
#Spring blossoms are waiting for you to appreciate#Have you seen it? This plant that looks like it has curled or permed its hair is called changeleaf wood. Variable leaf wood (scientific name: Codiaeumvariega

author:Living in Canada

#Spring blossoms are waiting for you to appreciate# Have you seen it? This plant that looks like it has curled or permed its hair is called changeleaf wood.

Codiaeum variegatum, also known as Ficus aureus, is an evergreen shrub. It is native to tropical regions such as Peninsular Malaysia, South Sea Islands, Java, and Australia.

Photographed at the West Palm Beach Tropical Botanical Garden, USA. #从今天起记录我的2023 #

#Spring blossoms are waiting for you to appreciate#Have you seen it? This plant that looks like it has curled or permed its hair is called changeleaf wood. Variable leaf wood (scientific name: Codiaeumvariega
#Spring blossoms are waiting for you to appreciate#Have you seen it? This plant that looks like it has curled or permed its hair is called changeleaf wood. Variable leaf wood (scientific name: Codiaeumvariega
#Spring blossoms are waiting for you to appreciate#Have you seen it? This plant that looks like it has curled or permed its hair is called changeleaf wood. Variable leaf wood (scientific name: Codiaeumvariega

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