
Launch chat AI artificial intelligence AI can replace manual work to do a lot of work. ...

author:Storyteller Liu

Will ChatGPT eliminate programmers?

Zhong Hui teaches programming.

ChatGPT is a chat tool, I think it is a bit far behind to replace programmers writing code. Don't be fooled by the so-called experts, I've been writing code for more than a decade, and then I've brought hundreds of people. I know very well what kind of abilities programmers need. I've also been following ChatGPT for over two or three months, saying three reasons why ChatGPT is unlikely to replace programmers.

First, programmers don't write code most of the time, which is a misconception among many people. Because programmers spend most of their time tinkering bugs to refactor code, then meeting to write documentation, and arguing with test or product managers. ChatGPT should be dregs in other aspects except for writing some commonly used code.

Launch chat AI artificial intelligence AI can replace manual work to do a lot of work. ...

Second, the most important thing for programmers to write code is not how fast they write, how fast the program runs, or what cool technology is used. The most important thing is that there are no bugs. If you write code full of bugs and spend more time debugging refactorings than writing code, don't write it. I think ChatGPT should just knock the code. Regardless of whether there are bugs or not, because ChatGPT has no logic at all, it is a code porter. How to write high-quality code, I'll talk about it next time.

Launch chat AI artificial intelligence AI can replace manual work to do a lot of work. ...

Third, most programmers copy and paste code, but there is still a small part of the work that needs to be customized according to business needs and product documentation. This is also the core competence of programmers. This part of the code is definitely not found online, and it needs to exert some wisdom and create something out of nothing. This is also something that porters like ChatGPT or first-level programmers can't do.

Launch chat AI artificial intelligence AI can replace manual work to do a lot of work. ...

What else ChatGPT can't get, you can talk about it in the comment area.

Launch chat AI artificial intelligence AI can replace manual work to do a lot of work. ...

Today's headlines, come to Douyin to follow hot events. ChatGPT4 released.

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