
At the turn of spring and summer, the humidity and heat are heavy, and the bowl is clear and the soup is clear

author:Guangdong Traditional Chinese Medicine
At the turn of spring and summer, the humidity and heat are heavy, and the bowl is clear and the soup is clear

At the turn of spring and summer, the weather in Lingnan is humid and hot, and people are prone to symptoms of humid heat such as sticky mouth, bitter mouth, discomfort in both flanks, yellow urine and red urine. Since dampness is the root cause of many common diseases, removing dampness and heat is also a health preservation point at the turn of spring and summer.

People with wet in the body, the following symptoms are common, you can self-check:

●Look at the tongue: the tongue is fat, there are tooth marks on both sides, and the tongue is thick and greasy.

●Look at the stool: the stool is loose, sticky and unpleasant, and the toilet is difficult to flush.

● Look at the figure: In general, "fat people are wet".

●Look at the mental state: feel that the mind is drowsy, the body is sleepy, as if wrapped in thick clothes, the whole person is lazy, unwilling to move.

●Look at the rash morphology: swelling, erosion, and exudation.

●Look at the itchy area: The moisture is heavy and turbid, which is easy to invade the lower part of the human body. Itching is more common in the scrotum, lower legs, and feet.

If the above situation occurs in the body, it is necessary to pay attention to the dampness.

The humidity is heavy, and these foods should be eaten less or not

01 Foods with high sugar

Chinese medicine says that although it can replenish the spleen and improve qi, it will also help dampness. Sweet foods, foods high in sugar and starchy are not suitable for people with moisture.

02 Raw and cold food

Traditional Chinese medicine says that "cold hurts the spleen", after hurting the spleen, the spleen's mobilization function is weakened, and it is easy to promote the formation of moisture. In addition to cold beer, cold drinks, etc., cold raw vegetables will also be wet, for people with strong yang and strong bodies, eating fruits and vegetables raw will not be affected. But for people who have a weak spleen and stomach, vegetables are best cooked before eating.

03 Fried, greasy food

Although fried and grilled food is delicious, it is relatively greasy and difficult to digest, and eating too much can easily increase the burden on the spleen and stomach and promote the formation of dampness and heat.

04Spicy food

Chili pepper is spicy, has the effect of warming, can make people sweat and dispel dampness to a certain extent, and is very good for removing the evil of cold and dampness, but what must be emphasized here is "moderate amount".

Because, eating too much spicy will produce internal heat, not only can not get rid of moisture, heat and moisture are intertwined, people are prone to illness.

Especially for people who are heavy in humidity and heat, eating chili peppers will not only aggravate moisture, but also cause sore throats, mouth ulcers, etc.

05 Tonic

Although tonic medicine has the effect of replenishing deficiency, there are also various restrictions on its use. Excessive supplementation or random taking of tonic medicine, not only does not allow the tonic to work, but may also destroy the function of the spleen and stomach, but may lead to increased internal dampness.

For example, ejiao, which many people love to eat, belongs to a relatively greasy Chinese medicine, which has a good tonic effect for people with weak qi and blood, but for people who are already heavy in moisture or weak in spleen and stomach, taking ejiao at will may have the disadvantages of nourishing the stomach and getting wet.

Therefore, tonic medicine can not be eaten indiscriminately, according to your own constitution, under the guidance of professional doctors.

At the turn of spring and summer, the humidity and heat are heavy, and the bowl is clear and the soup is clear

These habits can also aggravate moisture in the body

01Not enough sleep

From the perspective of Chinese medicine, not getting enough sleep is a symptom of spleen deficiency. Sleeping well can also make our bodies lighter. It is recommended to go to bed before 11 o'clock every night, and adding some exercise every day will make your sleep quality higher.

02 Less exercise

People who exercise little often have heavy bodies, weak limbs and other manifestations of high moisture. The less you exercise, the more moisture accumulates in your body, and over time, diseases may appear in your body. Appropriate exercise, such as running, walking, swimming, etc., can promote the coordinated operation of body organs and accelerate "moisture removal".

03 always sitting

Sitting for a long time will make people's brain blood supply insufficient, resulting in a decrease in brain oxygen supply and nutrients, aggravating fatigue, insomnia, memory loss, etc., and also causing muscle aches, neck stiffness and headaches, dizziness.

04 No ventilation

Some details of life can also lead to increased moisture in the surrounding environment and body. For example, I like to sit on the floor and play, spend a lot of time in a closed room, etc. It is recommended that everyone usually open the window properly to breathe, especially when the humidity in the room is heavy.

Acupressure to help remove dampness

Yinling Spring Cave

At the turn of spring and summer, the humidity and heat are heavy, and the bowl is clear and the soup is clear

Yinling Spring is located on the inside of the calf, in the depression on the inside of the tibia under the knee, opposite the Yangling Spring Cave.

Efficacy: Yin Ling Spring is the combined point of the foot taiyin and spleen meridian, and often kneaded has the effect of strengthening the spleen, promoting qi and moisture, tongli three jiao, reducing swelling and water.

Zusanli Point

At the turn of spring and summer, the humidity and heat are heavy, and the bowl is clear and the soup is clear

Zusanli is located anterolateral of the calf, 3 inches below the outer knee and one transverse finger from the anterior edge of the tibia.

Efficacy: As the first point to strengthen the spleen and stomach, Zusanli Point has an effect on all digestive diseases. Massaging Zusanli points can enhance disease resistance, regulate the spleen and stomach, relieve wind and dampness, and help correct and dispel evil spirits.

Feng Long Cave

At the turn of spring and summer, the humidity and heat are heavy, and the bowl is clear and the soup is clear

The Feng Long point is located on the outside of the calf, the midpoint between the knee eye and the tip of the outer malleolus, that is, 8 inches above the tip of the outer malleolus, and the distance between the two transverse fingers from the anterior edge of the tibia.

Efficacy: Fenglong Acupoint is the main acupuncture point of clinical "expectorant", which has the effect of removing dampness and polyester phlegm, and can remove turbid dampness with long-term massage in Zusanli.

Anti-dampness medicated diet

"Boiled soup" is a major feature of the Lingnan region and is inseparable from the climate here. At the turn of spring and summer like now, the air humidity is high, the temperature difference between morning and evening is large, and it is easy to get wet and hot and get sick. If you will make some beautiful soup for your family according to the season, it will help your family (especially the elderly and children with weak immunity) to get sick less and pass the change of seasons smoothly.

Pork bone soup

Ingredients: 250 g of pork spine, 50 g of pork porridge.

Method: Wash the above ingredients, add 10 bowls of water and fry until 3 bowls of soup.

Function: Sweet taste, light, flat sex, with moisture and detoxification function. It can be used to treat eczema and eczema, increased vaginal discharge caused by vaginitis, itching, etc., and moderate consumption can also be used as a good nourishment in the wet season of spring and summer.

Suitable for: teenagers, middle-aged, skin eczema itching or female vaginitis patients are preferred.

Hawthorn lentil gizzard soup

Ingredients: 40 grams of hawthorn, 50 grams of fried lentils, 2 pieces of fresh duck gizzard and 2 pieces of duck gizzard, 200 grams of pork, 1/4 tangerine peel, 3 slices of ginger.

Method: wash and soak all medicinal herbs, remove tangerine peel; Fresh duck gizzard is washed and cut open, dirty, can not peel off the duck gold, wash; Soak the duck gizzard in warm water and wash it; Wash the pork moon exhibition. Put it in a clay pot together, add 2500ml of water, boil it for 2 hours, add salt, and the amount is 3~4 people.

Efficacy: Strengthens the spleen and dispels dampness, appetizing and stagnation. Lentils are sweet and warm, is a good medicine for strengthening the spleen and dissolving wetness that blindly replenishes the spleen without being greasy, dehumidifies but not dry, and can be used for fatigue, lack of food and loose stools, and diarrhea caused by spleen deficiency and dampness. Used with hawthorn to strengthen the spleen and remove dampness, eliminate food and appetizing effect.

Suitable people: abdominal distension, loss of appetite, especially suitable for dyslipidemia.

Red adzuki beans and crucian carp winter melon soup

Ingredients: 30g adzuki beans, 100g winter melon, 1 crucian carp, 50g ginger.

Method: Fry crucian carp in a pan until slightly yellow and fragrant on both sides, then add washed adzuki beans, ginger and diced winter melon and add 8 bowls of water and cook until 3 bowls of soup.

Function: adzuki beans are flat, sweet, and can reduce dampness and swelling. In addition to being used in soups, it can also be used to cook rice, porridge or ground into flour to make fillings for various pastries, which is delicious and delicious. This soup has the effect of reducing swelling and moisture.

Suitable for: heavy and weak limbs, especially if you see both lower limbs puffiness.

Huaishan porridge

Ingredients: 30 grams of chia, 60 grams of Huaishan rice, 30 grams of barley, 80 grams of rice to cook porridge.

Method: Wash the above ingredients, add 10 bowls of water and boil until the rice porridge is cooked.

Function: Huaishan can strengthen the spleen and lungs, nourish the stomach and kidney, solidify the kidney and essence, brighten the eyes and ears, help the five internal organs, strengthen the muscles and bones, and also enhance human immunity, calm the mind, calm the cough and asthma, delay aging, and nourish the face. Barley is sweet, light, slightly cold, spleen meridian, stomach meridian, lung meridian; It has the effect of strengthening the spleen and water, removing moisture and paralysis, clearing heat and pus, and clearing humidity and heat. These ingredients are combined with the effect of strengthening qi, spleen and moisture.

Suitable for: the elderly, children see loss of appetite, bloating, frequent nocturia.

Lean stew with five-fingered peach porridge

Ingredients: 100 grams each of five-finger peach root and earthen porridge, 1 pound of lean meat, 5 grams of tangerine peel, a little salt.

Method: Wash the root of the five-fingered peach and the earthen porridge and soak for a while; Wash and cut the lean meat into pieces, scoop it up with water and set aside; Boil water in a soup pot, add all the ingredients after boiling, simmer for 10 minutes, then turn to a simmer for an hour or two, add salt to taste.

Efficacy: Clear heat and dispel dampness, invigorate qi and strengthen the spleen. Five-finger peach is known as "Cantonese ginseng", also known as "Nanqi", its sex is flat, sweet, has the function of strengthening the spleen and lungs, relieving moisture and relieving tendons, and replenishes without stagnation. The combination of poria and five-fingered peach has the effects of removing humidity, stagnation, strengthening the spleen and appetizing. It is suitable for spleen deficiency and swelling, lack of food and weakness. ■

At the turn of spring and summer, the humidity and heat are heavy, and the bowl is clear and the soup is clear

[Source: Yangcheng Evening News, Guangdong Second Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine]

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