
Insist on drinking "dried hawthorn" soaked water, and after a while, these changes may occur in the body

author:Dr. Cai said in popular science

Hawthorn is a common fruit, mainly distributed in the central, eastern, southern and southwestern regions of the continent, but also in Europe, North America and other places.

The main edible part of hawthorn is the fruit, whose main components are sugars, organic acids, tannins, vitamins and minerals, etc. Hawthorn is rich in vitamin C, which is 3-5 times that of citrus fruits; At the same time, it also contains a certain amount of calcium, phosphorus, iron, zinc and other minerals, rich in dietary fiber and active ingredients, such as hawthorn acid, rutin, lactones and tannins.

Hawthorn has a variety of ways to eat, can be directly eaten or processed into hawthorn paste, hawthorn cake, hawthorn sugar, hawthorn tea, etc., widely used in diet and health care, medicine and food, beauty and skin care and other fields.

In addition, hawthorn is also considered to have health effects such as preventing cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, lowering blood lipids, and lowering blood pressure, and has become one of the fruits that people always have at home.

Insist on drinking "dried hawthorn" soaked water, and after a while, these changes may occur in the body


Start by understanding the nutritional value of hawthorn

High vitamin content: Hawthorn is rich in a variety of vitamins, such as vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin A and vitamin B, among which the content of vitamin C is the highest, which has an important antioxidant effect and can enhance human immunity.

Rich in minerals: Hawthorn also contains a variety of minerals, such as calcium, iron, zinc, copper, manganese, potassium, etc., which have the effect of helping the body to health.

Rich in organic acids: Hawthorn is rich in organic acids, such as fatty acids, citric acid, tartaric acid, etc., which have the effect of nutrition and health care, help promote appetite, help digestion and regulate gastrointestinal function.

High in dietary fiber: Hawthorn is also rich in dietary fiber, which can promote intestinal peristalsis and help improve intestinal problems such as constipation.

Insist on drinking "dried hawthorn" soaked water, and after a while, these changes may occur in the body

It has the effect of lowering blood lipids and lowering blood pressure: the active ingredients in hawthorn can effectively reduce blood lipids, lower blood pressure, prevent cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, etc., and play an important role in protecting cardiovascular health.


Insist on drinking "dried hawthorn" soaked water, and after a while, these changes may occur in the body

Improve digestion: Hawthorn dried is rich in anthocyanins and tannins, which can stimulate gastric juice secretion, promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, improve indigestion, loss of appetite and other problems.

Hypolipidemic: The polyphenols in hawthorn dry have a significant lipid-lowering effect, help reduce serum total cholesterol, triacylglycerol and LDL cholesterol levels, and prevent cardiovascular diseases such as atherosclerosis.

Antioxidant: The polyphenols in dried hawthorn have a strong antioxidant effect, which can remove free radicals, delay aging, improve immunity, and prevent cancer and other diseases.

Insist on drinking "dried hawthorn" soaked water, and after a while, these changes may occur in the body

Help sleep: Hawthorn contains protein, vitamins, minerals and amino acids, etc., which can soothe the nerves, promote sleep, improve insomnia, anxiety and other problems.


Hawthorn and these ingredients are paired with these ingredients, which can be called a health expert

Goji berries: Hawthorn and goji berries can help improve liver health, brighten eyes, nourish the body, and more.

Honey: Hawthorn and honey can be combined to strengthen resistance, lower blood pressure, etc., and are also more delicious.

Ginger: Hawthorn and ginger can enhance digestion and relieve gastrointestinal discomfort and cold symptoms.

Red dates: The combination of hawthorn and red dates can play a role in replenishing qi and blood, regulating menstruation, and maintaining heart health.

Peppermint leaves: Hawthorn and mint leaves can eliminate bad breath, cool and relieve heat, relieve headaches and muscle pain, etc.

Insist on drinking "dried hawthorn" soaked water, and after a while, these changes may occur in the body


Although hawthorn dry soaking water is good, these 4 types of people are not suitable for drinking

People suffering from gastrointestinal diseases such as hyperacidity, stomach disease, ulcers, and gastric bleeding, because the organic acids in hawthorn dry soaked water will stimulate gastric acid secretion and aggravate the condition.

People with low blood pressure or low blood sugar, because hawthorn dry soaked water has a blood pressure lowering and blood sugar lowering effect, may cause a further drop in blood pressure and blood sugar.

Pregnant and breastfeeding women, as too much dry soaking of hawthorn may affect the fetus and baby.

People with allergies or hawthorn allergies, because dry sparkling water from hawthorn may cause allergy symptoms.

Insist on drinking "dried hawthorn" soaked water, and after a while, these changes may occur in the body


What ingredients can't hawthorn go with?

Eat with tea: After combining the tannic acid in tea and the organic acid in hawthorn, it is easy to produce insoluble compounds that are not easily absorbed by the human body, affecting the body's absorption.

Eat with acidic fruits: Acidic fruits contain a lot of fruit acids and vitamin C, and eating with hawthorn may increase gastrointestinal irritation, leading to gastrointestinal discomfort.

Eat with persimmons: Persimmons contain a lot of tannic acid, and eating with hawthorn can cause gastrointestinal discomfort.

Eat with shellfish: Eating with shellfish can cause diarrhea, vomiting and other discomfort.

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