
Second Master Pi fired a cannon to satirize Jordan's poor character and excessive deification Bull's success comes from the team, not Jordan

author:Shengkan Sports

虽迟但到,公牛名宿皮蓬近日在《Gimme The Hot Sauce》节目上‬公开‬批评‬队友‬乔丹‬,按理说‬很少有‬并肩作战‬的‬队友‬这么不留情面的,皮二爷‬作为‬队友‬,自身感受‬最真切‬,我们来看看‬皮二爷‬怎么说的‬。

Second Master Pi fired a cannon to satirize Jordan's poor character and excessive deification Bull's success comes from the team, not Jordan

First of all, Pi Erye complained that "The Last Dance" was to tout Jordan, deliberately showing that he felt different from others, because many years have passed since the Bulls won the championship, and now no one remembers the Bulls, filming this is to make Jordan look a little meaningful to the world, brush the sense of existence, the documentary has made him an omnipotent hero and a god-like character, teammates have become his background and a passing character, the income from the documentary is all owned by him, and the teammates have not received a dime.

Second Master Pi fired a cannon to satirize Jordan's poor character and excessive deification Bull's success comes from the team, not Jordan

Secondly, Second Master Pi believes that Jordan's personality has a big problem, not only despises his teammates, but also teases his teammates, talks to his teammates in an extremely rough way, arbitrarily criticizes his teammates, and is extremely disrespectful! Nothing is what drives us to win! 在公牛的那些年,没有一个自由球员愿意来公牛队和乔丹打球,‬公牛的成功是源自一个团队,而不是来自迈克尔-乔丹,不是来自他批评队友! Before I came to the Bulls, you all saw Jordan playing, he's a bad player, he's a bad teammate. 他一直在单打,他的出手很糟糕,只为了‬数据‬,等我们以一个团队去打球时,我们才开始赢球。

Second Master Pi fired a cannon to satirize Jordan's poor character and excessive deification Bull's success comes from the team, not Jordan

And Pi Erye thinks that Jordan and head coach Jackson are very selfish, especially Jordan, who only cares about himself and does not care about the interests of the team! Such a team will disintegrate sooner or later!

Second Master Pi fired a cannon to satirize Jordan's poor character and excessive deification Bull's success comes from the team, not Jordan

It is rare for the second of the Bulls meritorious trio to be so-for-tat in their later years, but it is also the real feeling of the parties, Jordan after the core discord of the team, only the Lakers Kobe and O'Neal, whether it is Spurs GDP, or James Heat Big Three, Cavaliers trio, their own Lakers two-person group, are mutual respect, mutual praise, sympathy, but Black James is not teammates with him, such as Kwame Brown and the like.

Second Master Pi fired a cannon to satirize Jordan's poor character and excessive deification Bull's success comes from the team, not Jordan

What do the officials think of the Picho controversy, welcome to communicate in the comment area!

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