
The locust flowers in my hometown bloomed #Headline Home Time# Walking in the greenery, among the small trees, a stream of aroma came to the nose, looked up and smelled the fragrance, it turned out to be a locust tree blooming. It's time to eat locust flowers once a year again

author:Umbrella fish 69

The locust blossoms in my hometown bloomed#Headline Home Time#

Walking in the greenery, among the small trees, a stream of aroma comes to the nose, look up and smell the fragrance, it turns out that the locust tree is blooming. It's the season to eat locust flowers once again.

There are many ways to eat locust flowers, especially fresh locust flowers, which can be used to make scrambled eggs with locust flowers, cold sacred locust flowers, steamed vegetables with locust flowers, locust flower dumplings, locust flower beef buns and so on. No matter which way to eat, the locust flower can be perfectly competent, and the taste is very good, gently bite, the unique fragrance, people are intoxicated, which is one of the reasons why the locust flower is very popular with everyone. It is also the most casual food to eat and satisfy your appetite as a child!

The most delicious way to make fresh locust flowers is scrambled eggs with locust flowers.

1. First of all, fresh locust flowers, placed under tap water, repeatedly rinsed, this step can initially remove the impurities and small insects in the locust flowers, and eat more hygienic and healthy.

2. If the locust flower is a flower bone that has not yet opened, there is no need to blanch water, because the locust flower bones are very tender, blanching will only reduce the fragrance of the locust flower, directly put it in light salt water for 10 minutes on it, so that the fried locust flower color is emerald green and the taste is fragrant.

3. After the preliminary treatment of locust flowers is completed, drain the water slightly, then beat 3-4 stupid eggs, add a little edible salt (scrambled eggs with locust flowers only use salt, put any other seasoning will affect the fragrance of locust flowers) and stir well, so that each locust flower can be evenly coated with egg liquid.

4. Heat the wok, put in an appropriate amount of cooking oil, the oil temperature is fifty percent hot, pour in the locust flowers mixed with egg liquid, wait until the bottom is set, start to quickly stir-fry, scatter, just like fried rice, about 3 minutes or so, the scrambled eggs of locust flowers are ready, directly put on the plate, fragrant and delicious.

Although locust flowers are delicious, they should not be eaten more. Because Sophora is a cold food, eating too much will increase the burden on the stomach and cause gastrointestinal discomfort. In addition, when eating locust flowers, you must pay attention to the choice of the origin of locust flowers, now often see many people in the green belt, even on the highway to pick locust flowers, this behavior is particularly dangerous, and these places of locust flowers are likely to contain a lot of pesticide residues, as well as heavy metal pollution, so must not pick, otherwise eat bad body gain is not worth the loss.

Friends, now is the season when a large number of locust flowers are on the market, everyone must remember these little secrets about locust flowers when eating locust flowers, if it is convenient please tell friends around you, to eat locust flowers healthily, although the locust flowers are good, don't be greedy!

The locust flowers in my hometown bloomed #Headline Home Time# Walking in the greenery, among the small trees, a stream of aroma came to the nose, looked up and smelled the fragrance, it turned out to be a locust tree blooming. It's time to eat locust flowers once a year again
The locust flowers in my hometown bloomed #Headline Home Time# Walking in the greenery, among the small trees, a stream of aroma came to the nose, looked up and smelled the fragrance, it turned out to be a locust tree blooming. It's time to eat locust flowers once a year again
The locust flowers in my hometown bloomed #Headline Home Time# Walking in the greenery, among the small trees, a stream of aroma came to the nose, looked up and smelled the fragrance, it turned out to be a locust tree blooming. It's time to eat locust flowers once a year again
The locust flowers in my hometown bloomed #Headline Home Time# Walking in the greenery, among the small trees, a stream of aroma came to the nose, looked up and smelled the fragrance, it turned out to be a locust tree blooming. It's time to eat locust flowers once a year again
The locust flowers in my hometown bloomed #Headline Home Time# Walking in the greenery, among the small trees, a stream of aroma came to the nose, looked up and smelled the fragrance, it turned out to be a locust tree blooming. It's time to eat locust flowers once a year again
The locust flowers in my hometown bloomed #Headline Home Time# Walking in the greenery, among the small trees, a stream of aroma came to the nose, looked up and smelled the fragrance, it turned out to be a locust tree blooming. It's time to eat locust flowers once a year again

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