
In ancient Greek medicine, it was originally believed that disease was a punishment from the gods and a blessing from the gods. But in the fifth century BC, people began to attribute illness to physical causes rather than psychology

author:Trapped Elizzzzz

In ancient Greek medicine, it was originally believed that disease was a punishment from the gods and a blessing from the gods.

But in the fifth century BC, people began to attribute illness to physiological rather than psychological causes, which led to a shift from superstition to science-based inquiry.

Greek physicians began to delve into the human body, exploring the causal relationship between symptoms and diseases, as well as the success and failure of different treatments.

Greek medicine is not a static system of knowledge and practice, but is made up of a variety of different beliefs and modalities, including specific reasons such as region, era, local tradition, gender of the patient, and social class.

In Greece, diseases can be physical or mental, and even include treatments.

However, in Greek medicine, the dividing line between soul and body was often unclear.

For example, the god Asclepius is regarded as a healer and a highly skilled practitioner.

The Greek medical tradition originated in the treatment of the wounded of the Trojan War in the Homeric Epic, the Iliad, such as Patroclus' washing of Olypillos' wounds with hot water.

Medical questions and physicians also appear frequently in other Greek texts.

However, the most detailed sources come from more than 60 documents from the most famous physician, Hippocrates (circa 5th-4th century BC).

However, none of the medical literature is considered "Hippocrates" and little is known about him. 

Hippocrates' articles cover different medical topics and can be divided into broad categories, such as diagnosis, biology, treatment, and the general view of doctors.

Ordinary philosophers believe that physical health is very important for the good of the mind and heart.

They usually focus on the body and the drug directly or indirectly, in one way or another.

Although there is no professional physician, everyone can become a physician of their own body and treat themselves through some methods known as medical techniques.

However, among the Spartan specialized units, there were also specialists in the professional health services.

The Declaration of Hippocrates was a truly religious instrument that guaranteed that doctors behaved in accordance with social values.

The Hippocratic Declaration, as it is known, is a religious instrument designed to ensure that physicians follow common values and provide them with common benefits.

In the affidavit, the physician swears in the name of three physicians, Apollo, Hikia and Panahi, pledging to respect the mentor, not to harm the patient, not to use weapons, and to protect the privacy between the doctor and the patient.

Through the observation of wounded warriors and the dissection of animals, physicians gradually learned basic human anatomy.

However, some people think that this practice is useless because the body changes with the light, while others consider this practice too cruel.

In ancient Greek medicine, it was originally believed that disease was a punishment from the gods and a blessing from the gods. But in the fifth century BC, people began to attribute illness to physical causes rather than psychology
In ancient Greek medicine, it was originally believed that disease was a punishment from the gods and a blessing from the gods. But in the fifth century BC, people began to attribute illness to physical causes rather than psychology
In ancient Greek medicine, it was originally believed that disease was a punishment from the gods and a blessing from the gods. But in the fifth century BC, people began to attribute illness to physical causes rather than psychology

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