
Comprehensive interpretation, nutrition and use of loquat

author:The songs of yesteryear sleep in the old alleys
Comprehensive interpretation, nutrition and use of loquat

Loquat is a nutrient-rich fruit that is mainly produced in southern and southeastern China. Now is the harvest period of loquats, let me briefly introduce you to the treatment of loquats.

Comprehensive interpretation, nutrition and use of loquat

1. The nutritional value of loquat

Loquat is rich in many vitamins and minerals such as vitamin C, dietary fiber, calcium, phosphorus, iron, etc. Among them, the content of vitamin C and dietary fiber is particularly rich, which can meet the needs of the human body for these nutrients.

2. Uses of loquat

Loquats are very versatile, can be eaten raw, made into preserves, jams, etc., and can also be processed into medicine, which is used to treat various diseases. In addition, the branches of loquat can also be used to weave household utensils.

3. How to eat loquat

(1) Raw food: After rinsing the loquat, remove the outer skin, and eat it directly. The flesh of loquat is soft, juicy and sweet.

(2) Make preserves: Pit the loquats, cut them into small pieces or thin slices, put them in sugar water and boil them, and dry them.

(3) Make jam: Pour loquats into a sugar jar, add sugar, lemon juice, etc., and cook slowly over low heat until it is thick.

Comprehensive interpretation, nutrition and use of loquat

4. Medicinal methods of loquat

(1) Loquat leaf decoction or tea is often used to treat colds, coughs, stomach ulcers and other diseases.

(2) Loquat root extract can be used to make ointments, which can be used to treat eczema, skin ulcers and other diseases.

5. How to make loquat compote

The steps to make loquat compote are as follows:

(1) Pit the loquat and cut it into small pieces or slices.

(2) Put the cut loquats into sugar water and cook until the water penetrates the pulp sufficiently and the pulp becomes translucent (it takes about 40 minutes to cook).

(3) Take out the boiled loquats, dry until the moisture evaporates, and air dry until the surface is not sticky.

Comprehensive interpretation, nutrition and use of loquat


(1) When eating loquats, especially immature loquats, they contain some natural toxins that may pose a certain threat to health. Therefore, when eating loquats, you should pay attention to selecting ripe fruits and peeling the skin on the surface of the pulp.

(2) The amount of loquat should not be excessive, so as not to cause diarrhea and other uncomfortable symptoms.

(3) When processing loquats, attention should be paid to the use of clean utensils and the maintenance of cleanliness and hygiene.

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