
Glory of Kings: Overnight, the cow and horse combination was completely fired! Even tanks can be instantaneous, outrageous

author:Danqing explained

#挑战30天在头条写日记 #

Glory of Kings: Overnight, the cow and horse combination was completely fired! Even tanks can be instantaneous, outrageous

Text│Danqing Commentary Original

Just in these two days, a brand new double-row combination suddenly caught fire and became the best routine for scoring points in the middle of the S31 season.

This combination, consisting of shooter + auxiliary, is very suitable for the little friends in the double row, and the protagonist is the bull demon + Marco Polo.

Hello everyone, I am your old friend Danqing.

In this issue, we will talk about the principle and strength of the cow and horse combination.

Glory of Kings: Overnight, the cow and horse combination was completely fired! Even tanks can be instantaneous, outrageous

Polo of polarization

From the beginning of the S30 season to the present, Marco Polo's appearance rate has remained high, but the win rate has been at the third-tier level, which is obviously in the direction of two extremes.

The high appearance rate is actually because Marco Polo's game experience is good, two displacements + real damage, passive can also automatically probe the grass, not easy to be caught to death, and the game experience is relatively good.

Glory of Kings: Overnight, the cow and horse combination was completely fired! Even tanks can be instantaneous, outrageous

The low win rate is actually caused by the large environmental impact, one is that there is no good auxiliary to help Marco Polo transition in the early stage, the second is that Marco Polo in the early stage is weaker and easy to be suppressed by the enemy, and the third is that the demand for attack speed is too high, and it is obviously restrained by the attack speed reduction equipment, such as: ominous signs.

Previously, the assistant that was more suitable for Marco Polo was Yao, and Yao's close one skill has two stages of control, which solves the embarrassment that Marco Polo does not control, and at the same time, the real shield provided after possession can also improve Marco Polo's survival rate.

Glory of Kings: Overnight, the cow and horse combination was completely fired! Even tanks can be instantaneous, outrageous

But Yao, the hero, like Donghuang Taiyi, is not only difficult to step down from the Ban position, but also can only play the tailwind, the alternative target of the best auxiliary hero, someone thought of the bull devil.

The principle and advantages of the combination of cow and horse

The cow and horse combination, a powerful combination that seems to have become popular overnight, has actually been proved by well-known anchors and routine evaluation players in the past two weeks, and it is a top-point routine that is very suitable for double-row combinations.

I watched the original video carefully, a tank hero with nearly 17,000 HP was easily instantaneous by this combination, which has to be said to be really outrageous.

The principle of the combination of cow and horse comes from the core skills of the two heroes, of which the skill of the bull demon is crucial.

Glory of Kings: Overnight, the cow and horse combination was completely fired! Even tanks can be instantaneous, outrageous

Bull Demon's one-skill Roaring Axe: Slash enemies in front of you, deal physical damage, and mark heroes hit by axes (for 4 seconds), and each time the marked hero receives general attack damage, it will automatically superimpose a sigil, up to 12 layers of mark.

Each layer of imprint provides an additional 20 (+10% AD bonus) of physical damage, and an additional 40 (+20% AD bonus) when the imprint reaches 4/8/12.

To put it bluntly, this skill is to pave the way for teammate output, most players may only remember that the bull demon can add double resistance to teammates, but few know that a skill has such a powerful mechanism.

Marco Polo's passive and big moves: Passive general attacks and skills can cause damage to the target, and after reaching 10 layers, the defensive damage effect is triggered, and every time the enemy hero receives damage from Marco Polo, it will be accompanied by an additional 40 (+35% AD bonus) of real damage (which can be critical hit).

Glory of Kings: Overnight, the cow and horse combination was completely fired! Even tanks can be instantaneous, outrageous

When Marco Polo's attack speed reaches 0/80%/130%/180%, the number of barrages fired by the big move is 10/13/16/19, and the barrage will trigger the magic ball effect of the general attack.

Seeing the little friends here, I believe you have guessed the principle of this combination.

That is, after being marked by the bull demon, Marco Polo directly enters the big + dizzy, and while hitting the real damage, he can also trigger all the imprint damage after the bull demon skill mark!

Glory of Kings: Overnight, the cow and horse combination was completely fired! Even tanks can be instantaneous, outrageous

The premise of Marco Polo turning bigger, try to stack the passive, trigger the destruction effect, and then enter and turn big with the mark of the bull demon.

The advantage of the cow and horse combination is very large, the two and three skills of the bull demon have control, which can supplement the embarrassment that Marco Polo does not control, and can also take the lead in opening a group to eat damage, passive can supplement Marco Polo's frankness, help Marco Polo through the early stage safely, is a particularly secure auxiliary hero.

More importantly, the bull demon is generally not disabled, which can bring a sense of security to all teammates.

The above combination routine is developed by the god, and I personally feel that it is still very reliable, but it requires tacit cooperation, so you think: how about the combination of cows and horses? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area below to discuss.

Thank you for reading, the code word is not easy, look forward to your attention, hope to meet you at the next corner.

I am Danqing, the canyon is not big, see you soon!