this sweet snack, which comes in a wide variety of flavors and shapes. Some of the activities people can do on this day are:

The Medici married Henry II, and the Macaron was introduced to France [52 of 365 holiday series]
  • Make macarons at home with simple ingredients and recipes. Macarons can be customized with different nuts, fruits, spices and extracts. They can also be dipped or drizzled with chocolate or caramel for extra delicacy.
  • Buy macarons from your local bakery or online store to sell them exclusively. Macarons come in different varieties and colors such as lemon, raspberry, pistachio and chocolate. Some bakeries may offer discounts or free samples on National Macaron Day.
  • Share macarons with friends, family, or colleagues as a gesture of gratitude or celebration. Macarons are great gifts and party gifts for any occasion. They can also be donated to local charities or shelters as a way to spread joy and kindness.
  • Learn more about the history and culture of macarons and how they differ from French macarons. Macarons are often confused with French macarons, but they have different characteristics and origins. Macarons are chewy and dense, while French macarons are light and crunchy. Macarons are made with coconut, while French macarons are made with almond flour. Macarons are usually single-layered, while French macarons are sandwiched fillings.
The Medici married Henry II, and the Macaron was introduced to France [52 of 365 holiday series]
The Medici married Henry II, and the Macaron was introduced to France [52 of 365 holiday series]

National Macaron Day is a fun and delicious way to celebrate one of the world's most popular cookies. It is also an opportunity to support local businesses and communities to produce and enjoy them. #Sama Village People Micro Observation#

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