
Today is Mother's Day, a day to thank mothers. Carnations are seen as flowers dedicated to their mothers, while the Chinese mother flower is daylilies (Figure 2),

author:Grow up with Qingzai

Today is Mother's Day.

It is a holiday to thank mothers.

Carnations are seen as flowers dedicated to their mothers,

The mother flower of China is daylilies (Figure 2),

Also called forget-me-not grass.

The song "Daylilies Flower" also became popular because of "Hello, Li Huanying".

The mother is also known as "Xuantang".

In fact, there is also a flower related to mothers.

It is Lu Binghua (Fig. 3-4-5-6),

Also called lupine.

The song "Lu Binghua" is a household name,

"The stars in the sky do not speak,

The doll on the ground misses her mother,

Night and night remembering my mother's words,

Sparkling tears Lu Binghua".

Foster children know the grace of their parents,

Wish the mother of the world

Happy Holidays and Always Young!

The pictures are all original taken by mobile phones.

Today is Mother's Day, a day to thank mothers. Carnations are seen as flowers dedicated to their mothers, while the Chinese mother flower is daylilies (Figure 2),
Today is Mother's Day, a day to thank mothers. Carnations are seen as flowers dedicated to their mothers, while the Chinese mother flower is daylilies (Figure 2),
Today is Mother's Day, a day to thank mothers. Carnations are seen as flowers dedicated to their mothers, while the Chinese mother flower is daylilies (Figure 2),
Today is Mother's Day, a day to thank mothers. Carnations are seen as flowers dedicated to their mothers, while the Chinese mother flower is daylilies (Figure 2),
Today is Mother's Day, a day to thank mothers. Carnations are seen as flowers dedicated to their mothers, while the Chinese mother flower is daylilies (Figure 2),
Today is Mother's Day, a day to thank mothers. Carnations are seen as flowers dedicated to their mothers, while the Chinese mother flower is daylilies (Figure 2),

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