
It is recommended that middle-aged and elderly people: don't be too frugal, eat more of these 3 things, protect your eyes, and often eat in good spirits

author:A bowl of vigor

The eyes are the assistants of our lives, the tools for touching the world, the windows of the heart. The eyes bring light, color, and variety to our lives.

The eye is a very important organ, but it is also a very fragile organ. Especially middle-aged and elderly people, it is easy to get presbyopia, myopia, glaucoma, cataracts, etc. Eye problems generally do not occur suddenly, but are caused by long-term accumulation. Therefore, it is very important to protect our eyes at all times.

It is recommended that middle-aged and elderly people: don't be too frugal, eat more of these 3 things, protect your eyes, and often eat in good spirits

Especially now, the mobile phone does not leave the hand every day, and even in the middle of the night, in the dark room, there is still a very bright screen tirelessly brushing short videos. This way of using the eyes is very harmful to the eyes, myopia is still secondary, and over time, it will lead to various problems.

Protect your eyes, let your eyes rest more, and don't overdo it. Usually, you can look at the green more, look at the distance, and do eye exercises. You can also eat more foods that are good for the eyes, which also have a good effect.

Here are 3 foods that are good for the eyes, it is recommended to eat more, love the eyes, and make life more colorful.

1. Carrots

It is recommended that middle-aged and elderly people: don't be too frugal, eat more of these 3 things, protect your eyes, and often eat in good spirits

Recommended method: Stir-fried meat with shredded carrots

Ingredients: 1 carrot, 100g pork, 1 chili pepper, 5 cloves of garlic, salt to taste, 1 spoonful of light soy sauce, 1 spoonful of starch.

1: Peel the carrots, wash them and shred them. The peppers are also washed, shredded and minced with garlic. Pork separates fat from lean meat, washes it and shreds it.

It is recommended that middle-aged and elderly people: don't be too frugal, eat more of these 3 things, protect your eyes, and often eat in good spirits

2. Add light soy sauce and starch to shredded lean meat, grab and mix well, and then add a little oil to seal the water.

It is recommended that middle-aged and elderly people: don't be too frugal, eat more of these 3 things, protect your eyes, and often eat in good spirits

3. Boil oil, add fat meat, boil out lard, fry until fat meat is dry, add shredded meat, quickly stir-fry for a while, until the shredded meat changes color, then add shredded green pepper and stir-fry for a while.

It is recommended that middle-aged and elderly people: don't be too frugal, eat more of these 3 things, protect your eyes, and often eat in good spirits

4. Add minced garlic, stir-fry for a while, then add a little old soy sauce to color, add shredded carrots, stir-fry until the shredded carrots are soft, out of the pan, done.

2. Fish

It is recommended that middle-aged and elderly people: don't be too frugal, eat more of these 3 things, protect your eyes, and often eat in good spirits

Recommended practice: Tomato fish

Ingredients: 1 black fish (more than 1000 grams), green onion, ginger, cooking wine, salt, egg white, pepper, starch, 500 grams of tomato, 5 cloves of garlic, pickled pepper, 1 pinch of peppercorns, a little white sesame seeds, half a lemon, 1 spoonful of oyster sauce, 1 spoonful of white sugar.

1. Slice the meat on both sides of the black fish, clean it, chop the fish bones into pieces, cut the fish diagonally into slices, and divide them apart. Add a little salt and green onion and ginger cooking wine to the fish fillets and bones, grasp and mix well to remove the fishy smell, then rinse and drain.

It is recommended that middle-aged and elderly people: don't be too frugal, eat more of these 3 things, protect your eyes, and often eat in good spirits

2: Beat 1 egg white, 1 spoonful of salt, appropriate amount of cooking wine and pepper into the fillet, stir well in the same direction, then add 1 spoonful of starch, stir well until viscous, marinate for 20 minutes.

It is recommended that middle-aged and elderly people: don't be too frugal, eat more of these 3 things, protect your eyes, and often eat in good spirits

3: Cross the skin with a knife, put it in boiling water for 1 minute, tear the skin, and cut it into small cubes.

It is recommended that middle-aged and elderly people: don't be too frugal, eat more of these 3 things, protect your eyes, and often eat in good spirits

4. Heat oil, add fish bones and fry until the surface is golden. After frying half of it, add minced garlic and ginger, stir-fry evenly, then pour in enough boiling water, add appropriate amount of salt and cooking wine, cook on high heat for 3-5 minutes, until the soup is milky white, take out the fish bones and put them in the bottom of the pot for later use.

It is recommended that middle-aged and elderly people: don't be too frugal, eat more of these 3 things, protect your eyes, and often eat in good spirits

5. In another oil pot, add diced tomatoes, stir-fry into a paste, then pour in the freshly boiled fish bone broth, add tomato sauce, stir and mix evenly, then put in fish fillets, cook until the fish fillets change color, and pour the soup into the basin with the fish bones.

It is recommended that middle-aged and elderly people: don't be too frugal, eat more of these 3 things, protect your eyes, and often eat in good spirits

6. Sprinkle with white sesame seeds, peppercorns, chopped green onion, drizzle with a spoonful of hot oil to bring out the aroma, and finally squeeze lemon juice to finish.

3. Almonds

It is recommended that middle-aged and elderly people: don't be too frugal, eat more of these 3 things, protect your eyes, and often eat in good spirits

Recommended preparation: Almond tofu

Ingredients: 60 grams of almonds, 3 grams of agar, a little rock sugar, 250ml of whole milk, an appropriate amount of rock sugar water, an appropriate amount of sugar osmanthus flowers.

1: Put the almonds in warm water, soak for 1 hour, then fish them out and peel off the skin. Put in a blender, add another 200ml of water, beat into almond pulp, and then strain out the almond juice with gauze.

It is recommended that middle-aged and elderly people: don't be too frugal, eat more of these 3 things, protect your eyes, and often eat in good spirits

2. Wash the agar, soak it in 200ml of water to soften, then pour it into the pot with water, put in a little rock sugar, and boil over low heat.

It is recommended that middle-aged and elderly people: don't be too frugal, eat more of these 3 things, protect your eyes, and often eat in good spirits

3. After the agar is boiled, pour into almond juice, then pour 250ml of whole milk, stir well, pour into a square container, skim the bubbles and foam.

It is recommended that middle-aged and elderly people: don't be too frugal, eat more of these 3 things, protect your eyes, and often eat in good spirits

4. Let stand and cool, and after cooling, put it in the refrigerator for about 2 hours, it will become pudding-like. Then take it out upside down, cut it into small pieces, drizzle with rock sugar water and sugar osmanthus and you're done.

It is recommended that middle-aged and elderly people: don't be too frugal, eat more of these 3 things, protect your eyes, and often eat in good spirits