
They are all colonies, why are Brazilians mostly mestizo and Argentina all white? The truth subverts cognition

author:Thirteen historical miscellaneous discussions


In South America, the experiences of two countries are strikingly similar, both former European colonies, but vastly different in modern development.

In terms of demographics, Brazil's mestizo population accounts for a large proportion, according to the census, about 43% of the Brazilian population is mestizo.

They are all colonies, why are Brazilians mostly mestizo and Argentina all white? The truth subverts cognition

In Argentina, however, the percentage is minimal. In Argentina today, pure black people are very rare, and less than 3% of people have black genes. So, what exactly causes this phenomenon?


First of all, the Argentine government carried out a premeditated eradication of blacks in the country, Argentina has repeatedly fought wars with neighboring countries after its founding, and the government stipulates that all blacks who go to war can obtain their own hukou. This made many blacks voluntarily become cannon fodder for the government.

They are all colonies, why are Brazilians mostly mestizo and Argentina all white? The truth subverts cognition

In fact, the Argentine government also deliberately restricted the introduction of blacks. In the 18th century, Argentina enacted a law that allowed all black people in Argentina to be free. This forced farmers who were interested in buying blacks to give up. Under the influence of a series of policies, Argentina's black population is getting smaller and smaller.

Brazil is a different story. Because Brazil did not impose restrictions on blacks, European colonists bought a large number of black slaves from Africa, resulting in a growing black population. And many white farmers also had many mixed-race children with blacks.

In addition, some blacks went to the rainforest to intermarry with the Indians, and many mixed offspring were produced.

Later, Brazil discovered various mineral resources, triggering the gold rush. As a result, a large number of Arabs and Asians also began to migrate to Brazil. For example, the Japanese alone have hundreds of thousands. Brazil can be said to represent a melting pot of peoples. So, what kind of country is Brazil?

They are all colonies, why are Brazilians mostly mestizo and Argentina all white? The truth subverts cognition

Brazil's problem

Brazil, a beautiful country, is very rich in resources and minerals. Its biggest problem lies in public security, the sense of national security caused by public security is very low, a person is okay do not wander on the street, if you really do not listen to advice, want to practice courage, then please wear cheap clothes, do not take out mobile phones and cameras, especially SLR.

The probability of being robbed with a camera is almost the same as the probability of a sheep mistakenly entering a wolf's den and being eaten, and nine times out of ten, it is robbery with guns. In São Paulo's slums and rich areas are separated, and even this does not guarantee absolute security in the rich areas.

In the past decade, the number of bulletproof vehicles in Brazil has increased sharply, surpassing Mexico, Colombia and other countries to become the country with the largest number of bulletproof vehicles in the world. These buyers of bulletproof cars are not only celebrities or business executives, but more ordinary people. The mother who picks up the children to school, the nanny who goes to the street to buy vegetables, then, is it safe to buy a bulletproof car?

Not. Driving in Brazil, also remember to lock the door, in a big city like Rio São Paulo, when you encounter a red light on some roads, you will find that many Brazilian locals directly run the red light, why?

Because parking in front of a traffic light will have the risk of being hijacked by robbers, and this risk is exactly the same for locals and tourists, robbers will not see you as a traveler, but politely let you go, speaking of which, maybe you can experience what life is like in Brazil?

São Paulo, Brazil's largest tourist city, has a slightly better security environment than Rio. São Paulo has better security than Rio because of its demographics, which are simpler than Rio's.

Rio, on the other hand, has a long coastal strip demarcated by a road to the beach. The seaside of the road is picturesque, like paradise on earth, while on the other side of the road is already rich and slums, mixed with different races, extreme poverty and excessive luxury, and it is likely that a few steps away can see the flames of war.

They are all colonies, why are Brazilians mostly mestizo and Argentina all white? The truth subverts cognition

Once watched a video of a couple working in Rio, and her boyfriend would text every 15 minutes to confirm her safety,

Private school tuition in Brazil is also expensive, and children in the slums simply cannot afford to pay for it, and although there are public schools available, public schools are basically on strike every third and fifth, and students have a particularly short school period. However, even if the school tries to cultivate the correct values and outlook on life, it will not help. A gun can pull a child into the abyss, and a child in the slum is exposed to guns, ammunition, and marijuana when his outlook on life is fixed. Brazil's gun epidemic is the world's largest number of gun deaths outside the United States, and in 05 the Brazilian government launched a referendum on banning the free sale of firearms, and the result was that nearly 64% of Brazilians voted against the "gun ban", why?

Because the Brazilian people lack confidence in the government to maintain and improve public order, criminals can obtain guns through various channels, and banning guns will deprive ordinary people of the right to buy weapons, thus losing the means of legitimate defense.

Brazil is also relatively safe at grand events, such as the Rio Olympics, because all of Brazil hopes to make a fortune through tourism. Police patrol with guns, gangs stop fighting, focus on drug trafficking, and you'll see drug lords standing in the middle of the carnival, blatantly selling drugs with loudspeakers. Argentina, on the other hand, has no problems at all.

They are all colonies, why are Brazilians mostly mestizo and Argentina all white? The truth subverts cognition


In fact, race does not decisively affect the power of a country's military machine, and what plays a decisive role is all kinds of acquired things, such as education, training, industrial capabilities, etc.

But our ancestors have long said that "if it is not our race, its heart will be different", although there is no difference between good and bad races, there will be problems of identity and different values. Mixed races and mixed races will inevitably lead to confusion in values and confusion in social identity. The result will inevitably lead to a weakness in state management.

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