
The platypus almost killed Darwin because Darwin did not believe that there was such a strange splicing creature as the platypus in the world at first, saying that the specimen of the platypus was forged and that it was impossible

author:After Kashin, it was a storm

The platypus almost killed Darwin because Darwin did not believe that there was such a strange splicing creature as the platypus in the world at first, saying that the specimen of the platypus was forged, that there could be no oviparous mammal, and that if there was him, he would swallow feces and commit suicide (this sentence should have been added by later generations to ridicule him).

Then soon someone caught several live platypus and brought them to his eyes, and he watched the platypus lay eggs and then breastfeed........

In addition, this thing is poisonous, too stitched. And it cannot directly poison people, but it can cause long-term severe pain.

How ridiculous and ridiculous this thing is. Its poison has no corresponding medicine so far, and the toxins in its body are still different every year. When this thing enters the water, the eyes, nose, and ears are closed, and the mouth is used to induce electricity to locate the prey, so it has to be fed to live animals, and it cannot find dead ones.

Interestingly, male platypus has thorns on the hind feet, containing poisonous juice, and the spray can hurt people, almost similar to snake venom, if a person is stabbed by a poisonous distance, it will cause severe pain, so that it can recover for months. This is its "amulet", and the female platypus is also born with a venomous distance, but disappears when it grows to 30 cm.

It is worth mentioning that platypus are rarer than koalas in Australia, and protected animals are basically seen in dim and cold aquariums, because they are sensitive to temperature and light, you can see it as an Australian giant panda, it is impossible for you to have a chance to get started. #夏日打卡生活季 #

The platypus almost killed Darwin because Darwin did not believe that there was such a strange splicing creature as the platypus in the world at first, saying that the specimen of the platypus was forged and that it was impossible
The platypus almost killed Darwin because Darwin did not believe that there was such a strange splicing creature as the platypus in the world at first, saying that the specimen of the platypus was forged and that it was impossible
The platypus almost killed Darwin because Darwin did not believe that there was such a strange splicing creature as the platypus in the world at first, saying that the specimen of the platypus was forged and that it was impossible

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