
Fiji wild noni, the magical fruit you can always believe in

author:Guoren Pharmaceutical

Fiji's noni fruit is extremely ugly but highly nutritious

From Fiji, as the "only pure land on earth"

Fiji has preserved intact natural habitat

There is almost no environmental pollution

It has a tropical oceanic climate all year round

The average annual temperature is 22-30°C

This air is fresh and the water is of high quality

The soil is fertile in areas containing a variety of minerals and trace elements

Fijian wild noni fruit, known as the "superfruit", has been cultivated

Fiji wild noni, the magical fruit you can always believe in

| This magic fruit

Noni is the common name of Morinda Citrifolia. Also known as halberd, alberd. Thousands of years ago, the people living on the Indonesian islands in the South Pacific discovered a small flowering shrub shrub throughout the area, the "noni tree", whose fruit is rich in human cells and somatic cells, and has the effect of strengthening the body, and is known as "superfruit, after plants, and God's alms".

Morphological characteristics of noni fruit: 3-10cm, yellow-green, slender oval body, some hexagonal small markings, some rounded inside the markings, and a small dot on the circle, which can be cut and eaten.

Fiji wild noni, the magical fruit you can always believe in

The flowering period of noni fruit is three months. The same noni fruit tree has fruits of different ripeness, and ripe fruits can be eaten every day, 365 days a year.

The special feature of noni fruit is that it tastes strange: although noni fruit has high nutritional value, it has a strange taste, bitterness and a stinky taste.

Fiji wild noni, the magical fruit you can always believe in

Noni fruit has gastrointestinal protection, sleep quality, anti-aging and other effects. It can be a good treatment of indigestion, nutrient non-absorption, constipation, stomach pain, stomach bloating and other problems caused by poor stomach, regular consumption is conducive to promoting blood circulation, promoting body metabolism, thereby effectively improving insomnia symptoms, but also can be used to relieve symptoms such as lack of concentration.

At the same time, noni fruit can regulate endocrine, often used to treat acne and other symptoms caused by endocrine disorders, but also to enhance the body's immunity, to achieve the effect of strengthening the body and delaying aging.

Fiji wild noni, the magical fruit you can always believe in

| Why is it said that noni fruit in Fiji is of the best quality?

According to the experiments, the indicators of noni fermented juice in different production areas have different degrees of difference. Thailand has the highest total acid content in the region. Fiji had a higher protein content, but there was no significant difference from New Zealand and Hainan (HNH) (P>0.05). The contents of NZ reducing sugars, total phenols and total flavonoids were higher than those in other regions. In terms of antioxidant activity, New Zealand has the strongest free radical scavenging ability, and Fiji has the best performance in reducing capacity.

Among the organic acid composition of noni fermented juice of all origins, the content of galacturonic acid was the highest, and the content of fumarate was the lowest. In terms of active substances, New Zealand and Fiji have higher levels of scopolamine and deacetyl glycotides than other origins. Principal component analysis showed that Fiji's comprehensive nutritional quality was relatively good, and the comprehensive evaluation score was the highest.

Fiji wild noni, the magical fruit you can always believe in

Figure: In the "Analysis and Evaluation of the Functional Components of Noni Fermentation Juice from Different Origins", the main components of noni fermentation in different origins are listed

| Wild noni fruit's "growing paradise"

Fiji has moderate hot and cold throughout the year, the temperature is basically maintained between 22~30 degrees, and the humidity is 60-90%. The climate is pleasant and industrial pollution is relatively small. It has tropical sunshine, abundant rain, unique fertile land, rich in a variety of minerals and trace elements, plus natural, non-polluting natural environment. Fiji's unique geographical location allows noni to better accumulate nutrients and produce the best quality noni fruit!

Fiji wild noni, the magical fruit you can always believe in

| Noni contains 227 kinds of nutrients

Noni fruit, a natural wild plant from the Tahiti Islands in the South Pacific, has been widely used by indigenous people for 2,000 years as a necessity for internal and external use, and the benefits of noni fruit for indigenous people's health have been passed down from generation to generation.

Fiji wild noni, the magical fruit you can always believe in

Now noni fruit has been included in the authoritative American books "Pharmacopoeia" and "Doctor's Guide to Medication".

With the great attention of scientists to the nutritional composition of noni fruit, especially after 96 years, more nutrition circles, medical circles and other professionals have carried out a large number of in-depth research on it, and hundreds of thousands of papers have been published, such as: "Gift from Eden", "Natural Miracle Medical Expert - Noni", "Explore Your Body with Noni", "Noni My Vitality Bodybuilding Secret Recipe", "Noni is the Best Medicine" and other books.

Dr. Yang Min, senior nutrition research student of China Institute of Nutrition and Food Safety, pointed out: Noni is a natural nutrition library, complete nutrition, rare in the world!

Fiji wild noni, the magical fruit you can always believe in

Fiji wild noni fruit, suitable for a wide range of people, rich in a variety of vitamins and trace elements needed by the human body, clinically has antibacterial, antiviral, anti-mold, enhance immunity and other effects, long-term drinking, can not only play a role in regulating the liver, delaying aging, cleansing the intestines and detoxification, but also in improving the sub-health of the body also has significant effects.

Fiji wild noni, the magical fruit you can always believe in
Fiji wild noni, the magical fruit you can always believe in

Guoren Pharmaceutical has been committed to transforming the miraculous effects of Fijian wild noni fruit and related scientific research achievements into high-quality products to serve the public.

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