
The natural "laxative fruit" hidden around, not bananas, but it ...

author:Shangguan News

It is said that eating bananas can be laxative, but in fact, the effect of banana laxation is very limited, and if you don't eat it right, it will even aggravate constipation! Today I will introduce another "laxative fruit", the laxative effect is very good, but it has been ignored by everyone ...

Bananas are not eaten right, and constipation is getting worse

It is undeniable that bananas are a very healthy fruit, but their effect on laxation is not as good as everyone thinks.

Bananas can be divided into two categories, one is the yellow green banana that is not fully ripe; One type is pure yellow, or yellow with black spots, completely ripe.

Unripe bananas contain more tannic acid. Tannic acid is an astringent, which slows gastrointestinal peristalsis and makes stool very dry and hard after entering the gastrointestinal tract. If you eat this banana laxative, not only will constipation not be relieved, but it may worsen.

The natural "laxative fruit" hidden around, not bananas, but it ...

There is almost no tannic acid in fully ripe bananas, but its total dietary fiber content is not high, compared to apples, pears, etc., and it is mainly insoluble dietary fiber, and the water-soluble dietary fiber content is less, so it is not an excellent laxative fruit.

The role of the two types of dietary fiber is different:

Insoluble dietary fiber mainly plays the role of constituting the fecal structure;

Soluble dietary fiber can absorb water into the feces, making the feces more hydrated, which is more conducive to excretion.

The natural "laxative fruit" hidden around, not bananas, but it ...

Today I sorted out the "Laxative Food List" for everyone, the food that really helps with bowel movements, many people do not know...

Laxative foods are heavy in the rankings

Fifth place


A large number of live probiotics produced after yogurt fermentation can help regulate the balance of intestinal flora, promote the secretion of digestive juices, and indeed have certain benefits for improving digestion and constipation.

In addition, yogurt is also rich in protein, calcium and other nutrients, which is also very helpful in improving human immunity.

The natural "laxative fruit" hidden around, not bananas, but it ...

Fourth place


Most of the beans have the effect of strengthening the spleen and removing dampness, and the protein content is high, the quality is good, and it is also rich in a variety of other nutrients.

Not only that, edamame, peas, broad beans and other legumes and vegetables are rich in dietary fiber, and also have soluble dietary fiber, which can moisturize feces. So for people with constipation, beans are also an ideal ingredient.

The natural "laxative fruit" hidden around, not bananas, but it ...

Third place


Oats are a good whole grain with the highest levels of protein, vitamins, and minerals. Among the top 10 health foods in the world, oats rank 5th.

Oats contain a special ingredient not found in other whole grains: β-glucan. It is a soluble dietary fiber that promotes the proliferation of probiotics in the gut. So oats are very suitable for people with constipation.

Oats are also the "protein champion" in staple foods, with content 1.6~2.3 times that of rice and wheat. Its amino acid ratio is reasonable, including lysine, which is generally lacking in grains and cereals, and the digestion and absorption rate is high. Therefore, replacing some staple foods with oats can not only make the stool smoother, but also very beneficial to long-term health.

The natural "laxative fruit" hidden around, not bananas, but it ...

Second place

Enoki mushroom

The dietary fiber content in enoki mushroom is 2.7g/100g, which is not only rich, but more importantly, there is a special substance called "chitin". This substance is unobstructed in the shells of crustaceans such as shrimp and crabs, and is neither easy to chew nor digested in the gastrointestinal tract.

Therefore, eating some enoki mushrooms often can promote intestinal peristalsis, prevent constipation, and accelerate the excretion of metabolic waste.

The natural "laxative fruit" hidden around, not bananas, but it ...

1st place


I didn't expect it! The first place in the laxative ranking turned out to be prunes!

Although prunes are called "plums", they are actually "relatives" with plums, and because they are native to Europe, they are also called European plums.

Prunes are high in potassium and low in sodium, rich in vitamin A, vitamin B2, anthocyanins, dietary fiber and other nutrients. However, its laxative effect is not only due to its rich pectin, another substance - sorbitol also helps a lot.

The natural "laxative fruit" hidden around, not bananas, but it ...

According to statistics, the sorbitol content in prunes can reach up to 8.5 grams / 100 grams, which is very high. Sorbitol is a sugar alcohol that is not easily absorbed by the stomach, and it has a high osmotic effect, which can retain water, increase the amount of water in the intestines, soften the stool, and relieve constipation.

Although dragon fruit, kiwi fruit, etc. also have a certain effect on promoting bowel movements, scientists have done a series of comparative experiments and found that these fruits are still prunes with better defecation effects. In Europe and the United States, prunes have also become the only laxative food that can be written into medical advice.

The natural "laxative fruit" hidden around, not bananas, but it ...

Generally speaking, prunes ripen in August ~ October every year, and fresh prunes have a sweet taste and a very good taste. However, the taste period of prunes is short, you can seize the opportunity to go on the market, buy more and go home, and make sugar-free dried prunes, so that you can eat for a long time~

Sugar-free prunes

Blanch the prunes to dry, cut the knife and bake in a baking tray until dry.

The natural "laxative fruit" hidden around, not bananas, but it ...

However, I should remind everyone that prunes have a relatively high sugar content, and although they taste good and are nutritious, they cannot be greedy.

Source: CCTV goes home for dinner

Editor: Wang Yusi

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