
"Longing for Life" Season 7: The hard concave feelings are too embarrassing, and people look indifferent to watch

The types of domestic variety shows are quite rich, there are reality show types of "Extreme Challenge", "Let's Run", there are competitive "Sister Lang", "Phi Ge", there are decryption "Escape Room", "Star Detective", in short, domestic variety shows have a wide range of choices in types, and the audience is often easy to pick.

"Longing for Life" Season 7: The hard concave feelings are too embarrassing, and people look indifferent to watch

However, there are always a few shows that are full of influence, lasting several seasons, and the popularity is still good. The ceiling of the slow variety show "Longing for Life" series is a typical one.

"Longing for Life" Season 7: The hard concave feelings are too embarrassing, and people look indifferent to watch

However, it is a pity that the world's banquet, the audience finally waited for the "Longing for Life 7" to be launched, but was told that this will be the last season planned by the program team.

It is precisely because of this that the content of this episode of the program makes many viewers love and hate.

"Longing for Life" Season 7: The hard concave feelings are too embarrassing, and people look indifferent to watch

The show has new highlights, setbacks are constant, and there is that flavor

The "Longing for Life" series has always focused on slow pace, but the slow pace in the early days is reflected in the slow time in the countryside, but the slow pace of the previous seasons is reflected in the comfortable and comfortable modern life.

The range hoods and high-end home appliances that appear in the show make the people in the show more comfortable, but the content is becoming more and more boring.

However, as soon as "Longing for Life 7" was launched, it made it difficult for the guests.

"Longing for Life" Season 7: The hard concave feelings are too embarrassing, and people look indifferent to watch

This time the mushroom house is shabby compared to previous seasons, the kitchen door is leaking, the roof tiles are sparse, the entrance door is the bed and wardrobe, and even the partition has to be done by yourself.

The worst thing is that in the past, there were young people who helped to work before and after. But this year, only He Jiong and Huang Lei shared household chores, and He Jiong was tormented by myopia and old tricks, so he had to squint his eyes and thread needles.

"Longing for Life" Season 7: The hard concave feelings are too embarrassing, and people look indifferent to watch

And Huang Lei, who goes out with a medicine pocket, is more than half a hundred years old, and he still has to climb up and down, pouting his ass and repairing tiles on the roof.

"Longing for Life" Season 7: The hard concave feelings are too embarrassing, and people look indifferent to watch

In the picture where He Jiong and Huang Lei work harder and more sad, the audience finally sees the simple and slow life that "Longing for Life" is still lost. It can be seen that "Longing for Life 7" is really seriously thinking about the shortcomings of the show and trying to make the last season the effect of the first season.

It's just that there are new highlights, contradictions and setbacks are in place, but the content of the first issue still can't get rid of the embarrassment of hard concave feelings.

"Longing for Life" Season 7: The hard concave feelings are too embarrassing, and people look indifferent to watch

Thousands of miles away, visiting Ban Yixing and Zifeng, deliberately sensationalizing, and exerting too much force

As a show that lasted for 7 seasons, the audience actually has feelings for longing for a big family. But even so, it is obviously redundant to set aside two hours of time for a program to allow two teachers who are more than 100 years old to drive thousands of miles to visit the class.

In the show, Teacher He and Teacher Huang have become old fathers who stay at home, and every plot trend of the show is to enhance the loneliness of the elderly when the children grow up.

"Longing for Life" Season 7: The hard concave feelings are too embarrassing, and people look indifferent to watch

But the problem is that although "Longing for Life" is facing the direction of the finale, He Jiong, Huang Lei, Zhang Yixing, Zhang Zifeng, and Peng Yuchang have always been close friends.

Is it really necessary to maintain the relationship that can be solved by a meal on weekdays, and turn it into the visual feeling of "never seeing each other again in this life" after the end of the show?

"Longing for Life" Season 7: The hard concave feelings are too embarrassing, and people look indifferent to watch

Moreover, the first program is mainly based on "visiting the class", at least a few days in advance to contact Zhang Yixing and Zhang Zifeng to make some time arrangements.

He poured well, most of the variety show was arranged for Teacher He and Teacher Huang to chat on the road, one of the two people drove, the other sat in the co-pilot to chat, the chat content was extremely boring.

Calculating the time, the two drove for more than 11 hours, and after several twists and turns, they finally got to the place, and they couldn't contact anyone.

"Longing for Life" Season 7: The hard concave feelings are too embarrassing, and people look indifferent to watch

Immediately after that, he began to take the sensational route, spending a lot of shots on showing the bitter scene of the two "old men" in the hotel lobby, on the side of the road at night, waiting for Yixing and Zifeng to reply with sad faces.

"Longing for Life" Season 7: The hard concave feelings are too embarrassing, and people look indifferent to watch

At first glance, it is indeed sensational, think carefully, why did you go earlier? The show has done the planning of the first issue, and I don't know to notify the artist in advance, this deliberately sensational script is simply not too outrageous.

"Longing for Life" Season 7: The hard concave feelings are too embarrassing, and people look indifferent to watch

Even netizens can't help but complain that "the mood of parting is being rendered everywhere", "why deliberately sensationalize and make another whole season", "Although there is reluctance to the end, it does not prevent it from continuing to be boring and deliberately and advertising all over the world".

Obviously, although "Longing for Life 7" focuses on the last season, its hard and concave content still makes people look indifferent.

"Longing for Life" Season 7: The hard concave feelings are too embarrassing, and people look indifferent to watch

It's true, but it's okay to stop it quickly

No matter how low the reputation of "Longing for Life" is, there are always audiences who are willing to pay for the work. If it weren't for Zhang Zifeng, Zhang Yixing, and Peng Yuchang being too busy, in fact, "Longing for Life" would continue to be filmed.

This point was made clear when Huang Lei and them visited Zhang Zifeng. Huang Lei said bluntly: "Because the three of you are busy filming, then if it is the two of us to record, it is not particularly interesting." The original version is not in order, and "Longing for Life" actually loses the most interesting point that worries the audience.

"Longing for Life" Season 7: The hard concave feelings are too embarrassing, and people look indifferent to watch

However, regardless of the lineup problem, "Longing for Life" has indeed reached the point where it needs to press the pause button.

The character is single, unchanged, the content of the program is solidified, the guests are chaotic, and the content is uninteresting. Looking back at the performance of each season of "Longing for Life", it can be said that it is getting worse and worse year by year.

When it came to "Longing for Life 6", the Douban score even fell directly below the passing line, full of bad reviews and persuaded everyone.

"Longing for Life" Season 7: The hard concave feelings are too embarrassing, and people look indifferent to watch

Even if "Longing for Life 7" allows the audience to see a little shadow of the past, but the obvious traces of sensationalism, the boring content of the show still makes people reconfirm that "Longing for Life" will never return to the level of the first season.

"Longing for Life" Season 7: The hard concave feelings are too embarrassing, and people look indifferent to watch

One of the big reasons is that the audience is outside the play, but the main creator is in the play. They live happily and pampered, and spend a few months a year in a modern mushroom house to feel the hardships of ordinary people. What is even more ridiculous is that their hard work and complaining hard life is not even one-tenth of the life of ordinary people.

"Longing for Life" Season 7: The hard concave feelings are too embarrassing, and people look indifferent to watch

In "Longing for Life", the audience never saw the pyrotechnics they wanted to see, even if it was a problem deliberately created by the program team, it seemed so perfunctory.

The main creators play hard work and fatigue in the play, and they can pay the bills in the program group while they are sprinkling and rolling. And the audience outside the play can not empathize at all, and even feel that they are fussing and moaning without pain.

"Longing for Life" Season 7: The hard concave feelings are too embarrassing, and people look indifferent to watch

Of course, as the last season, the achievements of "Longing for Life" are enough for the program team to eat the old book. Compared with those who drag the old book before and don't admit it, season after season is an ace variety show that doesn't stop.

"Longing for Life" Season 7: The hard concave feelings are too embarrassing, and people look indifferent to watch

"Longing for Life" did not choose death throes, but chose to say goodbye to the audience decently, which is also a cool and brave thing.

Finally, what do you think of the first episode of "Longing for Life 7"? Is it acceptable that "Longing for Life" is fully over? Join the discussion in the comments section.

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