
The bride's first wedding room was actually arranged as a spiritual hall, and terrible things happened. Remembering Xiaolan, tap the title on the screen. The bride lifted her hood and was almost frightened by the scene in front of her to see the marriage

author:Remembering the Blue 4E9K

The bride's first wedding room was actually arranged as a spiritual hall, and terrible things happened. Remembering Xiaolan, tap the title on the screen. The bride lifted her hood, almost frightened by the scene in front of her, and saw that the wedding room was half red. Is this a marriage or a funeral? The bride was curious to find out, but was frightened by a spirit tablet. Because the name on this ranking is impressive, her groom finally appears. But the strange thing is that the groom is expressionless, holding a birdcage in his hand, strange to say, every time a man gets married, the bird she raised will speak, return my heart to me, Starling actually wants the master to return the heart. Faced with such a strange wedding, the bride felt that something was wrong, but unfortunately was caught back by the groom.

Then the groom took out a machete and gestured to dig the bride's heart. What the hell is going on here? The bride struggled desperately, but in the end, she could not escape the sadness of the jade death, and the daughter-in-law who had dug his heart was killed. The man laughed strangely. Then the terrible scene happened again. The next day, Minfugui asked the village chief to do it, and all his geese were overnight, and it was the groom Chen Xiucai who beheaded all his geese. At this time, the initiator was in front of a grave. At this time, in the sky, the strange starling spoke again and returned my heart. The man seemed to be very obedient and ate a heart that was about to be cooked. And this is already the second bride's heart he ate. When the father heard that his daughter-in-law died in the cave room at night, he couldn't wait to slap his son to death. I think that he is a master in the county, but he only gave birth to such a strange thing. I don't know why, my son has always suffered from angina recently, and even famous doctors can't check what it is, so I can't help but question how my son's bride died. Dong Million snot and tearful threats, it turned out that a high-ranking person told him that as long as he ate three hearts, his angina would be completely cured, otherwise he would die in the future. This is the reason why he kills and digs his heart. Old Man Chen's lungs were about to explode. But on second thought, this matter must not be spread. But he never expected that the next day, the villager Fugui would run to the county office to complain to the official, saying that Chen Million not only killed dozens of his own geese, but also screwed his head off, Rao is a knowledgeable master, and was also taken aback by his son's actions, his son is too evil door. Fortunately, the county master trusted him a hundred times, and he was fooled in a few words. Wang Fugui not only did not ask for money, but was beaten 20 big boards. I thought this was hidden, but strange things happened again. On this day, Chen Million was surprised to find that this starling raised was a little wrong and returned my heart to me. The voice that spoke changed from a man to a man, but he didn't think much about it, and he cried and cried into the birdcage, inexplicably saying that he must resurrect you.

What secrets are East Million hiding? In order to hide the death of the bride, the proprietor really announced that the bride went home to visit relatives, but on this day, an uninvited guest asked Chen Million for help, and the woman turned out to be the bride Qin Meiman.

It turned out that when she became a family that day, the maid was stopped by the housekeeper of Chen Mansion and did not let her in, and finally lived on the street, but she was caught in a brothel, but it happened that the first time she accompanied the guest, she met Chen Million. This is over, Chen Million suddenly felt that something was wrong. Sure enough, as soon as the maid entered the Chen Mansion, the strange things filmed began to be sent one after another, returning my heart to me. Xiao Xin didn't know why, but Young Master Chen said that the reason why this starling said this sentence was because one of his friends taught it, but as soon as the words fell, the starling began to attack Xiao Xin. It's so evil. Fortunately, the family members arrived in time to recapture the strange bird in the cage. Xiao Xin didn't think much about it, but at night, something more terrifying happened.

The bride's first wedding room was actually arranged as a spiritual hall, and terrible things happened. Remembering Xiaolan, tap the title on the screen. The bride lifted her hood and was almost frightened by the scene in front of her to see the marriage
The bride's first wedding room was actually arranged as a spiritual hall, and terrible things happened. Remembering Xiaolan, tap the title on the screen. The bride lifted her hood and was almost frightened by the scene in front of her to see the marriage
The bride's first wedding room was actually arranged as a spiritual hall, and terrible things happened. Remembering Xiaolan, tap the title on the screen. The bride lifted her hood and was almost frightened by the scene in front of her to see the marriage
The bride's first wedding room was actually arranged as a spiritual hall, and terrible things happened. Remembering Xiaolan, tap the title on the screen. The bride lifted her hood and was almost frightened by the scene in front of her to see the marriage
The bride's first wedding room was actually arranged as a spiritual hall, and terrible things happened. Remembering Xiaolan, tap the title on the screen. The bride lifted her hood and was almost frightened by the scene in front of her to see the marriage
The bride's first wedding room was actually arranged as a spiritual hall, and terrible things happened. Remembering Xiaolan, tap the title on the screen. The bride lifted her hood and was almost frightened by the scene in front of her to see the marriage
The bride's first wedding room was actually arranged as a spiritual hall, and terrible things happened. Remembering Xiaolan, tap the title on the screen. The bride lifted her hood and was almost frightened by the scene in front of her to see the marriage

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