
Eat more celery in the summer, reveal the detailed method of stir-frying peanuts with celery by the chef, sell 900 copies a day, and collect

author:Zhang Dashen cuisine


In our small shop, this dish of stir-fried peanuts with celery can actually sell more than 900 servings a day, and every lunchtime, the good guys eat with a sea of customers. It is said that if you want to eat now, you have to book three days in advance, so how does he make this dish? What about his cooking? Let's get to the bottom of the story

Eat more celery in the summer, reveal the detailed method of stir-frying peanuts with celery by the chef, sell 900 copies a day, and collect

Step 1

This is not today's world is good, the little daughter-in-law next door takes advantage of my family when there is no one, she has to send me this honest parsley, let's use this parsley ah to make him a delicious meal, let's first give this parsley to him a simple solution

Eat more celery in the summer, reveal the detailed method of stir-frying peanuts with celery by the chef, sell 900 copies a day, and collect

Let's first change the knife of this parsley to remove the root, give it a neverlasting problem, and then we change the knife to cut it into small particles, we should pay special attention when cutting this parsley, we must cut it to a uniform size, so that the taste of our dish will be more uniform and consistent

Eat more celery in the summer, reveal the detailed method of stir-frying peanuts with celery by the chef, sell 900 copies a day, and collect

After our parsley is cut, first give it a praise on an ancestral plate for later

Step two

Good friends, then let's prepare the side dishes needed for this dish, like our side dishes are also very simple, you like us only need to prepare this not very serious carrot, and this package of ancestral peanut rice, let's give them a simple solution to him first

Then let's take this carrot and first give him the ancestral paring knife in the family to collapse and remove the skin. This carrot I tell you is a good thing, you can't eat this thing when you want to eat it before, it contains this carotene is very rich, we usually have to eat more of this carrot, cut into this bear is almost the same

Eat more celery in the summer, reveal the detailed method of stir-frying peanuts with celery by the chef, sell 900 copies a day, and collect

Next, let's cut the root of this carrot to it forever, and then we will ruthlessly cut this carrot into this thin thick slice, this piece we must cut it thicker, because we have to cut this carrot into this small pellet

Then let's change this carrot into this thick strip, and finally we can change the knife to cut it into this small grain. After we cut this carrot, let's give it a boast and put it on this heirloom small plate for it to spare

Step 3

Good friend, the next step is the key to deliciousness, let's give him this package of ancestral peanut rice. This step of processing peanut rice is very critical, related to the taste and appearance of our dishes, we all wait and see

Well, then, let's add an ancestral peppercorn to this ancestral bowl, plus two ancestral star anise, and then we add 3 ancestral fragrant leaves to him, and then let's add an appropriate amount of ancestral peanut rice to this large bowl, according to personal conditions, don't pour it all over again. After adding it all, let's add 100 degrees of boiled water to it, and soak this peanut rice ah, we soak it for a little longer, soak it for about an hour

Eat more celery in the summer, reveal the detailed method of stir-frying peanuts with celery by the chef, sell 900 copies a day, and collect

When we soak peanut rice, try to cover an ancestral pot lid, so that the time for this peanut rice to soak will be faster. We need to make this peanut rice a little more expanded, so that this taste will be more crisp and refreshing, we put it aside for later

Step 4

Good friends, then next, let's prepare the small ingredients needed for this dish, like this small ingredient is also very simple, we prepare two ancestral garlic rice, let's give it a simple treatment first

Well, then, let's change the knife of these ancestral garlic rice first, cut it into thin and thick slices, and we will chop it later, we will chop it later, we have to prepare more garlic for him when this dish is in this dish, so that the garlic aroma of our dish will be more intense. Then let's use the ancestral kitchen knife at home to chop it into this minced garlic

Eat more celery in the summer, reveal the detailed method of stir-frying peanuts with celery by the chef, sell 900 copies a day, and collect

When we make this minced garlic, let's try to chop it as much as possible, so that the garlic aroma of our dish will be more intense, so that we probably cut it into this bear. Well, after we cut it, we will first put this small plate for him to spare

Step 5

Good friends, then our peanut has been soaked, we wait for more than 1 hour, we will give this peanut to him to deal with

Then let's open the lid of the pot below and put it aside, and then we pick it up with this large ingredient, and then we fish out this peanut rice, control its moisture, and we enlarge it in a bowl for backup

Eat more celery in the summer, reveal the detailed method of stir-frying peanuts with celery by the chef, sell 900 copies a day, and collect

Step six

Good friends, all our ingredients are ready, the next step is the focus of the point, let's start cooking

Let's first add No. 95 Yangtze River water to this ancestral pot, and then we add No. 92 soybean oil to it, a little ancestral salt, let's also add a spoonful to it, so that our dish color is more emerald, and the nutrition is not easy to lose

After all are added, let's first fire it to boil this water, after the water boils, we first put the carrot, blanch the carrot first, this carrot is more difficult to ripen, we must put this carrot into it first, when we are blanching, we must use the ancestral fence in this family, stir him frequently, so that he will be more evenly heated, about a minute or so, let's pour this celery into the water, and blanch the celery for him, Blanch celery until this color turns emerald green

Eat more celery in the summer, reveal the detailed method of stir-frying peanuts with celery by the chef, sell 900 copies a day, and collect

The blanching time of celery should not be too long, about 1 minute can be, so we can blanch this parsley until the color is emerald green. After blanching, immediately turn off the fire for it and fish it out, let's put it into the ancestral cold water this large bowl to cool it, so that it can keep its color not yellow

Eat more celery in the summer, reveal the detailed method of stir-frying peanuts with celery by the chef, sell 900 copies a day, and collect

Step six

So next, let's go to this ancestral pan and get less of this No. 98 soybean oil. After this oil is hot, let's put this minced garlic into the pot to stir-fry him for aroma. Conditional friends, we can add this peppercorn, give him a piece of stir-frying, be sure to stir-fry it fragrant, stir-fry on low heat and stir-fry fragrant, then put in this peanut rice, and then stir-fry the peanut rice to it evenly

Eat more celery in the summer, reveal the detailed method of stir-frying peanuts with celery by the chef, sell 900 copies a day, and collect

After stir-frying, add the blanched greens, then continue to stir-fry it over high heat. After stir-frying, the opportunity comes, let's start seasoning, a spoonful of ancestral salt, a spoonful of white sugar, a spoonful of chicken essence, less of this ancestral oyster sauce, and then we continue to stir-fry him evenly, when stir-frying, the speed of frying should be faster, stir-fry quickly, and fry this water vapor to dry

Eat more celery in the summer, reveal the detailed method of stir-frying peanuts with celery by the chef, sell 900 copies a day, and collect

After stir-frying, let's drizzle a little heirloom sesame oil to make this aroma more intense, we give it high heat again and stir-fry evenly, and then we put it on a plate, oh I go to this dish is too fragrant

Eat more celery in the summer, reveal the detailed method of stir-frying peanuts with celery by the chef, sell 900 copies a day, and collect


Friends, our dish is now fried, I will first taste it for the big guy, how is the taste of this dish, see if more than 900 copies of this peanut rice were sold this day, is it delicious

Well, friends, this dish friends are a little unexpected, this dish tastes a little numb, and very refreshing and crisp, and this dish is definitely under the wine, the garlic aroma is very strong, I recommend that we must try this dish for him at home, very unusual, oh too fragrant I can't stop eating it

Eat more celery in the summer, reveal the detailed method of stir-frying peanuts with celery by the chef, sell 900 copies a day, and collect

Hello friends, let's go here for this work today, if you have anything you want to eat and want to see, welcome to leave a message under my latest work, let's see you in the next issue, bye bye

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