
Do you believe that a large resource country with oil and gas and gold can become one of the poorest countries in the world, and the reason for this is because of a small grass, which is strange?

author:Cheng Gekan history

Do you believe that a large resource country sitting on oil, gas and gold can become one of the poorest countries in the world, and the reason is because of a small grass, why did this strange country become a slave of #a grass# a slave of a grass?

What was once a happy place is now mired in a quagmire

Yemen is a Middle Eastern country located on the Arab#Yemen# peninsula, with an area of about 528,000 square kilometers and a population of only 29.8 million.

Bordering Saudi Arabia in the north, Oman in the east, the Red Sea in the west, the Gulf of Aden and the Arabian Sea in the south, and the Mandeb Strait between the southwest corner and Djibouti, the European countries on the north coast of the Mediterranean Sea want to enter the Indian Ocean, the only way is to cross the Red Sea, enter the Arabian Sea through the Bab el-Mandeb Strait, so Yemen's geographical location is crucial, and it is an important maritime communication artery guarding the continent of Asia, Europe and Africa.

Like other countries on the Arabian Peninsula, Yemen is also a resource-based country, its domestic #oil# oil reserves exceed 3 billion barrels, natural gas 17 trillion cubic meters, in addition, Yemen also contains a large amount of gold, according to exploration, Yemen west Hajah province #gold# gold reserves up to 39 million tons, central Hadramau province also has about 670,000 tons of gold, the number of gold deposits is as high as more than 30.

Today, Yemen's main source of economic resources is the sale of minerals, and it is very different from the arid heat of the Middle East, Yemen has abundant rainfall and fertile soil, and in ancient times, it was the only lush and prosperous resort on the Arabian Peninsula, which was called a happy place by the ancient Greeks.

Yemen has a history of more than 3,000 years, and it is also one of the birthplaces of the ancient Alaba civilization, but Yemen with such superior conditions is not as rich as Saudi Arabia, but has become one of the most backward countries in the world, with a domestic GDP of only $20.1 billion, a per capita GDP of only $1,781, fertile land, but even food self-sufficiency can not be achieved, but all this is destroyed in a small grass.

Yemen is deeply affected

#Chatgrass# Chatgrass is also called khacia, is a green plant native to Ethiopia, distributed in the Arabian Peninsula, eastern Africa and other tropical regions, this seemingly ordinary plant, but is an addictive soft drug, chewing can stimulate the human central nervous system, make people into a state of excitement, a large amount of consumption will also produce hallucinogenic effects, but this exhilarating effect can only last for 3 hours, once the time limit passes, the spirit will be tired and depressed, must be taken again to recover.

This kind of soft drug recognized by the United Nations, but everywhere in Yemen's streets and alleys, and almost eighty percent of Yemeni people, are chewing this grass, Chatt grass has almost become a daily necessity for Yemenis, the first thing to get up in the morning is to chew two mouthfuls, according to statistics, Yemeni 15 to 50 years old, the rate of taking Chatt grass is as high as 80%, most of them are men, more than half of the women will dedicate 3-4 hours a day to enjoy Chatt grass, even more than 20% of local children are not spared, Yemenis spend at least 40 per cent of their daily wages on the purchase of chatter.

In order to enjoy this short-term pleasure, Yemen has also paid a terrible price, Yemen is the only agricultural country on the island of Araba, with 145 hectares of arable land, but Yemen is not used for farming, most of it is used to grow Chatgrass, and the local water shortage and more than half of the country's water sources to irrigate Chatgrass, coupled with the perennial civil war between the north and the south, has aggravated Yemen's plight.

In 2018, Yemen's poverty rate was over 43%, and in recent years, Yemen has suffered from severe famine, with half of the country's population struggling to survive through international relief, and even a child dying of starvation every 10 minutes. Even so, it still couldn't stop their crazy sucking of chatter.

Why can't Yemen stop the loss in time

Although the ancient civilization of the past fell here, and the Chatgrass is inseparable, but now Yemen's economic structure has also undergone tremendous changes because of the Chatgrass, although there is still oil in the country, but Yemen does not have pricing power in the oil industry like Saudi Arabia, so the oil exported from Yemen will basically be sold at a low price, and Yemen naturally cannot make a fortune through oil.

Due to the high price of Chatgrass and large sales, many farmers will abandon ordinary crops and turn to the best-selling Chatgrass, which can also make thousands of dollars a year, and the related jobs generated by Chatgrass also feed hundreds of thousands of people.

Under such a vicious circle, Yemen is slowly corroded by this small grass, but Yemen is mired in a quagmire is powerless to stop it, according to relevant experts, in 2025, Yemen's capital Sana'a will lose all fresh water, completely reduced to a waterless capital, and rely on fresh water to grow the chat, or will die, but I don't know what Yemenis will rely on to continue to survive.

Do you believe that a large resource country with oil and gas and gold can become one of the poorest countries in the world, and the reason for this is because of a small grass, which is strange?
Do you believe that a large resource country with oil and gas and gold can become one of the poorest countries in the world, and the reason for this is because of a small grass, which is strange?
Do you believe that a large resource country with oil and gas and gold can become one of the poorest countries in the world, and the reason for this is because of a small grass, which is strange?
Do you believe that a large resource country with oil and gas and gold can become one of the poorest countries in the world, and the reason for this is because of a small grass, which is strange?
Do you believe that a large resource country with oil and gas and gold can become one of the poorest countries in the world, and the reason for this is because of a small grass, which is strange?
Do you believe that a large resource country with oil and gas and gold can become one of the poorest countries in the world, and the reason for this is because of a small grass, which is strange?
Do you believe that a large resource country with oil and gas and gold can become one of the poorest countries in the world, and the reason for this is because of a small grass, which is strange?
Do you believe that a large resource country with oil and gas and gold can become one of the poorest countries in the world, and the reason for this is because of a small grass, which is strange?

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