
They are the "best" among nuts, a small brain and heart

author:Shangguan News

When it comes to healthy snacks, nuts are definitely on the list.

Many friends who love health care should eat some nuts every day, which can not only satisfy the enjoyment of taste, but also provide a variety of nutrients needed by the human body, protect the heart, strengthen the brain, and anti-aging... The benefits are many.

Here to remind everyone that although nuts are good, they are not suitable for everyone. If you eat wrong, not only will you not be healthy, but you may "heal"!

They are the "best" among nuts, a small brain and heart

01 Walnuts: "The Fruit of the Brain"

They are the "best" among nuts, a small brain and heart

1. Unsaturated fatty acids - regulate blood lipids

The oleic acid and linolenic acid rich in walnuts are unsaturated fatty acids, which are essential nutrients for the human body.

Daily intake of unsaturated fatty acids can help reduce the absorption of cholesterol in the intestine and help reduce the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

2. Phospholipids, DHA - brain tonics

Walnuts are rich in phospholipids, which are an important part of brain tissue and can enhance the brain's memory and thinking ability.

DHA is an important substance that makes up the neuromembranes of the cerebral cortex. It can maintain the integrity of brain cell membranes, and has the effect of promoting brain development and improving memory.

They are the "best" among nuts, a small brain and heart

3. Vitamin E – anti-aging

The antioxidant effect of walnuts is due to the vitamin E they contain.

Free radicals will damage healthy cells in our body, so that the body's immunity, cell activity will decrease, wrinkles and stains will also appear. Vitamin E is a free radical scavenger that can protect cells from oxidative damage caused by free radicals, prolong cell lifespan and slow down aging.

4. Melatonin – helps sleep

Studies have found that walnuts can increase the amount of melatonin secreted by the body by 3 times, which helps improve sleep.

They are the "best" among nuts, a small brain and heart

5. Pyruvate - adjuvant treatment of cholelithiasis

The pyruvate contained in walnut kernels can prevent the binding of mucin to calcium ions and unbound bilirubin, and can dissolve, subside and excrete. Patients with cholelithiasis may wish to eat some walnuts to assist in treatment.

6. Trace elements

Walnut kernels also contain potassium, manganese, chromium and other trace elements that are indispensable for the human body. Potassium can prevent the increase in blood pressure caused by excessive salt intake, and has a more obvious antihypertensive effect on mild hypertension; Manganese can maintain normal glucose metabolism and fat metabolism in the human body; Chromium has the function of promoting glucose utilization, cholesterol metabolism and cardiovascular protection.

They are the "best" among nuts, a small brain and heart

02 Chestnut: "The fruit of the kidney"

Chestnut taste sweet and warm, into the spleen, stomach, kidney meridian, has the benefits of strengthening the spleen and nourishing the stomach, tonifying the kidney and strengthening the waist.

They are the "best" among nuts, a small brain and heart

It has been recorded in the "Compendium of Materia Medica": "Li cures kidney deficiency, waist and leg weakness, can channel kidney and qi, thick stomach also", suitable for kidney deficiency, waist and knee weakness, muscle and bone pain and other people daily consumption.

However, although chestnuts are good, you must master the following 3 points to benefit more:

They are the "best" among nuts, a small brain and heart

1. Origin: there are north and south

The types of chestnuts, according to the origin of the north and south, summarized into a sentence called "southern chestnut tonic kidney, northern chestnut strengthens the spleen" -

The chestnuts produced in the south are large in size and have high starch content, which is suitable for tonifying the kidney; The small chestnuts produced in the north have a high sugar content, which is more conducive to strengthening the spleen.

2. Eating method: there are raw and cooked differences

Cooked chestnut replenishes qi and blood, strengthens the spleen and kidney, and strengthens the body; Raw chestnut is more to relieve back and leg pain, and the Tang Dynasty's "Qianjin Food Treatment" recorded, "raw food, even the treatment of waist and feet".

They are the "best" among nuts, a small brain and heart

3. Choice: 3 types of people should eat less

◎ Chestnut is rich in sugar, eating too much will affect the stability of blood sugar, so diabetic patients should eat cautiously and control the amount;

◎ Chestnut has a high starch content, strong satiety and is not easy to digest, so people with indigestion and loose stools should eat less;

◎ Chestnuts are higher in calories, usually as high as 214 kcal per 100 grams of cooked chestnuts, while the calories of a bowl of rice are only 116 kcal, so people who lose weight should control the amount when eating.

They are the "best" among nuts, a small brain and heart

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