
Innovative marketing power! Decipher the hottest types of AI creation

author:Straight code technology

With advances in artificial intelligence technology, content generation is no longer a headache. As AI increasingly takes over the task of manual content production, it is wise for marketers to understand the different types of AIGC that exist and benefit the most from it.

AIGC's goal is to improve the quality, efficiency and creativity of content and provide more possibilities in brand marketing, advertising, social media, and more.

By training machine learning models and deep learning algorithms, AI can mimic human creativity and verbal expression to generate various types of content, including articles, news, ad copy, product descriptions, social media posts, and more.

These tools help us produce high-quality content that appeals to our audience and aligns with our brand image.

If you're interested in, the types of AI-generated content. And to see what content strategies you can improve by leveraging these content types, read on.

Innovative marketing power! Decipher the hottest types of AI creation

The most active type of AIGC

1. Social media (58%)

The most common use marketers use for AI-generated content is social media, and for good reason.

The widespread use of social media platforms and the challenging requirements of content creation make it possible to quickly generate large volumes of high-quality social media content using artificial intelligence. By leveraging AI to generate content, marketers can save time and resources, and improve social media marketing effectiveness, better engagement and connection with their audiences.

Ways marketers can use AI in social media posts:

  • Content creation: AI tools can help generate content ideas, provide topic suggestions, and even write headlines for social media posts. In fact, 35% of marketers surveyed use AI for creative or inspiration.
  • Scheduling and publishing: AI-based social media scheduling tools can help automate content publishing at the most effective time and even optimize your content for specific social media platforms.
  • Audience analytics: AI can better understand audiences through data analysis. This information can be used to craft more effective and relevant social media posts.

2. Product description (50%)

50% of marketers who use AI to generate content find the technology very helpful for product descriptions.

Describing a new product can be a challenging task, especially if you're working with an audience that's not as familiar with the terminology as the team. Marketers can use AI to not only accurately explain the functions and features of a product, but also express it in a way that is easy to understand and clear to the general public.

Using AI to generate content can help marketers describe the functionality and features of products more accurately and vividly. By leveraging artificial intelligence, marketers can overcome the challenges of verbal expression to introduce products in a way that is easy to understand and engage audiences, prompting customers to become interested in products and make purchasing decisions.

3. Email (43%)

43% of marketers find that using AI is very helpful for email marketing.

Getting a customer's attention through an email subject line has proven to be a challenge in itself, and getting them to click on an email is even more difficult.

Email is a direct, effective marketing tool that creates strong connections with potential and existing customers. By using AI content generation, marketers can optimize the content of emails, including sections such as subject line, body, and call-to-action, to capture your audience's attention and increase open and click-through rates.

The timing and personalization of emails is a key factor. AI can help marketers determine the best time to send and personalize email content based on the recipient's behavior and preferences. With precise timing and personalization strategies, marketers can increase email performance and conversions.

So: With the help of AI, marketers can improve their strategies by:

  • Time optimization: Based on when recipients are most likely to interact with a message, AI tools can suggest the best time of day and week to send a particular message. This can improve open rates, click-through rates (CTRs), and conversion rates.
  • Subject line generation: By analyzing past email campaigns and subject line performance, AI can generate effective and compelling subject lines. If these tools are able to create appealing subject lines, it will help increase the opening rate.
  • A/B testing: A/B testing can be done using artificial intelligence, where two different versions of the same message are sent to a random audience and performance measurements are taken. Based on the test results, send the best-performing message variants to the rest of the audience to maximize the metrics you need.

4. Image (36%)

36% of marketers find the use of AI for image creation very helpful, so marketers reap the benefits of using AI to process images.

Images play an important role in marketing. Appealing images increase the attractiveness and visualization of your content and grab the attention of potential customers. By leveraging AI content generation technology, marketers can quickly and efficiently create high-quality, professional images to support their brand advocacy and promotion campaigns.

The importance of search engine optimization (SEO) has also made image generation pay attention to marketers. Optimized images can improve a website's ranking in search engine results, which in turn increases exposure and traffic. By leveraging AI to generate images, marketers can create SEO-compliant images that improve website visibility and potential customer discovery opportunities.

The popularity of social media platforms has also brought image generation into the spotlight. Images are more engaging to share and interact with on social media, which can increase the exposure and sharing rate of posts. By using AI content generation technology, marketers can create eye-catching images to capture the attention and engagement of social media users.

5. Blog (35%)

More than a third of professional marketers find AI tools very helpful in blog production.

Blogging is an important content marketing tool. By writing high-quality blog posts, marketers can provide valuable information and insights to engage potential customers and build brand reputation.

In the blog post, the best applications of AI writing include:

  • Efficiency: Marketers can save time and resources by automating various aspects of blog post creation, such as topic generation, research, and even drafting. This technology can also reduce the time spent on menial tasks like formatting, proofreading, and optimizing content for SEO. Using AI content generation technology, marketers can create blog posts more efficiently, automating everything from topic generation to research and drafting, saving time and resources.
  • Personalization: AI can analyze customer behavior, preferences, and browsing history to help tailor blog content to specific audiences. Personalized blog posts can make content closer to the audience, potentially increasing engagement and conversions. With personalized blog content, marketers can increase audience engagement and interest, which in turn increases brand attention and conversions.
  • Assist and improve the writing process: Marketers generate ideas, improve the structure and grammar of articles, and even provide keyword and optimization suggestions to improve the quality and readability of blog posts. This is very attractive for marketers who want to improve their blog content creation capabilities.

6. Destination page (19%)

Nearly one in five marketing professionals who use AI find it very helpful for landing pages.

Landing pages play a vital role in the overall marketing process. It is a crucial step in leading visitors into leads or actual buyers. By using AI technology, marketers can optimize the design and content of landing pages to increase conversions and user experience.

Many businesses underestimate the importance of user experience, and AI can help monitor and improve customer navigation on pages by:

  • A/B testing: AI can help marketers understand user behavior and preferences through A/B testing and optimization analytics. By analyzing the data, marketers can determine which page elements and layouts are more appealing to users and adjust and optimize their landing pages accordingly to increase user engagement and conversions.
  • Optimization: With AI-assisted analytics, you can analyze your website's bounce rate, load time, and other important data. These insights can help marketers optimize their landing pages, improve the customer experience, and thus increase engagement on their websites.
  • Personalization: Based on a user's interests, preferences, and historical behavior, AI can automatically tailor target page content to make it more engaging and relevant. This helps build a connection with users and increases their interest in the brand or product.

7. E-books (17%)

17% of salespeople said that AI creating eBooks was the second most helpful type of content.

E-books are used for branding and content marketing as part of a marketing strategy. By including valuable content and resources such as guides, case studies, and tools in eBooks, marketers can reach a larger target audience and build good relationships with them. This helps increase brand awareness and influence while increasing lead engagement and conversions.

While AI can help marketers streamline some aspects of eBook creation, there may be better options. Here are some reasons:

  • Tone and style: A well-written eBook requires an understanding of the target audience and the language used. AI language generation technology, while good, still leaves much to be done in recognizing complex linguistic nuances and preferences. In some cases, the tone may not align with the target audience, affecting engagement and causing readers to reject the content of the e-book.
  • Authenticity: Human readers expect e-books to be authentic, insightful, and offer original ideas. AI lacks critical thinking and research to provide a real perspective.
  • Legal issues: Marketers could get into trouble if they overuse AI in published eBooks. AI technology companies can detect the actions of authors falsely claiming other people's original works as their own, and as these tools become more widespread, there are more and more related lawsuits.

8. White Paper (12%)

According to survey data, white papers are among all content marketing types. Less content types that benefit from artificial intelligence.

White papers are typically specialized content for a specific field or industry that appeals to an audience that is interested in that field and has a higher level of interest. Compared to other forms of content, such as blogs or social media, white papers are more detailed and durable. White papers are unique in content marketing in that they provide in-depth industry insights, provide long-term value, attract high-quality leads, and help build brand reputation and professional image.

While AI is good at pattern recognition and data analysis, it may lack the creativity and ability to understand complex problems to create high-quality white papers, and therefore may not yield as much benefit to marketers as other content types.

Innovative marketing power! Decipher the hottest types of AI creation

By revolutionizing the content creation process, AI-generated content is changing the marketing game. Whether it's social media or landing pages, marketing teams can enjoy a more efficient, personalized, and useful way to create content.

This technology not only saves time and resources, but also improves the quality and relevance of content, which in turn increases audience engagement and conversion. By excelling at applying AI-generated content technology, marketing teams can stand out in a competitive market, achieve business goals and build deeper connections with their target audiences. Let's embrace the power of AI-generated content to create impressive marketing materials that will bring greater success to our brand and business!

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