
South Korea is hotly discussing MSI: After 6 years, South Koreans won the MSI championship again, ruler world number one AD!

author:Yangyang interpretation



这也是‬LPL赛区‬‬第五‬次‬夺得‬MSI冠军,也实现了‬MSI的三连冠‬! knight以‬完美‬表现‬获得‬FMVP! 实至名归‬!

South Korea is hotly discussing MSI: After 6 years, South Koreans won the MSI championship again, ruler world number one AD!

This final also triggered a lot of heated discussions among Korean and European and American audience netizens, let's take a look at what they said?

South Korea is hotly discussing MSI: After 6 years, South Koreans won the MSI championship again, ruler world number one AD!


-ruler to LPL is really good!

This MSI is a complete victory for LPL, everyone adjust it well, I hope not to see the tragedy of 2018 repeated!

-It's fun to see the ruler Grand Slam!

-0.4 championships are LCK's!

-Count the coach, or count 0.5 championships!

-I am proud of the LCK that raised kanavi and Ruler!

- World No. 1 single, world No. 1 wild, world No. 1 single, world No. 1 AD, and missing, goodbye to the world championship!

- Didn't you say the problem of Nishihachi BP? The game is over, and it feels like the LPL's BP tactics have not been used up to win the championship!

South Korea is hotly discussing MSI: After 6 years, South Koreans won the MSI championship again, ruler world number one AD!

-Honestly, I thought Knight was Korean, he was perfect and crazy too!

- Leaving Doran, Chovy's AD (viper, deft, ruler) have all won international competitions!

-It took Ruler a long time to win the championship at LCK, and as soon as he went to the LPL, he won the championship!

-Ruler is really crazy!

-Was Knight criticized by many people before as an international competition for soft-footed shrimp?

-It really cost 20 billion to win the championship! Will Super Squad be weak? Think about whether the money is being spent less?

- 2 Koreans + 3 Chinese> 5 Chinese!

-Ruler confirms the first AD in history!

-Wow, Ruler even got the MSI championship!

-After 6 years, the Korean won the championship on MSI again!

South Korea is hotly discussing MSI: After 6 years, South Koreans won the MSI championship again, ruler world number one AD!



South Korea is hotly discussing MSI: After 6 years, South Koreans won the MSI championship again, ruler world number one AD!

- JDG deserved this victory. They really stand out from the rest of the team! Every player on the team showed a dominant performance. True dominance!

-Bin failed to fulfill his prophecy, but here is my prophecy:

JDG is likely to be the first team to reach a Grand Slam in the same year – the World Championship they are coming, this super team is crazy!

- This is the rumored Knight!

- Just because Knight doesn't have JKL drag anymore!

-JDG is ranked 1-3 in the world in each position, except for missing, which is a bit difficult to say!

- Who dares to say that Knight is a Chinese chovy?

- Perkz: knight is overrated!

Nemesis says doinb doesn't work, and Doinb wins the world championship. Perkz says Knight was overrated and he won the MSI championship!

South Korea is hotly discussing MSI: After 6 years, South Koreans won the MSI championship again, ruler world number one AD!

Now Chovy needs to look at the World Championship and face Knight there. This is destiny!

-369 can be Carry and can also resist stress. He is not conceited at all. He is a tireless warrior and has corrected his problems. He did all the dirty work!

-Knight is the strongest operational type in China's history. He eventually climbed to the top, and he could become the best player in the world this year!

- Ruler wins, and so does GEN! GEN fans are so happy this spring, it's a pity I'm not a GEN fan!

-I really think there is a problem with many FMVP selections, can this FMVP be given to Ruler? It's like when EDG won the championship, FMVP didn't give jiejie!

South Korea is hotly discussing MSI: After 6 years, South Koreans won the MSI championship again, ruler world number one AD!

-Ruler is the GOAT of ADC!

- This is another very bad BO5 after toothpaste was abandoned by JDG!

-Don't worry too much about VN appearing in the MSI finals!

-ELK is hoping that he will not become JKL, but Uzi!

- If he really becomes Uzi, he will perform well!

-VNs are really useless, which is why no one chose it!


FMVP给到‬knight实至名归‬,ELK再次‬被‬ruler给‬压制‬了‬! 中野‬差距‬过于‬明显!

Dear friends, what do you think about the views and remarks of the audience in South Korea, Europe and the United States?

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