
#Zhang Songwen's birthday high leaf wishes #Dream back to "Crazy"! "Crazy" husband and wife are dreamily linked again, Zhang Songwen's birthday, "sister-in-law" Gao Ye Fa Bo celebrates his birthday! On May 10, it was Zhang Songwen

author:Cong Cong talks about movies

#Zhang Songwen's birthday high leaf wishes#

Dream back to "Crazy"! "Crazy" husband and wife are dreamily linked again, Zhang Songwen's birthday, "sister-in-law" Gao Ye Fa Bo celebrates his birthday!

May 10 is Zhang Songwen's 47th birthday. On his birthday, he posted a simple Weibo and ate a bowl of simple noodles, which was very simple.

On the same day, Gao Ye sent a blessing on Weibo: "Happy birthday, Brother Songwen, I wish you happiness like the East China Sea, and life is better than Nanshan", and posted a photo of the two. In the photo, the two are dressed in casual clothes, smiling brightly, and very intimate. As soon as the blessing is sent, it is at the top.

Later, Teacher Songwen also replied: "Thank you Da Yezi, and I wish you health and longevity, and always smile." ”

Some netizens laughed and said: "Teacher Gao, the last time I heard such blessings was on my milk's 80th birthday. "

"Crazy" is a phenomenal hit drama, which has gained high ratings and word of mouth, and also made Zhang Songwen and Gao Ye popular stars. And the two are also very good friends outside the play, often interacting on social platforms and supporting each other.

In addition to Gao Ye, Lin Jiachuan, the actor of Tang Xiaolong in the drama "Crazy", also posted a photo with Zhang Songwen in the early morning to send birthday wishes: "Brother Wen, happy birthday!" ”

And Su Xiaoyue, the actor of Gao Qisheng in "Crazy", also posted for Zhang Songwen to celebrate his birthday: Brother, happy birthday!

The gathering of Gao Ye, Zhang Songwen, Tang Xiaolong, and Gao Qisheng makes people dream back to "Crazy"!

And outside the play, they are full of friendship and cherish each other!

#Zhang Songwen's birthday high leaf wishes #Dream back to "Crazy"! "Crazy" husband and wife are dreamily linked again, Zhang Songwen's birthday, "sister-in-law" Gao Ye Fa Bo celebrates his birthday! On May 10, it was Zhang Songwen
#Zhang Songwen's birthday high leaf wishes #Dream back to "Crazy"! "Crazy" husband and wife are dreamily linked again, Zhang Songwen's birthday, "sister-in-law" Gao Ye Fa Bo celebrates his birthday! On May 10, it was Zhang Songwen
#Zhang Songwen's birthday high leaf wishes #Dream back to "Crazy"! "Crazy" husband and wife are dreamily linked again, Zhang Songwen's birthday, "sister-in-law" Gao Ye Fa Bo celebrates his birthday! On May 10, it was Zhang Songwen
#Zhang Songwen's birthday high leaf wishes #Dream back to "Crazy"! "Crazy" husband and wife are dreamily linked again, Zhang Songwen's birthday, "sister-in-law" Gao Ye Fa Bo celebrates his birthday! On May 10, it was Zhang Songwen
#Zhang Songwen's birthday high leaf wishes #Dream back to "Crazy"! "Crazy" husband and wife are dreamily linked again, Zhang Songwen's birthday, "sister-in-law" Gao Ye Fa Bo celebrates his birthday! On May 10, it was Zhang Songwen
#Zhang Songwen's birthday high leaf wishes #Dream back to "Crazy"! "Crazy" husband and wife are dreamily linked again, Zhang Songwen's birthday, "sister-in-law" Gao Ye Fa Bo celebrates his birthday! On May 10, it was Zhang Songwen

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