
Stir-fry mushrooms should not be directly put into the pot, add 1 more step, fresh and tender and flavorful, the color is not black

author:Sister Tong's food diary

Stir-fry mushrooms should not be directly put into the pot, add 1 more step, fresh and tender and flavorful, the color is not black

Mushrooms, is a very common thing in life, a wide variety, nutrition is also quite rich, mushroom food, rich in protein, fiber, vitamins, minerals, etc., often eat can enhance immunity, promote appetite, aid digestion and other effects, suitable for all ages.

Stir-fry mushrooms should not be directly put into the pot, add 1 more step, fresh and tender and flavorful, the color is not black

The most common thing to eat on weekdays is nothing more than oyster mushrooms, in addition to fried food, stir-fried mushrooms are also a simple and delicious method. Stir-fried mushrooms are a very ordinary vegetarian dish, which may seem inconspicuous, but the cooking skills in this also need to be mastered.

Stir-fry mushrooms should not be directly put into the pot, add 1 more step, fresh and tender and flavorful, the color is not black

When cooking, many people will go directly to the pot to stir-fry after washing the mushrooms, in fact, this method is not right. If you want mushrooms to taste better, the color is less black, and if you taste fresh and tender, and taste, you need to add 1 more step, and hurry up to see the right way!

Stir-fry mushrooms should not be directly put into the pot, add 1 more step, fresh and tender and flavorful, the color is not black

【Stir-fried mushrooms】

Recipe: mushrooms, pork, chili, green onion and ginger, starch, salt, chicken essence, cooking wine, oyster sauce, soy sauce

1. First slice the pork, put starch, cooking wine, soy sauce, you can also come to a little cooking oil, marinate for a while, so that the pork eats more tender.

Stir-fry mushrooms should not be directly put into the pot, add 1 more step, fresh and tender and flavorful, the color is not black

2. Then process the mushrooms, tear the mushrooms into small pieces, put them in water to clean them, at this time many people will directly fry in the pot, which is actually not correct. Boil a pot of boiling water, put the mushrooms in after the water is boiling, blanch the water for 15 seconds, then fish it out, pass the cool water, and dry the water for later use. Blanching, that is, "add 1 more step", do this step well, the mushroom is smoother and tenderer, and the color is not black.

Stir-fry mushrooms should not be directly put into the pot, add 1 more step, fresh and tender and flavorful, the color is not black

3. Pour oil into the pot, add green onions and ginger after heating, stir-fry the aroma, pour the marinated mushrooms into it, stir-fry, stir-fry until the meat slices are white, add dried chili peppers to continue stir-frying, add mushrooms after stir-frying, use a spatula to pull twice, and then season.

Stir-fry mushrooms should not be directly put into the pot, add 1 more step, fresh and tender and flavorful, the color is not black

4. If you are seasoning, put an appropriate amount of salt, chicken essence, oyster sauce, soy sauce, and you don't need to put anything else, you can taste the original umami of mushrooms. After pouring in to taste, continue to stir-fry with a spatula for a while, and then you can get out of the pan after stir-frying.

Stir-fry mushrooms should not be directly put into the pot, add 1 more step, fresh and tender and flavorful, the color is not black