
Wild grass carp fishing is an efficient method, and continuous rod explosion protection is not a dream

author:Tubo National Division

Hello everyone, I am Tubo National Master, a wild fishing enthusiast, focusing on wild fishing.

Summer is here, it can be said that it is a good season for fishing, and wild fishing for grass carp is the expectation of many friends. Grass carp is strong, strong impact, from the feel point of view, can be addictive, grass carp meat quality is also good, than carp has no earthy smell, so it is more popular with everyone.

Wild grass carp fishing is an efficient method, and continuous rod explosion protection is not a dream

Grass carp like to get together, and if the baiting fish is done well, schools of grass carp into the nest are not a problem at all. Therefore, as long as we do well, there is no problem in fishing grass carp all the time, so it is not difficult to catch grass carp, and if the effect of wild fishing is not good, the probability is that the resources are not good, and there is no grass carp in the river itself.

The first is the time node for fishing grass carp. The active feeding temperature of grass carp is about 25 to 30 degrees Celsius, and the overall activity of summer fish is high, so we are the best time to catch grass carp sooner or later. If we fish in the morning, we make an overnight nest and get up early in the morning to fish. When fishing in the evening, I will make a nest an hour in advance to lure the fish. Of course, we don't have to be so precise, and it's okay to change the nest to fishing.

In terms of weather, the best days are sunny days with a light breeze, the sun should not be too strong, and the oxygen content in the water should not be too low.

Wild grass carp fishing is an efficient method, and continuous rod explosion protection is not a dream

The second is the selection of fishing positions. Summer fishing, fishing position selection has a certain universality, the main requirement is to choose a position with shade, the temperature under the shade is slightly lower, the insects and fruits falling on the tree can be eaten by fish. Therefore, under the fruit trees is the first choice, for example, there will be more fish under the trees with natural wild fruits such as mulberry trees and locust trees. Second, there must be flowing water. The flow water has a high oxygen content, the fish are larger, especially at the intersection of the current. The temperature in the stagnant water is high, the oxygen content is low, there are many bacteria, and the fish will not go. Third, it is necessary to face the wind. Windy areas are cooler, and fishing positions can also be considered.

The third is the choice of fishing method. Grass carp is foraging in the whole water layer, and the upper and middle bottoms can forage, so how do we fish?

Wild grass carp fishing is an efficient method, and continuous rod explosion protection is not a dream

If your fishing position is very quiet, you are fishing alone, and there are grass carp floating on the feed, then we will fish for floating, and it is no problem. Use grass to make nests, fish for floating, keep quiet, long rod short line traditional fishing is the best, fishing bait with young grass tips, such as reed tips, pumpkin vine tips, unopened pumpkin flowers, these things, are good bait that can be taken from the local material, fishing float can achieve good results. You can use lead-free fishing, or use a small lead drop to keep it in the upper part of the water.

If you have a lot of people fishing in your fishing position, or a lot of flexible people, you must not be able to float. We're going to have to fish for the middle and lower layers. To catch middle and lower grass carp, double hook fishing, the subline is slightly longer, 20 to 30 cm is enough. Hook on the tender corn, hook on the commercial bait, commonly used giant bait can be.

Wild fishing grass carp and fish gathering fish is the key, so nesting plays a key role, what to use to make a nest? Two methods are recommended: one is to make a nest with fermented bait. If your old corn is all granules, it is best to add atomized cornmeal, so that the atomization is strong and the fish lure is faster. This way of making nests, we do it at one time, use heavy nests, do not need to make up the nest after the fish, until there is no mouth, and then consider making the nest. Second, use fresh corn to make nests. Tender corn nesting is a good way, corn with incomplete solidification is the best, with a knife directly cut down on the line, usually three corn cob cut can be used directly. Specifically, about 20 capsules are thrown into the water each time, every 5 minutes or so, do not worry that the sound of entering the water will scare the fish away, on the contrary, it will form a stress response, grass carp will slowly gather, after all, the fish are interested in what falls into the water. Nest throwing should be accurate, what cannot be scattered everywhere, and it cannot be gathered into nests. Usually we run out of corn on the cob and don't have to make any more nests. The rest is used to mend the nest.

Wild grass carp fishing is an efficient method, and continuous rod explosion protection is not a dream

Throwing tender corn to nest with the fishing process, if the grass carp enters the nest, it usually forms an interface. Therefore, after throwing the bait into the water, it is necessary to strengthen the observation, and the interface appears in time to raise the stickleback. Here we want to use the stroke drift, the drift will sink evenly after flipping, if there is an obvious blunt mouth and top drift during the sinking process, the interface appears.

The fourth is line group selection. Wild fishing grass carp, the line set should be large rather than small, fishing large and small is our main reason, small grass carp is not interesting, but causes a waste of resources.

Specifically, line group No. 4 main line No. 2 to 3 sub-line, fish hook, Iseni No. 6 to No. 9, this combination, can control most grass carp in wild conditions, do not worry.

After hitting the fish, pull the fish out of the nest in time, preferably away from the fishing area we are fishing. Therefore, the rod must be harder, not afraid of hard rigidity, and at the same time, with a missed rope, in case of encountering a giant, you can also maneuver.

Wild grass carp fishing is an efficient method, and continuous rod explosion protection is not a dream

The rod is inevitable, an inch long and an inch strong, at least 6.3 meters to start, grass carp vigilance is high, so fishing far is inevitable. Of course, it is better to use an isopole, and you can fight the big grass carp in the water.

It is not difficult to catch grass carp, the important thing is to judge what to use and how to fish, and if there is grass carp in the river, you will definitely be able to catch it.

Finally, I wish the fishing friends a big carp and a big carp, and even the rod bursts!

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