
Popular science nutrition丨World Milk Day, talk about milk - milk, do you drink it right?

Popular science nutrition丨World Milk Day, talk about milk - milk, do you drink it right?

In 2000, the China Dairy Industry Association proposed to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) that, after consulting other countries, FAO designated June 1 as "World Milk Day" every year, aiming to publicize the nutritional value of milk and its importance to human health, so as to improve the national nutritional status and enhance the people's physical fitness.

Popular science nutrition丨World Milk Day, talk about milk - milk, do you drink it right?

However, today, with a strong business atmosphere, the dairy products on the supermarket shelves are dazzling, and many people are stupid and can't tell the difference. How to choose real milk? How to choose the right milk? Just read the following content and drink milk and you won't get lost again.

Popular science nutrition丨World Milk Day, talk about milk - milk, do you drink it right?

(Image from the public photo gallery of WeChat public platform)

First, clarify the standard of pure milk

According to the provisions of the national standards "GB25190-2010" and "GB19645-2010": the protein content of milk in sterilized milk should not be less than 2. 9g/100g, goat milk not less than 2. 8 g; And no food additives are allowed in pure milk.

Second, choose milk according to your own conditions and needs

The following points need to be clarified:

01 Pasteurized milk and autoceptic milk

Both types of milk are 100% pure milk, the difference is that the disinfection method of the two is different, and it directly determines the shelf life of the two.

Fresh milk sold on the market is mainly sterilized by pasteurization, which is disinfected and sterilized in a natural environment of about 70 degrees, which can retain most of the nutrients in milk. However, because low-temperature heating can only kill some bacteria, its shelf life is generally 3-7 days, which is relatively short.

Bottled or boxed milk is selected by high temperature or ultra-high temperature instantaneous sterilization method, milk after high temperature heating can kill almost all germs, and the shelf life is relatively long can reach 6 months. However, compared to pasteurization, milk also loses more nutrients.

02 Organic milk and soothing milk

Organic milk has higher safety standards and is more expensive than regular milk, but its nutritional content is almost the same as that of regular pure milk.

Shuhua milk is low-lactose milk, which is the process of breaking down the lactose in milk into glucose and galactose. Lactose in the human body needs to be decomposed by lactase to be absorbed, lack of lactase people after ingesting milk, undigested lactose directly into the large intestine, stimulate the large intestine peristalsis faster, resulting in abdominal sound, diarrhea and other symptoms called lactose intolerance.

Therefore, soothing milk is more suitable for lactose intolerant people, but the nutritional content is almost the same as that of ordinary pure milk.

03 Whole milk and skim milk

Whole milk is rich in fat-soluble vitamins and rich in beneficial ingredients such as conjugated linoleic acid, so the milk aroma is more intense and the feeling of fullness is more obvious after drinking. And because the price is more acceptable, the higher sales volume on the market is mainly whole milk.

Skim milk has a lower fat content, so it has fewer calories, which is more suitable for people with hyperlipidemia and fatty diarrhea, and is also more favored by people who lose weight. However, as the fat content decreases, the fat-soluble vitamins also decrease.

04 Modulated milk and reconstituted milk

Modulated milk is not pure milk, but according to national standards, no less than 80% raw milk or reconstituted milk as the main component, and then added other raw materials or nutritional enhancers, by appropriate sterilization process. Generally, the outer packaging of the product will be filled with modulated milk, but the font size may be small. Modulated milk usually adds some raw materials or additives to improve the taste, the most common are breakfast milk, walnut milk, chocolate milk, banana milk, etc.

Reduced milk is also called reduced milk, and the raw material belongs to dairy milk powder. In the mainland, national standards stipulate that kefir milk, sterilized milk and other dairy products can use recombined milk as raw materials. Generally, on the outer packaging of the product, the words reconstituted milk will be indicated.

05 Milk-containing drinks and milk-containing drinks

Both are almost the same, both refer to milk or dairy products as raw materials, adding water, sugar, sweeteners and appropriate amounts of auxiliary materials to prepare or ferment beverage products, including formulated milk-containing beverages, fermented milk-containing beverages and lactic acid bacteria drinks.

It is important to note that they are drinks, not milk.

The minimum protein content is only 0.7g/100g, and it cannot be used as a dairy product. Due to their unique taste, milky drinks are very popular with children and adults. However, its taste is mainly due to the addition of additional sugar and additives, so it is not recommended to buy.

Popular science nutrition丨World Milk Day, talk about milk - milk, do you drink it right?

(Image from the public photo gallery of WeChat public platform)

Third, learn to check the food ingredient list

Learning to look at food ingredient lists is also an effective way to distinguish between various types of milk. The order of ingredients in the ingredient list is arranged according to the content of ingredients from high to low.

If it is pure milk, there should be only one ingredient list, that is, fresh milk or sterilized milk.

If the ingredient list lists many ingredients, it is recommended to choose a product with the word fresh milk first, and a product with whole milk powder in the first place.

The first place in the ingredient list is water dairy products, it is recommended not to choose.

Fourth, there are a few misunderstandings about drinking milk

1. The thicker the milk, the better

After homogenized milk, the fat globules in it are further crushed, and the fat is fully dissolved in the milk, which should not be adsorbed in the cup body to cause a thinner illusion, but the homogeneous milk is more conducive to the absorption and digestion of the human body.

2. Do not drink milk on an empty stomach

Except for people who are lactose intolerant, there is nothing wrong with drinking milk on an empty stomach. It's just that drinking milk with some carbohydrates is more conducive to the absorption of the nutritional value of milk.

3. Drink milk as water

Milk is not the more you drink, the better, and milk cannot replace the effect of water on the human body. According to the latest dietary guidelines for Chinese residents, the maximum daily milk consumption should be controlled at 500g.

World Milk Day coincides with Children's Day, here are a few tips for children:

Popular science nutrition丨World Milk Day, talk about milk - milk, do you drink it right?

(Image from the public photo gallery of WeChat public platform)

1. It is not recommended for babies to drink pure milk before the age of one, and it is best to choose breast milk or formula.

2. Babies under two years old need fat for energy and should choose whole milk.

3. Children's gastrointestinal system is weak, it is better to put milk in hot water before drinking.

4. Some children refuse to drink because pure milk is weak, and it is better to choose modulated milk than not to drink milk.


[1] National food safety standard GB 19645—2010 pasteurized milk

[2] National food safety standard GB 25190-2010 Sterilized milk

[3] Yang Huaigu. Comparative study on nutritional value and hygiene safety of pasteurized milk and UHT milk[J].China Dairy,2016,7(7):62-67.)

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[5] ZHANG Yangdong, YI Ran et al. Review of the national standard "milk powder" over the years[J].China Dairy,2021(02):59-73.)

[6] National Standard of the People's Republic of China: Organic Products (GB/T19630.1-19630.4-2011)

[7] Shen Feng. Interpretation of the new standards of pasteurized milk, sterilized milk and modulated milk[J].China Practical Medicine,2011,6(25):271-272.)

Editorial Board of China Clinical Nutrition Network

Author: Xiong Yangyang

Assistant Researcher, Department of Clinical Nutrition/Department of Nutritional Catering, The First Affiliated Hospital of China Medical University

Master of Nutrition and Food Hygiene of China Medical University/Dietitian contracted by China Clinical Nutrition Network/Shenyang Excellent Graduate Student/Standing Committee Member / Secretary of Nutrition and Cooking Professional Committee of Liaoning Nutrition Society, Standing Committee Member of Geriatric Nutrition Professional Committee, Youth Member of Nutrition Support and Special Medical Food Professional Committee.

Mainly engaged in the treatment of inpatient dietary intervention and management. He has published 1 SCI journal paper and 2 Chinese core journals. Participated in the compilation of a related textbook and participated in a related topic.

This article was first published in: The First Affiliated Hospital of China Medical University

It has been authorized to be reprinted by China Clinical Nutrition Network