
Drink a bowl of it every day and top an old hen! Nourish the spleen and stomach, replenish the deficiency and nourish the body, better than red dates

author:Xiao Wang writes about food

Hello everyone, I am Xiaoli, the summer weather is hot, a little activity will sweat, yang will also be discharged with sweat, resulting in weak yang, plus often eat some raw and cold food, stimulate the spleen and stomach, resulting in increased cold in the body, many female friends often appear in the lower abdomen pain, the body is cold, the whole body has no strength, this is because of the lack of yang, resulting in weakness, this time to eat more ingredients to replenish yang.

Drink a bowl of it every day and top an old hen! Nourish the spleen and stomach, replenish the deficiency and nourish the body, better than red dates

It is recommended that everyone eat more of this bowl in summer, top an old hen, and light and non-greasy, replenish the spleen and stomach, replenish the deficiency and nourish the body, better than red date eggs!


Recommended recipe: Braised pork belly soup

Drink a bowl of it every day and top an old hen! Nourish the spleen and stomach, replenish the deficiency and nourish the body, better than red dates
  1. Fresh pork belly, add a spoonful of flour and a little white vinegar, scrub it by hand, pork belly has high nutritional value, many people also like to eat, after cleaning, turn over, remove the excess fat inside, put the pork belly under cold water pot, add a few pieces of ginger, a little cooking wine, boil over high heat, turn over, boil for three minutes after boiling water can be fished out.
Drink a bowl of it every day and top an old hen! Nourish the spleen and stomach, replenish the deficiency and nourish the body, better than red dates
  1. Let cool and cut in half, cut into thin strips, put into a plate, cut some ginger slices, and set aside the green onion.
Drink a bowl of it every day and top an old hen! Nourish the spleen and stomach, replenish the deficiency and nourish the body, better than red dates
  1. Add a little oil to the casserole, add green onion and ginger to stir-fry for aroma, add pork belly and stir-fry for two minutes after stir-frying, add an appropriate amount of boiling water after stir-frying, be sure to add boiling water, so that the color of the boiled soup is more intense and white.
Drink a bowl of it every day and top an old hen! Nourish the spleen and stomach, replenish the deficiency and nourish the body, better than red dates
  1. Add a few red dates, cover and bring to a boil over high heat, turn to low heat and simmer for an hour, prepare a yam, yam is easier to cook, the last 15 minutes to add it can be, the yam peeled and cut into small pieces, put it in water to soak it to prevent oxidation and blackening.
Drink a bowl of it every day and top an old hen! Nourish the spleen and stomach, replenish the deficiency and nourish the body, better than red dates
  1. After an hour, add the yam, add a small spoonful of table salt, cover and continue to cook for 15 minutes.
Drink a bowl of it every day and top an old hen! Nourish the spleen and stomach, replenish the deficiency and nourish the body, better than red dates
  1. When the time comes, add a little goji berries, chopped green onion, and a little pepper before coming out of the pot, and the delicious and nutritious pork belly soup is ready, the mouth is soft and rotten, the soup is delicious, nourishing and nourishing.
Drink a bowl of it every day and top an old hen! Nourish the spleen and stomach, replenish the deficiency and nourish the body, better than red dates


Gui Yuan is very nutritious, rich in protein, iron, glucose, a variety of vitamins and trace elements, eating Gui Yuan appropriately can replenish qi and nourish blood, delay aging, appetize and nourish the spleen, restore physical strength, etc.

Drink a bowl of it every day and top an old hen! Nourish the spleen and stomach, replenish the deficiency and nourish the body, better than red dates

Recommended recipe: Lotus seed soup

  1. Today I will use lotus seeds and laurel balls to share with you a healthy eating method suitable for all ages, nutritious and delicious, prepare 120 grams of macaroni lotus seeds into a bowl, when buying lotus seeds, you can buy this macaroni lotus seeds, lotus seed core has been removed, add 40 degrees of warm boiled water, clean it, put it in a bowl for later.
Drink a bowl of it every day and top an old hen! Nourish the spleen and stomach, replenish the deficiency and nourish the body, better than red dates
  1. Prepare ten shelled dried cinnamon balls and put them in a bowl, put a spoonful of goji berries in the bowl, wash the goji berries, put the water in the bowl, and add six rock sugars together for later use.
Drink a bowl of it every day and top an old hen! Nourish the spleen and stomach, replenish the deficiency and nourish the body, better than red dates
  1. Add water to the pot and boil, turn off the heat first after the water is boiled, put the lotus seeds and guiyuan in, and turn on the pot under water, so that it is easier to boil the lotus seeds soft, stir evenly, do not turn on the heat first, cover the lid, and soak for ten minutes.
Drink a bowl of it every day and top an old hen! Nourish the spleen and stomach, replenish the deficiency and nourish the body, better than red dates
  1. This can save the heat and temperature in the pot, so that the lotus seeds and laurel balls can quickly absorb water and expand, can save the time of cooking, turn on medium heat and cook for ten minutes, when the time is up, put in rock sugar and goji berries and stir, and then cover and cook for ten minutes.
Drink a bowl of it every day and top an old hen! Nourish the spleen and stomach, replenish the deficiency and nourish the body, better than red dates
  1. Ten minutes later, the lotus seeds have been cooked thoroughly, the rock sugar inside has all melted, the goji berries have also become soft, put the lotus seeds and laurel balls into the bowl, special nutrition and delicious, the laurel balls inside are rich in nutrients, can nourish qi and blood, strengthen the spleen and tonify, calm the mind and help sleep. The taste of lotus seeds is soft and powdery, lotus seeds calm the mind and improve sleep quality.
Drink a bowl of it every day and top an old hen! Nourish the spleen and stomach, replenish the deficiency and nourish the body, better than red dates

Recommended method: Guiyuan lotus seed goji berry porridge

  1. Prepare glutinous rice soaked three hours in advance, you can save time, rinse clean, put cold water into a casserole, add washed cinnamon round meat, lotus seed lilies, and add a few drops of cooking oil, the cooked porridge is more translucent.
Drink a bowl of it every day and top an old hen! Nourish the spleen and stomach, replenish the deficiency and nourish the body, better than red dates
  1. Stir well, bring to a boil over high heat, turn to low heat, cover the pot and cook for 20 minutes, during which it is necessary to stir from time to time to prevent the paste pot, after 30 minutes, boil until the glutinous rice blooms, put in two pieces of brown sugar, stir the goji berries until the brown sugar melts, and the laurel lotus seed goji porridge is ready.
Drink a bowl of it every day and top an old hen! Nourish the spleen and stomach, replenish the deficiency and nourish the body, better than red dates
  1. Laurel and glutinous rice have the effect of strengthening qi and spleen, lotus seeds can go to heart fire, goji berries can nourish the liver, and drinking it regularly has many benefits for the body.

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