
The difference between bees and wasps

author:Mint cool snail heart
The difference between bees and wasps

Both bees and wasps belong to the order Hymenoptera, but there are some obvious differences in their appearance, living habits and hive construction. The difference is that bees feed mainly on nectar gathering, while wasps feed on insects. In addition, bees' hives are usually arranged in hexagonal hives, while wasps' hives are irregular. In terms of personality, bees are relatively gentle and less aggressive, while wasps are more aggressive.

The difference between bees and wasps
The difference between bees and wasps

First of all, from the appearance, bees and wasps differ in size and color. Bees are generally fat, with soft yellow-brown and black markings. Wasps are slender and usually have yellow and black stripes.

Secondly, the feeding properties of bees and wasps are also different. Bees mainly feed on nectar gathering, which is converted into honey as an energy source. The mouthparts of bees are suitable for licking and sucking nectar and can carry pollen. Wasps feed on insects, such as flies, dragonflies, etc., and wasps have strong predation ability, and their mouthparts are suitable for biting and stabbing them.

In addition, bees and wasps also differ in hive construction. The bee's hive usually consists of many hexagonal hives, a structure that saves space and facilitates the storage of honey and the raising of bee larvae. Bees chew beeswax and spit it out, which is used to build hives. The hive of wasps, on the other hand, is relatively simple, often small hives arranged irregularly, and they build their hives from chewed wood and saliva.

Finally, bees and wasps also have different personalities.

Bees are usually gentle and less aggressive, and they only take defensive measures when threatened, such as stinging. Relatively speaking, wasps are more aggressive, they are more sensitive to potential threats, and they are easily stimulated and attacked.

In addition, there are some differences in the way of reproduction. Bees are highly social and form complex colonies, including queens, worker bees and male bees. Bee reproduction is mainly controlled by the queen, with worker bees collecting food and caring for young bees, while male bees mate with the queen. In contrast, the social structure of wasps is relatively simple, usually only one female wasp acts as the master of the hive, and the other wasps act alone.

In summary, bees and wasps have obvious differences in appearance, diet, hive construction, personality and reproductive methods. Bees mainly feed on nectar collection, and the hive is well-built and mild; Whereas wasps feed on insects, the hive is simple to construct and has an aggressive personality. These differences allow bees and wasps to play different roles in the ecosystem, while also providing us with more opportunities to understand and study the insect world.

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