
Sun Yanzi's AI has caused heated discussions! The current state of artificial intelligence applications in the music field is revealed!

author:Dawn AI anime
A few days ago, Sun Yanzi's AI version of the new song "As Promised" caused heated discussions, and many netizens said that they could not distinguish the difference between versions, which also caused attention and discussion on the application of artificial intelligence in the music field.

Background information:

As a well-known Chinese singer, Sun Yanzi has won the pursuit of a large number of fans with her magnetic voice and excellent musical talent. In recent years, with the continuous development of artificial intelligence technology, more and more artists have begun to combine artificial intelligence with music to create many artistic and innovative works.

AI technology has undoubtedly brought unprecedented challenges and opportunities to the music industry. On the one hand, artificial intelligence can greatly improve the efficiency and accuracy of music production, on the other hand, artificial intelligence also greatly limits the freedom and creativity of musicians.

Sun Yanzi's AI has caused heated discussions! The current state of artificial intelligence applications in the music field is revealed!

The impact of artificial intelligence on the creation of musicians:

1. Improvement of production efficiency

In the process of making music, musicians need to spend a lot of time on production work such as orchestration and arrangement. Through artificial intelligence, these tasks can be completed automatically in a short time, which greatly saves the time and energy of musicians and makes creation more efficient.

2. The innovation and individualization of music is limited

The way and style of music production can be automated through artificial intelligence presets, which improves production efficiency but also limits the creative and personalized play and creation of musicians.

3. The advent of synthetic music

With the continuous development of artificial intelligence technology, synthesized music has also made great progress. Synthesized music is often based on deep learning and neural networks, which allow computers to automatically write and generate music.

Although synthetic music lacks the human characteristics of real performance, it has become one of the most popular research directions in the field of artificial intelligence.

Sun Yanzi's AI has caused heated discussions! The current state of artificial intelligence applications in the music field is revealed!


Although artificial intelligence technology is becoming more and more advanced in the field of music and the speed of research and development is becoming more and more rapid, there are still many insurmountable problems and challenges to be faced. Musicians should also face these changes bravely and find their place and way of creating.

Whether it is the future direction of AI music or the application of AI technology in the music industry, we need to pay close attention to its progress and development trends, and maintain continuous attention and learning. Although artificial intelligence is extremely threatening, it also brings broader possibilities for the development of the music industry and artistic innovation.

Sun Yanzi's AI has caused heated discussions! The current state of artificial intelligence applications in the music field is revealed!

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