
From the Communist Manifesto, China has made great efforts to punish corruption

author:Beautiful Xiangxi Brother

This is because the Communist Manifesto is a theoretical and ideological weapon for all proletarians to eliminate private ownership, seize political power, and defend their rights and interests, and it is also a program of action for communists to overcome all difficulties and dangers. When we look at the development of society and the expanding material wealth, as well as the accumulation of capital and the distribution of benefits under the state of socialist public ownership, we must first understand that these achievements are the hard work created by the vast number of proletarian workers in the system of working at least 8 hours a day, and no unit or individual can encroach on it alone, let alone bully and monopolize, or even use power to seek excess and additional wages. The main reason is that this is determined by socialist ownership, and it is also not allowed by the administrative regulations and policy environment of the Chinese Communist Party. Once the violation and the incident occur, the consequences are very unbearable, in all the violation of discipline and law, as long as the cheek is labeled as a [corrupt person], no matter who it is, it must be difficult for individuals and even families to completely wash it clean!

In response to this temptation of capital profits, as well as the hidden and explosive corruption and degeneration of power under rent-seeking and abuse of power for the purpose of private appropriation. As early as the Western bourgeois industrial revolution in the nineteenth century, the enclosure was put into production, capital was exported, and there was a "economic prosperity". Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, two great men who aspired to "work for all mankind", had a keen insight into the oppression and exploitation, drawbacks and crises concealed or exposed by this bourgeois monopoly of production, mode of exchange, means of profit, management mode, distribution principle, etc. It foresees and points out that the private economy under the capitalist system will inevitably die, and the historical outcome of public ownership socialism and demand-based communism will inevitably be realized. This truth was profoundly expounded in the Communist Manifesto, the Communist Manifesto, written in 1847, aiming to awaken and call on the broad masses of the toiling masses who were oppressed and exploited to unite and establish their own political parties and regimes, and to create a new socialist society without exploitation and oppression, monopoly and selfishness.

"Proletarians of the whole world, unite!" Slogan From the West to the East, from the East to the world, until the founding of the Communist Party of China in Shanghai on July 1, 1921, countless revolutionary martyrs, pioneers and philosophers, under the call of the Declaration, led the people and went forward one after another to overthrow the three mountains of imperialism, feudalism and bureaucratic capitalism that weighed on the heads of the Chinese people, defeating and hardening the armed aggression and provocation of Japanese and US militarism. After more than 70 years of socialist transformation and reform and forging ahead, the socialist country predicted and drawn in the Communist Manifesto now stands tall in the east of the world and ranks as the world's second largest economy.

I hereby believe that this is the inevitable development of human society correctly, and it is also the result of the "ghost" of the Communist Manifesto taking root and blossoming in China.

Although the socialist revolution has achieved unprecedented success in China, it is still far from "real" socialism, that is, the intermediate and advanced stages. Conservative, backward and reactionary feudal bourgeois ideology and behavior habits still exist and invade. As everyone knows, socialist China has successfully broken through in the collision and struggle between the two major class camps of the East and the West. In addition to defending hard-won gains, self-revolution and self-transformation must continue, without which there is no guarantee of a smooth march towards "real" socialism.

Therefore, everyone will naturally experience and perceive, let alone more than a century later, that is, more than 170 years later, we are very fortunate to enjoy the glory and well-being of China's current power, and at the same time, we also regret the confusion and harm of corruption! Imagine a large and successful party in the world, the largest ruling party in the world, a rare and successful major party larger than the entire population of Germany, where the Communist Manifesto originated, marching forward in storms, and it is unrealistic to demand perfection from every communist. In particular, China's "official standard" ideology for thousands of years is deeply rooted: "suffering first, enjoyment last." Ideas have been embedded in people's hearts for a long time, and often the more backward the place, the more common and serious it is. If they see that it is profitable and the risk is small, some people who have an official and a half-job will be tempted to take risks and break the criminal law with the intention of luck.

When officials do not stretch out their hands for the people, the lessons of the past are a wake-up call.

Seeing that the profit is forgetting and scooping up, humiliating the lintels and destroying them for life.

"If you are an official, do not get rich, and if you get rich, do not become an official." In the conviction of the leaders of the Communist Party of China, in the promulgation and implementation of the Party Constitution and Party rules and precepts, under the guidance of the Communist Manifesto, and from the day they joined the oath, they served the people wholeheartedly, loyal to the guards, servants of the people, the mass line, and united in will. If you can stick to and perform like this, you will definitely be able to do great things and establish great deeds. Communism will surely be realized. This may be the fundamental reason why the Chinese Communist Party is different from other political parties

It is precisely because of this that under the leadership of the Communist Party can there be a glorious victory of the new democratic revolution over the strong, an unprecedented socialist transformation, earth-shaking post-socialist construction, and the world-renowned achievements of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

In this sense, the soul and core of the Communist Manifesto, the Communist Manifesto, can be summarized as: in the process of the continuous development of human social life, clean up and eliminate all inequalities, and oppose and stop exploitation and oppression; Establish fair, just and open social laws, implement a system of distribution according to work, resource sharing, each taking what he needs, and public ownership first, hunt down and eradicate the soil for absolute privatization of assets, and prevent and eliminate corruption.

However, at the present stage, all functional departments of Chinese society still need to carry out drastic and in-depth reforms, still carry out a vigorous and thunderous action to punish corruption, establish and improve various systems, and implement and imprint in their hearts the measures of "not daring to be corrupt, not being corrupt, and not wanting to be corrupt." At present, the financial disclosure system is gradually implemented to individuals, and the accounting transaction and issuance of digital yuan are being operated on a trial basis. The aim is to level the soil that breeds corruption. It can be imagined that the requirements of the Party Central Committee for Party members and cadres are only getting higher and stricter. I advise those opportunists who do not have the will and ability to "govern for the people and the world for the public" to cut off the idea of "promoting officials and getting rich" as soon as possible, honestly become law-abiding and self-reliant citizens, share the social dividends under the conditions of public ownership, and live a long life.

In reality, after all, there are a few good cadres like Jiao Yulu and Kong Fansen who devote themselves to serving the public and forever in history, and there are not many local governors like Geng Yanbo and Chen Xingjia who have both ability and political integrity and can safely advance and retreat after achieving fame. Because this does require extraordinary perseverance, courage and determination, as well as outstanding ability and quality, and unwavering will to strengthen one's ideals and beliefs. Only in this way can it be possible to be a good official, be able to be an official, and be a good official. In a country that admires heroes and clean officials, the value of life is immeasurable!

Mo Dao's floating clouds cover his eyes, and the wind should be long.

Perhaps not everyone may be happy now, as the prospect of the Communist Manifesto indicates, as long as everyone is on the right path, there is hope to see the sun shining in the east come to their heads one day sooner.

May 28, 2023 in Huaihua, Hunan Province

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