
Spleen deficiency is strong, hands and feet are cold, can't sleep a prescription, healthy spleen warm, some people, whether the temperature is high or low, when sleeping at night, hands and feet are cold, Chinese medicine said that cold limbs are related to the spleen and stomach. middle

author:Dr. Yang, who loves to talk about the spleen and stomach

The spleen is weak

Cold hands and feet can't sleep

A formula strengthens the spleen and warms up

Some people, whether the temperature is high or low, their hands and feet are cold when they sleep at night, and in Chinese medicine, cold limbs are related to the spleen and stomach. Traditional Chinese medicine talks about the main limbs of the spleen, and if the spleen is deficient, the qi and blood are biochemical, the muscles cannot be nourished, and the yang qi cannot warm the limbs through the blood. In this way, the hands and feet will be cold and warm. But don't worry, Dr. Yang will share a recipe to improve this situation, this recipe is from "Spleen and Stomach Theory" tonic soup. Take astragalus, codonopsis, baiju, licorice, angelica, tangerine peel, cohosh, saihu, ginger, jujube, with 300ml, fry until 150ml. Just take the broth. Among them, astragalus and codonopsis can strengthen the spleen and replenish warmth, biochemical qi and blood, and nourish muscles; Tangerine peel and angelica can regulate qi and dissolve dampness, replenish blood and cool water. Cohosh and chai hu can enhance yang qi, and then use licorice to harmonize the medicines. So as to strengthen the spleen and invigorate qi, enhance yang qi, and warm the limbs. This recipe is suitable for people with a weak spleen and insufficient qi. Dr. Yang reminds that although the prescription is good, it should be used under the doctor's identification, and do not blindly use it yourself. #Popular Science##Traditional Chinese Medicine##脾胃 #

Spleen deficiency is strong, hands and feet are cold, can't sleep a prescription, healthy spleen warm, some people, whether the temperature is high or low, when sleeping at night, hands and feet are cold, Chinese medicine said that cold limbs are related to the spleen and stomach. middle
Spleen deficiency is strong, hands and feet are cold, can't sleep a prescription, healthy spleen warm, some people, whether the temperature is high or low, when sleeping at night, hands and feet are cold, Chinese medicine said that cold limbs are related to the spleen and stomach. middle
Spleen deficiency is strong, hands and feet are cold, can't sleep a prescription, healthy spleen warm, some people, whether the temperature is high or low, when sleeping at night, hands and feet are cold, Chinese medicine said that cold limbs are related to the spleen and stomach. middle

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