
Can Bhutan break free from India's shackles? Will it follow the old path of Sikkim?

author:Wan Xiaoxiao said
Can Bhutan break free from India's shackles? Will it follow the old path of Sikkim?

Bhutan, India's satellite country, wants to get rid of India's shackles not for a day or two, but can it get rid of India's shackles? Will it follow the old path of Sikkim and be directly annexed by India? It depends on China's attitude.

Can Bhutan break free from India's shackles? Will it follow the old path of Sikkim?

Bhutan is now a constitutional monarchy, but his cabinet and army are basically controlled by India, and the king of Bhutan has tried to reclaim Bhutan's military power, personally commanding the fight against terrorists with troops, nominally recovering part of the military power, but it has aroused India's vigilance, and even led India to further strengthen its control over Bhutan.

Can Bhutan break free from India's shackles? Will it follow the old path of Sikkim?

Now Bhutan is still thinking about how to take back its military power, why should the king of Bhutan want to disband the current army and turn people with Bhutanese nationality into militias? The purpose is to get the Indian officers out of the army and then take back military power. But this matter has been opposed by India, so it has not been successful.

Can Bhutan break free from India's shackles? Will it follow the old path of Sikkim?

Now Bhutan wants to make a breakthrough in diplomacy and is actively moving closer to China, hoping to seek its true independence through China's strength. Why do you say that? Because Bhutan's diplomacy has never been independent, but controlled by India, in the cooperation treaty signed between India and Bhutan, there is a clear provision that Bhutan's diplomacy is guided by India, and the so-called guidance is India's final say! If Bhutan can take this step, then Bhutan's true independence is a step further. So can his strategy succeed? This depends on Bhutan itself, and of course it is inseparable from China's attitude!

Can Bhutan break free from India's shackles? Will it follow the old path of Sikkim?

It is perfectly okay for Bhutan to actively move closer to China, and then China to cater to it; But if China woos Bhutan, this will have many bad chain reactions, which will prick India's nerves, which is obviously not conducive to China's peaceful development. However, Sudan is moving closer to China, and if India wants to send troops to annex Bhutan, China must also make clear its attitude, and from a moral standpoint, it is not impossible to allow India to send troops to Bhutan, or to aid Bhutan militarily. But Bhutan must not be as stupid as Sikkim is, standing on the wrong side and following the wrong big country.

Can Bhutan break free from India's shackles? Will it follow the old path of Sikkim?

At that time, Sikkim was annexed by India, on the one hand, because Sikkim was too hasty, and on the other hand, because it followed the wrong power. I thought that if I married an American daughter-in-law, I would get the support of the United States, and then make big news in the world, but I was directly sold by the United States, and I couldn't compete with India, and this kind of stupid commotion directly lost me, from a country to an Indian state.

Can Bhutan break free from India's shackles? Will it follow the old path of Sikkim?

With lessons from the past, Bhutan's true independence should be cautious, this matter cannot be urgent, and we cannot stand on the wrong side! Otherwise, if you are not careful, it is very likely that the country is gone! After all, India is not a small country, its strength and influence are there!

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