
Pay attention to the high blood sugar over 60 years old, and repeatedly advise: these 4 kinds of vegetarian food, sugar friends try to eat as little as possible

author:Qingqing loves to cook

Hello everyone, I'm Qingqing. For the elderly, we must pay attention to the changes in our own body, because when people's physical functions decline, the body will be very fragile, if you usually do not maintain a good living habits, if you do not suddenly die of an accident one day, it is really a pity, especially for diabetics, not only to maintain a good work and rest routine, but also need scientific control in the diet, do not wantonly eat some food conducive to recovery.

Pay attention to the high blood sugar over 60 years old, and repeatedly advise: these 4 kinds of vegetarian food, sugar friends try to eat as little as possible

Diabetes is a condition characterized by high blood sugar, which may occur because of impaired insulin biology or loss of pancreatic function, which can cause diabetes when blood sugar is chronically too high. If not treated and controlled in time, then the chance of death is also very high, the higher the age of the person the greater the risk of diabetes, if you already have diabetes, then you need to pay more attention, do not eat fat, eat more vegetables, but it is not that what kind of vegetarian food can be eaten, these 4 are best not to eat, come and see!

Pay attention to the high blood sugar over 60 years old, and repeatedly advise: these 4 kinds of vegetarian food, sugar friends try to eat as little as possible

First: fried food

Generally, people with diabetes need long-term medication, diet matching also needs more attention, fried food do not eat, fried food contains a lot of oil, eat more will make blood sugar rise, that is very unfavorable to the condition, may also cause cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, diabetics try to eat less of these.

Pay attention to the high blood sugar over 60 years old, and repeatedly advise: these 4 kinds of vegetarian food, sugar friends try to eat as little as possible

Second: nuts

Nuts are rich in nutrients, such as minerals, protein, etc., and eating a little every day has certain benefits for the heart. However, diabetic patients can not eat, because nuts contain a lot of fat, calories are very high, will increase the burden of islets, but also converted into glucose, blood sugar is easy to rise, that will aggravate the disease.

Pay attention to the high blood sugar over 60 years old, and repeatedly advise: these 4 kinds of vegetarian food, sugar friends try to eat as little as possible

Third: starch

Starchy foods are generally vegetarian, so many people think that diabetics as long as they eat less meat, eat more vegetarian dishes, in fact, not all vegetarian dishes can be eaten, such as potatoes, sweet potatoes, lotus root, these ingredients contain a lot of starch, into the human body will be converted into glucose, which will also aggravate the symptoms of diabetes, diabetics are best to eat less vegetarian food with high starch content.

Pay attention to the high blood sugar over 60 years old, and repeatedly advise: these 4 kinds of vegetarian food, sugar friends try to eat as little as possible

Fourth: fruits

Summer is coming, a variety of fruits began to market in large quantities, but as diabetics, fruits should also be selected to eat, try to eat some fruits with low sugar content, do not eat fruits with high sugar content, such as red dates, durian, lychee, etc., the sugar content of these fruits is relatively high, eating too much can easily cause blood sugar to rise. We can eat some relatively low sugar content, such as cucumbers, strawberries, etc., which will be more conducive to the stability of the disease.

Pay attention to the high blood sugar over 60 years old, and repeatedly advise: these 4 kinds of vegetarian food, sugar friends try to eat as little as possible

【What should diabetics pay attention to?】 】

If you want to make the condition stable, diabetics also need to pay more attention in daily life, to maintain a stable mood, do not lose your temper casually, because blood pressure will also increase when you lose your temper, blood pressure will rise, blood sugar will also rise, which is not conducive to the stability of the condition.

Secondly, you also need to pay attention not to do strenuous exercise, suitable exercise will make the condition stable, if you do strenuous exercise, it may cause hypoglycemia, which is not conducive to the condition. Want to get better, the most important thing is to have a regular schedule, many elderly people have nothing to do after retirement, always ask three or two friends to play mahjong, a dozen is a night, family persuasion is not willing to listen, in fact, this is very consuming to the body, the elderly are not to mention, there is simply so much energy, over time the body will be deficit, diabetes will be aggravated, it is easy to suddenly become ill, it is easy to threaten life safety.

Pay attention to the high blood sugar over 60 years old, and repeatedly advise: these 4 kinds of vegetarian food, sugar friends try to eat as little as possible

Diabetic patients must eat less greasy food, eat more light food, and eat less quality with high starch content, which is not conducive to the recovery of the disease, do not remember to take medicine on time, in order to effectively control the disease. After reading today's sharing, you must have an understanding of how to eat with diabetes, if today's sharing is useful to you, then like and forward it to Qingqing, pay attention to Qingqing love to cook, see you in the next issue.