
DNF: Anniversary "4 Core" gameplay! The national uniform has been updated, and the Heavenly Emperor Devil May Cry has been greatly strengthened

author:Game Esports Kitsune

#Dungeons & Warriors#National Service 15th Anniversary Edition is about to be launched, and the 4 major contents have been set in the air. For national server players, it is still quite useful, let's take a look at it in detail:

DNF: Anniversary "4 Core" gameplay! The national uniform has been updated, and the Heavenly Emperor Devil May Cry has been greatly strengthened

DNF: 15th Anniversary "4 Exclusive" Content!

The first, Bakar Hardmode rewards extra pounds. Hanbok has been updated twice, the national service is directly updated through, the experience suit has added materials, the dragon's eye breath material, the material material to open the third card slot of the Bakar weapon have been added to the national service, the anniversary national service players are going to burst the liver to refresh the material, in addition to opening the third card slot, you also need to wash the entry, plan this is a forced drag version, the 100 version of the black duck and myth wash entry gameplay, and it has been revived.

DNF: Anniversary "4 Core" gameplay! The national uniform has been updated, and the Heavenly Emperor Devil May Cry has been greatly strengthened

The second, exclusive brick moving copy Storm Castle, although this copy is designed based on the Silent City, the gameplay is nothing new, but the copy produces graduation pet enchantment, graduation artifact BUFF dressup, so this copy is a must-brush place, the anniversary update allows more players to refresh the copy.

DNF: Anniversary "4 Core" gameplay! The national uniform has been updated, and the Heavenly Emperor Devil May Cry has been greatly strengthened

The national uniform has been updated, and the Heavenly Emperor Devil May Cry has been greatly strengthened!

The third class balance strikes again, of which Heavenly Emperor and Devil May Cry are the favorite classes of national service players, and this time it has been strengthened again, so that the love group of Ghost Swordsman players is encouraged.

The fourth, the new class archer, the plan is also through the update, the new class muse and traveler package and update, and the national uniform has sent 2 reservation packages, which can be said to make the national service players look forward to wearing. Milk bow is naturally a popular profession in the national service, every time there is auxiliary milk will make players must play, traveler's data is the first painting of the national service, the anniversary version of these two professions are also shine. "Dungeons and Warriors Only Little Fox Jun Loves to Talk About Game Esports" Issue 3,451 "DNF: 15th Anniversary Celebration "4 Exclusive" Content! National service through update, Heavenly Emperor Devil May Cry greatly strengthened", the old rules to hurry up, directly on this Bakar Raid version of the national service feature BUG measured screenshot display:

DNF: Anniversary "4 Core" gameplay! The national uniform has been updated, and the Heavenly Emperor Devil May Cry has been greatly strengthened

Note: The above content is purely the personal opinion of Little Fox Jun, and the views have nothing to do with the platform! The article is original, the picture source network, if there is infringement, please contact the author to delete. Reprinting without permission is prohibited! Players who like it can like and follow, there are new game information and tips every day, and around 10 o'clock every night, reply to players' messages and questions in a unified manner! The next few previews are a detailed explanation of Bakar Raid and level 110 quests to move bricks and upgrades, interested players please pay attention.

DNF: Anniversary "4 Core" gameplay! The national uniform has been updated, and the Heavenly Emperor Devil May Cry has been greatly strengthened

Summary: The above 4 major updates are to let players return to the pit of krypton gold, after all, there is nothing new in the planning at the end of the version, the 120 version of Hanbok has not been updated, the national server is now dead to the end of the year, play the game and lie flat.