
This morning, I passed by the sidewalk next to the gate of the community. In the shallow grass, I found a small animal that looked a bit like a gecko. Say it's like a gecko,

author:Lee Yong Ming of Yuzan

[Please see what kind of elf this is]

This morning, I passed the sidewalk next to the gate of the complex. In the shallow grass, I found a small animal that looked a bit like a gecko.

It is said that it resembles a gecko, it is like a head and body parts, and it is not certain whether it is a gecko, because its tail is thick to thin, very slender.

I thought, if it's a gecko, it's probably a breed of gecko.

Geckos feed on mosquitoes, flies, moths and spiders, and are beneficial and harmless animals.

Geckos are listed on the IUCN 2013 Red List of Threatened Species ver3.1 – Near Threatened. It is included in the Red List of Biodiversity of China - Vertebrate Volume, and the assessment level is vulnerable.

If you see it, be kind to it.

Excuse me, have you ever seen such a pokemon? Is it a gecko?

This morning, I passed by the sidewalk next to the gate of the community. In the shallow grass, I found a small animal that looked a bit like a gecko. Say it's like a gecko,
This morning, I passed by the sidewalk next to the gate of the community. In the shallow grass, I found a small animal that looked a bit like a gecko. Say it's like a gecko,
This morning, I passed by the sidewalk next to the gate of the community. In the shallow grass, I found a small animal that looked a bit like a gecko. Say it's like a gecko,

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