
Don't want to eat and have a bad appetite? Try this summer appetizer

author:Ji Pao investigation

In summer, high temperature and high humidity weather is the most likely to cause spleen and stomach discomfort, and many people have poor appetite.

When you can't eat

Can it be replaced with fruit and cold drinks?

Some people replace meals with fruits, cold drinks, etc. when they can't eat in summer, which is a bad eating habit.

Use fruits, cold drinks, etc. to replace meals, food types are relatively single, easy to cause unbalanced nutrient intake;

Most cold drinks are high in sugar, high fat and high calories, eating too much is easy to get fat, and for fruits, such as watermelon, although the calories are not high, if you eat most of them, the calories are not low.

Therefore, when you can't eat in the summer, it is not recommended to often replace it with fruits, cold drinks, etc., and the best way is to actively seek reasonable solutions.

5 tips to relieve the heat and appetize

So, how to maintain a good appetite in summer?

The following 5 tips can help everyone relieve the heat and appetize~

Don't want to eat and have a bad appetite? Try this summer appetizer

Condiments: vinegar

Sweating a lot on hot days, people are prone to fatigue and poor appetite. At this time, you may wish to eat some vinegar, which can not only help digestion and absorption, promote appetite, but also help relieve fatigue and maintain energy.

At the same time, vinegar also has a strong bacteriostatic ability, and also has a preventive effect on intestinal infectious health problems such as typhoid fever and dysentery.


When stir-frying or making a cold coleslaw, add some vinegar appropriately, delicious and appetizing.

Fruit vinegar also has the effect of promoting digestion and increasing appetite, and it is no problem to drink some properly, but some fruit vinegar has a higher sugar content and belongs to "sweet drinks", so it should not be drunk more.

Don't want to eat and have a bad appetite? Try this summer appetizer

Vegetables: bitter vegetables

Summer is the best season to eat bitterness.

Summer temperature is higher, people are more likely to "get on fire", and then there will be dizziness, chest tightness, loss of appetite, mental malaise and other physical symptoms, because bitter vegetables have the effect of "reducing fire and clearing heat", so eating more is conducive to the relief of the above symptoms.

Among bitter vegetables, bitter melon is the most common, it is simply the "standard vegetable" in summer, not only nutritious, crisp and delicious, but also has the effect of aiding digestion, removing heat and fatigue.

In addition to bitter melon, to enhance appetite in early summer, you can also eat some lotus seeds, bitter vegetables, dandelions, lilies, etc.


If you feel that the bitterness of bitter vegetables is heavier, you can blanch them in lightly salted water for 30 seconds before cooking, and then pass them in cool water. This not only removes the bitterness, but also maintains its turquoise color.

Don't want to eat and have a bad appetite? Try this summer appetizer

Soup: Tomato soup

Tomatoes have the effect of quenching thirst, strengthening the stomach and eliminating food, cooling the blood and calming the liver, clearing heat and detoxification, so it is very suitable for summer eating.

Tomato soup is sweet and sour, and drinking it in summer helps clear heat and nourish the stomach, and is especially effective for children with indigestion and heat.

In addition, tomatoes also have the effect of beauty and beauty, eating more is good for the skin and eyes, and men eating more can also help improve sexual performance and prevent prostate cancer.

It is worth noting that because tomatoes are cold, people with weak spleen and stomach and easy diarrhea need to control the amount of raw tomatoes they eat, and it is the best choice to make tomatoes into tomato soup.


Tomato juice is also an effective drink for hangovers.

Don't want to eat and have a bad appetite? Try this summer appetizer

Meat: Duck

Duck meat has the effect of clearing heat, detoxifying, nourishing yin, enhancing human immunity, tonifying lungs, moisturizing, and nourishing the face, and also has a certain effect on cough and asthma and constipation.

In summer, the temperature is high, the body's metabolism is accelerated, and the energy consumption is large, so the supply of protein must be increased appropriately.

Eating other red meat and easy to catch fire can choose duck meat as an alternative to protein supplementation.


It is best to stew duck meat in summer, and it can also be eaten in soup with lotus root, winter melon and other ingredients, which can play a role in clearing heat and dispelling fire, nourishing and moisturizing.

Don't want to eat and have a bad appetite? Try this summer appetizer

Drink: Tea

Drinking tea can go to heat to cool down the heat and quench thirst.

The caffeine in tea excites the central nervous system and enhances the excitatory processes in the cerebral cortex. This uplifts the mind, enhances the mind, and improves efficiency.

And the aromatic substances in tea are also a cooling agent, and they can take away a certain amount of heat from the skin pores during the volatilization process.

In summer, people sweat a lot, and the potassium salts in the body will be lost with the excretion of sweat. Drinking tea can also replenish potassium salts and water.


The potassium content of mouth mushrooms, hazel mushrooms, silver fungus, etc. in fungi is also high, and can be used to boil soup and drink.

Press and rub the spleen Yu point

In addition to eating more than 5 kinds of food, you can also massage the acupuncture points to regulate the problem of poor appetite in summer!

Acupuncture method: can be taken in a standing or sitting position, located under the spinous process of the 11th thoracic vertebra, 1.5 inches from the posterior midline (when we naturally stand / sit with our hands down, the bony bulge of the lower angle of the shoulder blade is the 7th thoracic spinous process, and when it is touched down, the 11th bony bulge is the 11th thoracic spinous process).

Don't want to eat and have a bad appetite? Try this summer appetizer

Massage method: can be kneaded fingers, press the thumb and finger on the spleen Yu point, slowly increase the strength and press down, while pressing and kneading, so that the acupuncture point produces a feeling of soreness, each time can be kneaded for 10-15 minutes, can be kneaded many times a day.

Moxibustion method: If you have the assistance of others, you can also choose moxa moxibustion method. After lighting the moxa stick, smoke 3-5 cm away from the acupuncture point, it is advisable to feel warm, 20-30 minutes each time, with a slight flushing of the skin at the acupuncture point. Pay attention to fire safety when moxibustion to avoid burns.

Produced by Jilin Daily

Author: Zhuang Zhuang

Curator: Han Xuejie

Executive editor-in-chief: Yu Yue

Editor: Ma He