
Yangcheng children's heart to the party, red genes passed down from generation to generation - municipal technical parent-child activities to welcome "June 1st"

author:Education Hot Stories
Yangcheng children's heart to the party, red genes passed down from generation to generation - municipal technical parent-child activities to welcome "June 1st"

Happy Children's Day

Childhood is a song

Jumping with beautiful notes

Childhood is a poem

Full of dreams and visions

I wish my children health and happiness

Study hard and realize your dreams early

On the occasion of the June 1st International Children's Day, the female staff committee of the trade union of Guangzhou Technician College organized a parent-child reading activity of "Yangcheng Children's Heart to the Party, Red Genes Passed on from Generation to Generation" to welcome the arrival of the festival happily.

On the morning of May 28th, at the Huangshi Campus of Guangzhou Technician College, the children used the most beautiful posture, the sweetest voice, and the most cute creativity to paint the activity with brilliant colors. Their young little hands held their teacher dad and teacher mom and spent a happy and unique day together.

Yangcheng children's heart to the party, red genes passed down from generation to generation - municipal technical parent-child activities to welcome "June 1st"

▲Laughter at the event

See "Baby Flower Blossom"

"Teacher, I heard that the school is going to organize activities for Children's Day, and we want to give full play to our professional advantages, sign up for performances, and teach children to do creative handicrafts." As soon as they heard that the college was going to organize a Children's Day themed activity, the students of the 2020 grade of early childhood education (advanced class), the 2019 advanced class of early childhood education (art elite class), and the 2022 senior class of health service and management could not sit still, and they signed up with the class teacher to be "little kindergarten teachers".

After successful registration, preschool education students have given full play to their professional strengths, arranged children's fun venues, performed dances, taught children to draw and create faces, and let the flowers of professional learning achievements bloom throughout the venue.

Yangcheng children's heart to the party, red genes passed down from generation to generation - municipal technical parent-child activities to welcome "June 1st"

▲A children's fun venue arranged by the "Little Kindergarten Teacher" of the college's early childhood education major

Yangcheng children's heart to the party, red genes passed down from generation to generation - municipal technical parent-child activities to welcome "June 1st"

▲The college's 2020 early childhood education (advanced class) students perform the dance "Children's Sky"

Listen to "Children's Recitation"

"Thousands of songs and thousands of songs, dolls love to listen to the national anthem the most, the words touch my heart, that is my mother is telling." Love the Great Wall, love the Yellow River, love the people, love the motherland, raise your little hand to salute, and the five-star red flag is loaded in the heart. The "Children's Voice Recitation" session was wonderful, five-year-old He Jiayi recited "Doll Loves the Motherland" to express his love for the motherland, and Huang Keihan used the short story "Little Mouse Without Manners" to talk about the importance of civility and politeness...

Patriotic education starts with dolls, and the faculty and staff of the college use practical actions to pass on the red gene from generation to generation. The children recited the classics in a childish voice, so that the red seeds took root and germinated in their hearts, rooted their patriotism, love for the party, and love for their families, and let the "red cultural inheritance" fall to the ground and blossom.

Yangcheng children's heart to the party, red genes passed down from generation to generation - municipal technical parent-child activities to welcome "June 1st"

▲ Big host Yang Yan

Yangcheng children's heart to the party, red genes passed down from generation to generation - municipal technical parent-child activities to welcome "June 1st"

▲ Little host Liu Chenghuan, Liu Chengchang, Liu Zhiru, He Xinyi

Yangcheng children's heart to the party, red genes passed down from generation to generation - municipal technical parent-child activities to welcome "June 1st"

▲Parent-child performance poetry recitation "I Love You, China"

Yangcheng children's heart to the party, red genes passed down from generation to generation - municipal technical parent-child activities to welcome "June 1st"

▲Parent-child performance poetry recitation "Wing Goose"

Yangcheng children's heart to the party, red genes passed down from generation to generation - municipal technical parent-child activities to welcome "June 1st"

▲Children's storytelling "Core Values: Civility and Politeness - Little Mouse Without Manners"

Yangcheng children's heart to the party, red genes passed down from generation to generation - municipal technical parent-child activities to welcome "June 1st"

▲Children perform poetry recitation "Jiangnan"

Yangcheng children's heart to the party, red genes passed down from generation to generation - municipal technical parent-child activities to welcome "June 1st"

▲Children perform poetry recitation "Spring Dawn"

Yangcheng children's heart to the party, red genes passed down from generation to generation - municipal technical parent-child activities to welcome "June 1st"

▲Children perform poetry recitation "Farewell to Ancient Grass"

Yangcheng children's heart to the party, red genes passed down from generation to generation - municipal technical parent-child activities to welcome "June 1st"

▲Children perform poetry recitation "Dolls Love the Motherland"

Yangcheng children's heart to the party, red genes passed down from generation to generation - municipal technical parent-child activities to welcome "June 1st"

▲Children perform poetry recitation "Symphony of Green Leaves"

Yangcheng children's heart to the party, red genes passed down from generation to generation - municipal technical parent-child activities to welcome "June 1st"

▲Children perform poetry recitation "Compassion Nong"

Yangcheng children's heart to the party, red genes passed down from generation to generation - municipal technical parent-child activities to welcome "June 1st"

▲Children perform poetry recitation "Put Little Hands on the River"

Yangcheng children's heart to the party, red genes passed down from generation to generation - municipal technical parent-child activities to welcome "June 1st"

▲Children perform poetry and recite "Song of Tomorrow"

Yangcheng children's heart to the party, red genes passed down from generation to generation - municipal technical parent-child activities to welcome "June 1st"

▲Children perform poetry recitation "Childlike Heart to the Party"

Yangcheng children's heart to the party, red genes passed down from generation to generation - municipal technical parent-child activities to welcome "June 1st"

▲Children perform poetry and recite "Party Hymn"

Yangcheng children's heart to the party, red genes passed down from generation to generation - municipal technical parent-child activities to welcome "June 1st"

▲Children perform poetry recitation "Compassion Nong"

Yangcheng children's heart to the party, red genes passed down from generation to generation - municipal technical parent-child activities to welcome "June 1st"

▲Children perform poetry recitation "Plum Blossoms"

Yangcheng children's heart to the party, red genes passed down from generation to generation - municipal technical parent-child activities to welcome "June 1st"

▲Children perform poetry recitation "Spring Dawn"

Yangcheng children's heart to the party, red genes passed down from generation to generation - municipal technical parent-child activities to welcome "June 1st"

▲Children perform poems and recite "Disciple Rule"

Yangcheng children's heart to the party, red genes passed down from generation to generation - municipal technical parent-child activities to welcome "June 1st"

▲Children perform poetry recitation "Yongliu"

Yangcheng children's heart to the party, red genes passed down from generation to generation - municipal technical parent-child activities to welcome "June 1st"

▲Children perform the singing program "Courage Explosion"

Yangcheng children's heart to the party, red genes passed down from generation to generation - municipal technical parent-child activities to welcome "June 1st"

▲Children perform the singing program "Listen to Me Thank You"

Yangcheng children's heart to the party, red genes passed down from generation to generation - municipal technical parent-child activities to welcome "June 1st"

▲Children perform the crosstalk show "Upside Down"

Play "Creative Crafts"

"Sister, I want to make a panda keychain for my mother, can you teach me?"

"Of course!"

"Sister, I want to stick a flower, I want to stick a lot of colors!"

"The flowers are colorful, you can stick them as you wish!"


In the creative handicraft area, children are happily interacting with the "Little Kindergarten Teacher". Everyone easily completed all kinds of artistic creations amid laughter.

Yangcheng children's heart to the party, red genes passed down from generation to generation - municipal technical parent-child activities to welcome "June 1st"
Yangcheng children's heart to the party, red genes passed down from generation to generation - municipal technical parent-child activities to welcome "June 1st"
Yangcheng children's heart to the party, red genes passed down from generation to generation - municipal technical parent-child activities to welcome "June 1st"

▲ "Little Kindergarten Teacher" teaches children to make creative handicraft works

Unconsciously, the door of friendship between children has quietly opened, and they have made friends on the spot; Moms and dads also relaxed and shared parenting experiences with colleagues from different campuses; The college union was even busier, preparing holiday gifts for the children present.

Yangcheng children's heart to the party, red genes passed down from generation to generation - municipal technical parent-child activities to welcome "June 1st"

▲Liang Gang, vice chairman of the college union, presented prizes to the winning children

Yangcheng children's heart to the party, red genes passed down from generation to generation - municipal technical parent-child activities to welcome "June 1st"

▲Yang Yan, director of the female committee of the college, presented prizes to the winning children

Yangcheng children's heart to the party, red genes passed down from generation to generation - municipal technical parent-child activities to welcome "June 1st"

▲Lin Xiaoyi, a member of the Female Committee of the College, presented prizes to the winning children

Parents are the first teachers of their children, guiding children to button the "first button" of life, which is conducive to planting the seeds of faith in children's hearts, cultivating children's firm and correct beliefs, forging noble souls, and cultivating good character. The recitation activity of "Yangcheng Children's Heart to the Party, Red Genes from Generation to Generation" organized by the college was a complete success, which not only built an interactive platform between children and parents, between faculty and staff, and between children of faculty and staff, improved the happiness index of faculty and staff, enhanced the cohesion and sense of belonging of faculty and staff, but also made teachers and staff deeply feel their own educational mission in the activity. Through words and deeds, the feelings of patriotism, love for the party, and love for the family have been passed on to the next generation, so that they can truly become new people in the era who shoulder the great task of national rejuvenation.

Yangcheng children's heart to the party, red genes passed down from generation to generation - municipal technical parent-child activities to welcome "June 1st"

▲All staff took a group photo

The future of the little teenager is promising

May every flower

Brilliant growth flourishes upward

Yangcheng children's heart to the party, red genes passed down from generation to generation - municipal technical parent-child activities to welcome "June 1st"

▲Children take a group photo