
【Clear heart and moisturize lungs】Lily mung bean soup, sweet and delicious, moisturize the lungs and clear the heart, relieve fatigue!

author:Extreme Evening Wind GC

Lily mung bean soup is a traditional soup of Chinese origin, the origins of which can be traced back to ancient times. According to historical records, as early as the Tang Dynasty, lily mung bean soup has become a common food. At that time, it was believed that lilies and mung beans had the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying and could help relieve summer discomfort, so they were boiled together to make soups to eat.

Over time, lily mung bean soup has gradually become a well-known traditional soup, which has been widely passed down and promoted. In modern times, lily mung bean soup has become a classic dish in the summer diet and is deeply loved by people. At the same time, with people's emphasis on healthy eating, lily mung bean soup is also considered to be a very healthy food, with a variety of effects such as clearing heat and detoxification, replenishing water, and improving the skin.

【Clear heart and moisturize lungs】Lily mung bean soup, sweet and delicious, moisturize the lungs and clear the heart, relieve fatigue!

Lily mung bean soup is a refreshing and sweet soup suitable for summer consumption. Here's how to make it: Required materials:

  1. 100 g mung beans
  2. 50 grams of dried lilies
  3. Rock sugar to taste
  4. Water in moderation

    Production steps:

  5. Wash the mung beans, put them in a pot and add water to boil, boil for 5 minutes, then take them out, rinse with clean water and set aside.
  6. Soak dried lilies in water for 30 minutes, wash and set aside.
  7. Put the mung beans and lilies in a pot, add an appropriate amount of water, bring to a boil over high heat, then turn to low heat and cook for about 30 minutes until both the mung beans and lilies are soft.
  8. Add an appropriate amount of rock sugar and continue to cook for about 5 minutes until the rock sugar is completely melted.
  9. Turn off the heat and let the soup cool to a suitable temperature before serving.


  10. Mung beans and lilies have heat-clearing and detoxifying effects and are suitable for summer consumption.
  11. Pay attention to the heat when cooking soup to avoid overcooking and causing poor taste.
  12. You can add the right amount of rock sugar according to personal taste, or you can replace rock sugar with honey.
【Clear heart and moisturize lungs】Lily mung bean soup, sweet and delicious, moisturize the lungs and clear the heart, relieve fatigue!

Drinking lily mung bean soup in summer has the following benefits:

  1. Clear heat and detoxification: high temperature in summer, the human body is prone to thirst, irritability and other symptoms, lilies and mung beans have the effect of clearing heat and detoxification, can help remove heat poison in the body, relieve summer discomfort.
  2. Hydration: Lily mung bean soup is a refreshing soup that can help replenish the water your body needs and relieve summer thirst.
  3. Improve skin: Lily is rich in nutrients such as vitamins B1, B2 and C, which can help improve skin quality and make skin smoother and more refined.
  4. Promote digestion: Mung beans are rich in dietary fiber, which can promote intestinal peristalsis, help digestion and bowel movements.

    In short, lily mung bean soup is a very suitable soup for summer consumption, not only refreshing and sweet, but also has a variety of health benefits. However, it should be noted that mung beans have a certain toxicity and need to be cooked before eating, but also pay attention to the amount of mung beans and do not eat excessively.

【Clear heart and moisturize lungs】Lily mung bean soup, sweet and delicious, moisturize the lungs and clear the heart, relieve fatigue!

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