
Curious Rats Fun Fire Rats in the Kigoma region of Tanzania, there is a species of fire rats. It contains about 80% of the body's body weight and burns. Therefore, local residents often catch this rat, and

author:Know-Doer V9

Curious rats are fun

In the Kigoma region of Tanzania, there is a species of fire rat. It contains about 80% of the body's body weight and burns. Therefore, local residents often catch this rat and dry it to boil water and cook.

There is a kind of rat in Africa, which secretes a poisonous gas called "hemp phosphorus". As soon as the cat smells it, it will not wake up with anesthesia, and the mouse will immediately rush up and bite it to death.

There is a very peculiar rat in Pennsylvania, USA, which has incense glands on the top of its head, a group of incense gland tubes extending along the neck and leading to many cells throughout the body. The fragrance it secretes will emit bursts of strong fragrance.

Dormouse Europe has a kind of sleeping mouse, which begins to fall asleep in October every year and does not wake up until March and April of the following year.

Muskrat Switzerland's muskrat, known as the "world's best swimmer". It can swim several miles or even tens of miles in one breath. In addition, it has great diving skills and can last for hours in the water.

There is a boiling water rat in the Kuga region of Greece, which lives in hot springs at 80 to 90 degrees Celsius all year round. If it is in a normal temperature environment, it will be quickly frozen to death due to low temperature.

The arch bridge rat Zambia has a kind of rat with a back like an arch bridge. When it lies on the ground, its body is supported by its collarbone, resembling an arched bridge. This rat is so large that a 60-kilogram human standing on its back is also indifferent.

In the primeval forest of the Amazon basin of South America, there is a large rat. When it encounters hostility, it's like a well-gasped basketball; When I want to cross the river, I am like a fully aired rubber boat and swim smoothly.

The chameleon rat is a species of chameleon in southern Africa. In summer, it turns yellow; In winter, nature turns pure white.

Curious Rats Fun Fire Rats in the Kigoma region of Tanzania, there is a species of fire rats. It contains about 80% of the body's body weight and burns. Therefore, local residents often catch this rat, and
Curious Rats Fun Fire Rats in the Kigoma region of Tanzania, there is a species of fire rats. It contains about 80% of the body's body weight and burns. Therefore, local residents often catch this rat, and
Curious Rats Fun Fire Rats in the Kigoma region of Tanzania, there is a species of fire rats. It contains about 80% of the body's body weight and burns. Therefore, local residents often catch this rat, and
Curious Rats Fun Fire Rats in the Kigoma region of Tanzania, there is a species of fire rats. It contains about 80% of the body's body weight and burns. Therefore, local residents often catch this rat, and
Curious Rats Fun Fire Rats in the Kigoma region of Tanzania, there is a species of fire rats. It contains about 80% of the body's body weight and burns. Therefore, local residents often catch this rat, and

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